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Would you date someone who was overweight?

Please be nice in your response.

I think for me it is a difficult question. I am overweight but active, and try to have a full life. I have dated men who were from all body shapes based on their ability to get out and do things. I don't think I have a preference, it's much more about what they do and who they are instead of them being thick, thin or inbetween.

Akfishlady 8 Mar 5

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48 comments (26 - 48)

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I don’t care about someone’s body shape.

Livia Level 6 Mar 5, 2018

I prefer it. I like the teddy bear type.


Funny, ever since doing biology and nutrition, many people are overweight and don't even know it.

If You judge by BMI, most of us are.

@Kojaksmom exactly


I don't care if a man is slightly overweight as long as he is doing something about it, like exercise or diet.


I like "bigger" (seems like there is no pc way to say it) women.


This is the third post I've seen on being overweight and dating this week, wassup?

IMO it's wrong to lambaste people for what they're attracted to and yeah it's wrong to lambaste people for being fat, skinny,'s their fucking life and mostly none of your business!

I'm an athletic middle-aged guy who also NEEDS intellectual stimulus, lol throw in financially not stupid, mostly sane children....well I'll die a bachelor 🙂

I've found a lot who say they work out, but can't handle a brisk 5 mile walk, just like many who say they're on a diet rarely turn down that 2nd dessert. Honesty and especially SELF-honesty are good things in relationships.

Having stuff which will annoy or out-right piss off people, I've dated two "heavy" women who were athletic. Both women's doctors told them to lose weight for health but neither was morbidly obese either. Both did 15 mile hikes and turned me on with their brains as much as their boobies.Since we can wear boobies stuff now, that should be a motto for something, Turned on by brains as much as boobies??? Boobies and brains required....I dunno, I'm not in advertising.

lol my attention to detail has never been great 🙂 just popped up on my notifications for some reason.


Yes. I prefer a man with a little meat on his bones compared to someone under weight. Also as long as they eat healthy food and take care of themself. Weight does not bother me.


I like people based on who they are on the inside. However, I am attracted to curvey women and muscular men.


If I found him/her attractive and I felt a connection, yes. Still, I don't usually feel that way about obese or borderline people. It's not an active refusal to date them. I just don't go for people I have no physical attraction to.


If my fingertips don't meet when I hug them, then I draw the line.



Well for me it is really about the person. while I do have a type, well several, it still has a lot to do with the person. brief aside:m I was dating a woman in college and we were talking about marriage and family and it didn't work out. I told her that if we get into later life and find ourselves alone, to look the other up. circumstances changed, we started seeing each other and then got married. she had gained a lot of weight from college when she weighed104. but I knew that she was still the same person, and that we had got along well. alas in the end we split up, but not over weight. it is about the "who" that in the person that really matters. thanks sorry for the length.


Depends on how you define overweight. A little chubby, yes. Morbidly obese, no.


As long as they were active and eat healthy. Attraction is a funny thing sometimes it just hits you without rhyme or reason and sometimes you just can’t explain it.


I would not find someone who is morbidly obese attractive. If she was a little overweight....damn... I feel a little shallow now...

Nuke Level 5 Mar 5, 2018

Why feel shallow, we are driven by impulses, if it's not your thing, move on. Plenty of men like plus size women, so no worries, we aren't lacking, and you can't help what attracts you.


I am fat. I am not active aside from taekwando twice a week (cut me slack that is A LOT of work)

I am losing weight really well, but I even when I weighed 98lbs I struggled with my health. Since my disorder took most of my life, for a long, long time I gave caring.

Still, I don't really care about my weight, but I am trying to make better choices, and I am losing weight.

Will losing it all make me feel better? No, but it'll help. Will I be able to be more active? Probably not.

I'm not going to dwell on it.

However I, a giant jiggly hypocrite, don't mind weight on my partner as long as they aren't 'my 600 lb life' because even disabled and sedentary and eating mcdonalds every day (it was a dark time) I didn't get THAT bad....


I'm 60 years old. ive never had the perfect body! and I have less than that now. So the old saying is people who live in glass houses......... I to find attractive things about everyone, especially people who have good inside tend to radiate that. I think that it is important to do the best with what we have. Take care of yourself be clean and smile.


I have in the past-however good health is more important if you want long life.

I worry about several friends who are overweight-they are diabetic, have heart failure. smoke tobacco/and or vapor devices andhave multiple health issues that affect their daily lives.


No, flabby, overweight bodies don't attract me in the least.


As someone who looks like Shrek I would like to say my personality carries the day and I would hope they would feel the same way


I know you posted this awhile ago but I needed to think this through. This can be a threatening subject. I look at excessive body fat on someone else the same way I look at it on myself. When I let myself get too fat it's usually because something is wrong with my life. Too much drama, stress, physical ailments etc. and those issues make it harder to take care of myself. When I am able to work through those issues I am quickly able to get back in shape and lose the fat. So if I see someone else with excessive body fat I think the same way about them as I do about me. I do not expect women to always be in model or an athlete's condition but if I see an excessively fat woman I would assume she's got some issues just as when I would look into the mirror, see excessive body fat on me and know I'm this fat because I'm going through some shit. I would be more cautious around an excessively fat woman because I would believe it more likely she's going through something. Doesn't mean I wouldn't find her attractive or want to go out with her but it would make me wonder about her life or even her mental state. I hope this fits with what you were asking for.

@Akfishlady I definitely agree with everything you just said. I hope it doesn't sound like I think I'm better or less fucked up than any one else. As I said where someone is at physically is important information to pay attention to but it is not a disqualifier for attractiveness. Thanks for the intelligent response. Peace.

@CrazyQuilter Excellent point!


I have standards. They are just not very high standards, so my answer is yes. Also I am only 5 foot 7 and weigh about 85 kg, so I ain't exactly the thinnest person you are ever gonna meet either


It's a personal thing. It's about your personal prejudices and opinions on overweight people and what it means to be overweight. I'm overweight and have the personal issue of often feeling disgusted when I see myself or other overweight people. I'm not happy how I am, though I battle constantly to change my health. I'm strong but not lean, healthier than most but not healthy enough to stop my health problems, and mentally stable but not enough to break my addiction to sugar yet. I know I am worthy of love now and therefore so would an overweight man be worthy of love from me, but because of my personal issues with weight it wouldn't be fair to my partner and it would sour a potentially fruitful relationship. I would look at him and quietly think poorly of him, think that he is sweaty or not trying hard enough or too indulgent with precious food resources, etc.. To me being overweight means being depressed, stubborn, lazy, sweaty, overindulgent, dangerously sedentary, and wasteful. Those things are not facts, but they are the bad things I think because I have personal negative opinions of overweight people. On the same coin I realize that being overweight is a temporary state and is not an easy thing to conquer in American society. Dating an overweight person is like dating any person with a mild but unhealthy addiction (not like hard addictions of course, but like the moderate ones that impact but don't truly disrupt your life). I obviously have some harsh rocky views on that one, but I also feel negatively about very skinny intentionally weak people. I want to be lean and healthy, and I want to find a partner who wants those things too. If he were already interested and invested in pursuing that healthful goal I would date him as he is, because his determination would cancel out my negative opinions of his weight. That's just my POV, coming from a person who has been overweight since childhood and literally fed the wrong ideas about health and beauty for two decades. I recognize my views do not represent what is psychologically healthy and moral, because I know people have value and are worthy of love regardless of their size, but nonetheless that is my personal view.

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