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Lots of friends. Or, just a few? What suits you?

Some people like to have a wide social network spanning far and wide.

Others like just a handful of intimate relationships, where more time can be spent really getting to know those few people.

What style suits you most?

silvereyes 8 Mar 6

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57 comments (51 - 57)

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The more friends the better I think now. But I focus on quality, not quanity.

jeffy Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

Although I can talk to strangers standing in a line somewhere, I prefer fewer but closer when it comes to actual friends


Quality over quantity. Going to events with a bunch of people might be good for just those things, but more intimate relationships with smaller numbers of people fulfill me more.


I prefer a small number of intimate friends.


Just a few is good for me.
I'm no social butterfly. 🙂


Better a few good friends than lots of aquitances.

stu8 Level 4 Mar 6, 2018

Just a few close, true, trustworthy friends is what matters. 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Mar 6, 2018
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