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Does it make a holly fuck?

zesty Level 7 Apr 20, 2019

@Deiter exactly. Madame de Sade perhaps should do the same as the Russian Empress strapped under a pounding stallion.

@FrayedBear Ekaterina II

@zesty thank you FYI. Is there anything else that I should know about her? Like did she flagellate the rump of the stallion with holly whilst it rode her? 😃 Did she also regularly go to mass and was the stallion required because of the number of children that she had born?

@Deiter never heard that

@Deiter over to @zesty she's the brains round here.

@FrayedBear Supposedly Ekaterina ordered young, strong military officers to her bedroom each night. If they couldn't perform- they were thrown out from the window.

@FrayedBear No, never had sex with a stallion!

@zesty LMAO - So you say that the Ekaterina and stallions story is equally false?
As for you and stallions I never asked or insinuated that but left it open so you could have considerably further enhanced your reputation with your answer and thus scandalised a few more prurient people!
Did you intend to use "holly" or did the infernal autocorrect correct your "holy" for easter?

@zesty ? These days you will be a lot safer with a Sybian machine than a stallion which has teeth, hooves and control problems.

@zesty, @Deiter The Russian Empress usually reputed to have tried sex with a stallion was Catherine the Great. She was not killed by the horse crushing her when the scaffold holding it above her collapsed, Snopes states the following -[]

@FrayedBear I have no idea if the old Russian story is true. Sounds good!

@zesty ?????


I say whatever it takes to attain wood. No point in going without in this day and age. I've seen online about a procedure called the priapus shot. In a nutshell, the patient's blood is drawn, put in a centrifuge, the protein rich plasma (PRP) is extracted and injected into the penis. I personally don't know if it works or not, there are people who claim that it does.

You're right, whatever it takes. Complicated procedure...And all the while the girl is waiting naked beside you? (just joke)

I think it probably has at lest a placebo eff3ect.

Hehehehe.... "nut shell"

Sounds too clinical! Now I can't stop from thinking of a dick in a centrifuge.

Not protein rich plasma, it's platelet rich plasma. Was unable to edit my comment to correct my mistake.


Timing is all important then.


Is Viagra a safe remedy?

There are some health concerns and risks.


I think there is nothing wrong with taking Viagra because as men get older, their potency worsens, making it much harder to have sex. When buying any medicines, choose a reliable store that sells quality products. I have been using Viagra for a long time, and I buy it here at, as I am embarrassed to ask for Viagra in a regular pharmacy. I live in a small town, and if I buy Viagra, then my acquaintances will know that I have problems with potency in a few days.

Nothing wrong with using viagra... unless your religious beliefs say birth control is wrong, because you are going against "god's will", as if it wasn't god's will for some older men to experience impotence. It isn't the use fi viagra, but the hypocrisy that often comes with it.

If I pretended there was a god, I'd say that it is interesting that although god may have commanded men to populate and replenish the earth, I think we have done that, as we have reached a point where there are now so many of us that we are destroying our own environment. Isn't it a wonderful coincidence that the technology for birth control and safe abortions came in just as we seem to be changing our environment and destroying the earth? If god were real, I'd say that in itself is a message.



zesty Level 7 Apr 19, 2019

It's a bit late then, get back to your gardening.


Better late than never . . .


Delayed gratification.


This is very funny!
But I must say, by the time I get the effect, my one night stand may have been gone for some 35 hours! 😂😂


I have a date Saturday, so... pop a pill now?


Wouldn't Jesus Viagra make it rise again 3 days later?


My God, why call some drugs like that? Everyone has known for a long time that there are drugs like Viagra or Cialis that help a man prolong sex and improve potency. Why come up with some more unusual names that I'm sure are actually clickbait. Do not be fooled by such nonsense. There have been drugs for a long time, so everything is good in your sex. For example, I have been buying Cialis on this site for about 3 months My potency is excellent now, my wife likes sex very much -- she likes it even better than she did in her youth, haha.

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