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Lots of friends. Or, just a few? What suits you?

Some people like to have a wide social network spanning far and wide.

Others like just a handful of intimate relationships, where more time can be spent really getting to know those few people.

What style suits you most?

silvereyes 8 Mar 6

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I have a variety of great friends. Then there's my bestie that keeps me grounded.


Quality over quantity. Thats why I don't have friends no more. ?


I have a handful of very dear, close friends. I think there is a big difference between acquaintances and friends and some people don't know the difference. They think big numbers make them special. Like a lot of people, I don't have the time to have lots of friends because friends are a lot of work....they're relationships and if you don't give them proper attention, they go away. If you make more withdrawals from your bank account than deposits, it goes away.


I like few...I have one that we can depend on each other. he took me to the hospital when I had appendicitis and stayed for 5hrs until I went in. I have another one that just likes to drink beer. I used to have one that was the only one who had my house key - he would feed my dogs when I was gone...he died a few years back. I still wish I had a few more but a few have died already. friends are hard to come by.


Being an introvert, I prefer to have a small circle of close friends.

It has nothing at all to do with the fact that only a small number of people I've known for a long time can stand me at a party. >_<


Lots of acquaintances and a handful of friends.


A few very good friends does it for me. I do not like crowds hated living in NYC.


A few very good friends does it for me. I do not like crowds hated living in NYC.


I am not sure that I am close to anyone, any more, apart from my partner.It hasnt bothered me at all so no big deal - there are people I love the bones of - who live in my sheltered housing scheme. Because my society is on such a mess (Theresa May)(Brexit) I feel that we are as a Country are going to pot . I can't see our future without Europe. Its all too messy and inadequate and underinformed so I have put myself on hte back burner for now.


Lots of acquaintances just a couple of handfuls of friends


It's like an onion for me. I have a small core group of close friends that I would just my life to. Then some good friends, then acquaintances, etc.


I think you can only have a few really good friends.


I have a few, I'm happy with that.


Just A few for sure. When you have a lot of friends its unlikely you've developed any substantial relationships with anyone person


Like most I just prefer a few with maybe a few acquaintances aka low pressure 'say hi once in awhile types. Too many and it feels insincere, too few and it gets clingy


I would say I have alot of friends. They all serve a different purpose. I also have about 10 people that I call BEST friends. These are the ones I have been very close to at one time or another and I keep them in my life even if just seeing them once a year. I would say a BEST friend is one who knows you well. Knows your secrets and keep them to themselves. They also let you be yourself and Never get mad at you. I usually make at least One best friend wherever I work or live and keep them close at Heart 🙂


Just a few trustworthy friends.


I have concentric circles. A small number of close, trusted friends, a larger number of frequent hang-out-and-do-stuff buddies, and a much larger number of people whose company I occasionally enjoy in various circumstances. I am very lucky.

Mee too 🙂


I know a lot of people but I am really friends with a few.


I don't mind living with what is in my own head so I do not CONSTANTLY need other people to distract me from that like so many others do. I have always had a LOT of people I know and very very few close friends...... because only a few of the folks I know at any one time are trustworthy and decent enough to put the time into getting to know well. Just my two cents but I think folks who have to constantly be surrounded by others- and their drama- do it to cover up some hole they have in their own lives.. or perceived hole.


I have 4 people I consider closer than blood relatives and maybe 5-10 more that I count as friends. It works well.


My orbit is contained,but my atmosphere is vast. I have this habit of meeting lots of people,and finding a way to share liking each other. I run into these folks all over the place, and it that is great, but my inner circle is much smaller.The friends I am inconstant contact with varies throughout the friendship, but a few are always there


A few (at most) close friends. Out from those, a spectrum of colleagues, an ever-widening gyre of acquaintances. Sometimes I miss the intense friendships I had in college, those that verged on shared consciousness. I've never had anything like that out here in the "real world", and I've been out here a while.


I have a few close friends who I know have my back, a few less close with similar interests, and several acquaintences. But it's the close friends who mean the world to mde.


I have a few good friends, but I wish I could see them a bit more often. I'd be pretty content with that.

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