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Would life be easier if their was a god?

Some days I think life would be easier if there was a god to grant wishes, heal the sick, punish evil people, and to forgive all our sins. We all know he isn't real and that this will never happen. Do you think it would be easier if there was a god?

Sarahroo29 8 Mar 7

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If the god was one that was a father figure, that loved you and cared for you, protected you, saw to it that all your needs were taken care of, then I would think that life would be blissful and we would all exist in the "garden of Eden" happily ever after. IMHO


That would cut down the population to those capable of living in harmony, quite a different existence. Count me in!




In my opinion, it'd be more difficult. Consider how the in Spanish treated those who thought differently about the same God and disagreed with who ran the church. More people died in this world when the belief in a God or belief in mulitiple Gods was manditory.

Gohan Level 7 Mar 7, 2018



Just think getting dressed in the morning and you can't locate a sock. Just say divine being I am in dire straights, can you locate my lost sock for me and poof it would appear on your foot.



It would theoretically be easier if the god was the advertised fundamentalist god that actually blesses the righteous, confounds the wicked, enlightens, comforts, "sticks closer than a brother", etc etc. and was rather more compassionate and clear about his expectations than some fundamentalists like to portray him. This father-figure god, if he were not a cranky dysfuntional father, but half as good as my own REAL father -- and if he could somehow overcome the inherent logical contradictions of his own existence -- sure, who wouldn't want that?

Of course it's wishful thinking and not going to happen. I am way past being wistful about letting go of it. It was never real to begin with.



Except for the part of being subserviant - NO

Then again - maybe a cool God would be good, one that was like
"Hey if it feels good and doesnt hurt anyone - go for it dude"

It would be okay. LMAO!


@icolan - better than what they imagine it to be!

@icolan - I was joking you know.


No, for me I don't think so, because that god would always be the main focus because of past writings and I think/feel that I want to be at the centre of my own life without deferring to a power that wants / needs, to be higher - I want to make my own mistakes and get my own learning from them, I don't want to give out to an invisible person pulling my strings. It might be easier but would it be more worthwhile?



If there were a truly good god who was also omnipotent, then evil and suffering would not exist, and therefore, life would be perfect for everyone.


In regards to freewill, we are not fundamentally different than single cell organisms. We are both just responding to stimuli, though our system by which we respond to such is more complex. Do single cell organisms have freewill? At what point in the evolutionary process did freewill evolve then? Freewill is only an illusion.


Hell no, I've broken most of the Ten Commandments written in the Bible, I would have been smited, but then Lucifer may be righteous dude so I could live with him.



Do your Christian friends or acquaintances lives seem easier to you?

No. My life isn't easier either.

@Sarahroo29 Most lives are not easy. If you look around there are plenty of people worse off than you or me. The other night I was in a bar where I play and hang out. There was young man in there with no arms or legs. All of a sudden my problems seemed so petty and small. A very humbling experience.

@Sticks48 I am grateful that my issues can easily be solved and that I addressed my health issues before it got worse.

@Sarahroo29 I didn't mean to imply your issues are easily fixed if that is what you are saying. I guess what I was trying to say in a clumsy way is some folks have issues that can't be fixed.

@Sticks48 Yes. I have a few of those.


There is no way to know if he wold be a benevolent god or a malevolent god. I certainly would not want the god of the Bible.

You got that right.


Basically life would be as it is now regardless.



Having read the old testament, NO! To hve to please and irrational supreme being, who make arbritrary decisions with no forew warning? NO!



Not if he is like any of the one in major religions. The whole concept of the afterlife in heaven or hell is to keep people behaving and make them quit trying to rise above their troubles, because once I die, "I will be in a better place."

Yeah. You're right.


Are you trying to tell me there isn't a God?



Of course it would be. To have an omnipotent entity in your pocket to smite your enemies and avenge those who are wronged? To protect you from harm and cure you of illness? To give you a Rosie glow that others around you find enchanting and hypnotic? But, alas, we have do do the hard work in life to make a better world ourselves. No miracles will Save us.

Nope, no miracles.


Depends on what god you are talking about. Not the Christian god he is a evil bastard.

Any of them.


Only if he followed my instructions.



I think not. Gods are rather jealous, capricious, a mean spirited. I’d rather not have that in real life.



Read a Terry Pratchett book and you might get an idea. 🙂


The book Small Gods in particular.


At least we wouldn't have to worry about him getting mad and flooding the earth again. Ken Ham isn't the only one with a boat.



It would be simpler for me because I'd have been struck by lightening long ago.

Same here.


Too many religions all praising the same person but hating each other which has led to much bloodshed over nothing other useless loss of life.

Yes, I agree.




Easier only in that we would have a scapegoat and wouldn't have to take responsibility for our actions.

Yeah, that would be easier.


NO, because you would have to satisy a sadastic selfesh,self centered pathatic ass hole .


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