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Would you accept a job or position within a company that was built around religious beliefs?

Places like Salvation Army. Or hospitals that are named after saints. In my area there is a major hospital that is based around a religion and even asks about it on the application. I wasn't comfortable enough to apply. So I was curious how others feel.

valerina 7 Mar 6

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76 comments (51 - 75)

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I know that I couldn't...I was envolved with a group of artist who were Religious and I had to leave, because I could not create a thing! In fact, I kept feeling ill!

Wow I bet! It can be very draining having to perform under such conditions!


Sounds like to me they are more interested in the good ole boy attitude. Your religious preferance than your job skills.

I can see your point. I wish I could remember the exact application questioning, but is was more than just asking about my beliefs.


I'm saying no here, but if I'm being honest, IF I was in a situation where this was my only opportunity, I would have to consider it. I don't foresee that situation coming to pass. A related question here would be "Would you patronize a business that makes no secret of their faith (Hobby Lobby, Chick fil a)?" I like to say no to this question, but again, I have broken this "rule" many times. There is a local ice cream place (local to my area with several locations) called Leatherby's. This is a family owned "chain" of restaurants. Their food is no good, but their ice cream is unbelievable. They almost always have a line out the door and are open late. They are politically active too, sadly. I regret to admit I have patronized pretty much all of the businesses I should be boycotting because of their politico-religious activism. I'm weak. But their ice cream is SO GOOD.

Walmart is another one. Not for faith-based reasons, they are just a scummy company with a horrible track record as a "great place to work." I shop at Target instead.

It's difficult to know which companies stand for or against what, unless they've managed to get in the news or you've done your research.
I have boycotted Wal-Mart for several years because of the same reason. My mother worked for them for over 20 years and though they were good at first, it turned bad. They were awful to her. I cannot support that.

@valerina Walmart has a horrible "human resource" track record. They are the focus of numerous class action employee lawsuits, I believe and known for contributing to the glass ceiling, limiting women. Terrible company and I'm sure Sam Walton would be ashamed.

@IAMGROOT absolutely! My mom had a heart attack while working there. Turns out 6 other people were also out from a heart attack at the same time. Coincidence?


Dig it. I took a job a few years ago and I was so excited to start because the people I met during my three interviews were so nice. As time went on I started to feel uncomfortable with how happy everyone was about everything all the time (like how at Chick Fi Let everything is such a goddamn pleasure for the employees lol). So I started paying more attention to the other employees and supervisors (to the point of distraction really). Turns out they were having prayer meetings twice a day and all belonged to a big church that preached Joel Osteen-esque sermons about how loving Jesus could make you rich. Eventually, even though it was great money I had to leave. It felt creepy.

Twice a day? That sounds almost like a cult!

That does sound creepy! Don't drink the punch haha


Absolutely Not..


If the religious stuff was integral to the work performed, no. If the job were non-secular and the religious beliefs not required, yes. For instance a food preparation job for a sandwich distribution program feeding homeless people.


I have no interest in working for something I can't believe in.


It depends on just how homophobic and transphobic they are. I wouldn't have anything to do with the Salvation Army, and if one of their lot shakes a tin in my direction, they will get a lecture on why I refuse to put money in it.

As long as being religious and participation in religious rituals aren't a prerequisite, I'd consider the religious beliefs of the founder to be pretty much irrelevant in whether I took the job.


Why Not? A job is a job, is a job, is a job. Let me tell you... I believe in the Independence of Puerto Rico and yet I served in the US Navy for 20 years while holding a TS security clearance. My believe was never an issue when investigated. Do Not let religion shy you away from making a good living. Good Luck with your application.

I can appreciate that. I never did apply for that job, but thank you!! Also, thank you for your service.


I would, if their principles were humanistic. Salvation Army is an openly bigoted business, so fuck em. However, another christian company, In-N-Out burger pays their employees $11 cause they’re not greedy fucks. I can support that.

Marz Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

I didn't know that about In-n-out! Interesting! I don't mind give business to places that don't make it obvious. So I'm with you!


I applied for one once, I coudl have had the job, that I was nto a believer was not the issue. The problem was I was to pray and lead prayer sessions for students/campers and talk about God. Like serious??
I was told many of the staff were not christian but they were expected to fake it.

Oh hell no!! Lol


Sure. I've done it. I have no trouble separating babies and bathwater. Sometimes there's a tub, but no bathwater at all. Sometimes the pros outweigh the cons. Case-by-case is how I roll with this one.


Yes, as long as there were no requirement to be a believer. Worked for health care named after a saint, no religious content at all.

I did however lose the opportunity to work for a major christian university because I would not sign a "statement of faith" that was in my hiring packet.

I would not work for an evangelical organization, ever, as I do not support that kind of behavior.

As an aside, the hiring fellow said that he did respect my integrity.


As long as other aspects, such as employment practices and healthcare policies aligned with what I believe, I would. Most companies are a mix of all religions or lack long as I am not forced to practice any belief, I am good. I worked for a company that required morning prayer for the employees but I refrained...they were fine with that and soon, there were several of us, so they made it optional...we can affect change if we stand our ground.


I did 20 years in the US Navy. We believe in Davy Jones Locker, we used Godspeed, we did burials at sea of all faiths... didn't bother me.


... any company that engages in discriminatory hiring practices... Let's just say I feel no guilt in being less than genuine about the truth for them and we all got to the rent.


Sure why not, I have had plenty of jobs I didn’t like, but they paid me to be there, do you think prison guards enjoy being in a prison? I think they mostly just do it for money too..... and it’s not likely I would find myself believing in god just because my coworkers do..... I don’t want that job but if it pays well.......


It would depend on the job, the religion, and their beliefs. Maybe.


I wouldn't accept a job.


No although I live in sheltered accommodation and raise money for charity by doing peoples washing ironing and mending tehy give me what they want so I don't havea fixed rate but when I get to £100.00 I ask someoen where they want it to go & because this town is pretty religious I sometimes get asked to send to the salvation army and I really don't mind because its their wish not mine. everyone in here knows that I am atheist.


no unless i was desperate


Yes, if it were a Buddhist organization, such as Tibet House USA. But working for a Christian churchcorp would be impossible. I'd rather go hungry.


If you answered the religious question honestly you wouldn't have got the job anyway, so no need to fret


One should conduct due diligence on any organization before applying. What are their values? What kind of corporate culture do they have? How inclusive are they? How are they rated in employee workplace reviews? A company like Hobby Lobby—which is not directly affiliated with a religious faith, but owned and operated by strident Christians—could easily feel oppressive to the nonbeliever, whereas some organizations run by religions can be surprisingly welcoming. A physician friend of mine, and nonbeliever, interned at Loma Linda University Medical Center, which is affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist church. She loved the work environment and, other than not serving meat in the cafeteria, had nothing but positive things to say about her experience there.

Funny you mentioned Loma Linda University Medical Center, that's the hospital I didn't feel comfortable applying for. Great to hear it worked out for you physician friend!

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