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Tips for moving out of state

I can feel it. Change is coming very soon. I'm fed up with where I live, and if I'm going to move again I will not stay local. Which means I likely will head down to Florida where my parents & grandparents live and move in with them until I have my own place.

Here are some things I've been pondering:

How can I make this move as simple as possible?
What should I know before I go?
Should I sell my car or drive down?
Should I wait to search for a job when I get there?
How does one make friends in a new place where they know absolutely no one? (On this one please bear in mind it is hard for me to make friends as I rarely find people who are on my wavelength.)

NicThePoet 7 Mar 8

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I think you will like Florida. I do. The weather is better except for hurricanes. I used to live in New Jersey. I retired and moved to Florida. Best move I ever made.

I know I'll like it. My family has lived there for about five years now and I visit as often as possible. The only thing I'm concerned about is surviving the summer heat.

You will get used to the heat. Plus if you follow the temperature data, it is often hotter up north than it is in Florida in the summer. @WickedNicki

Where does your family live in Florida? Gulf Coast or Atlantic coast? North Florida or South Florida. I prefer the Atlantic coast over the Gulf Coast. I've live in South Florida, Hollywood, and Central Florida, Vero, but now I moved up to Ponte Vedra just south of Jacksonville. @WickedNicki

@nicknotes They're sort of central gulf coast.

Almost every place in Florida is nice. I love Florida. @WickedNicki


Depends on where you are moving to. North Florida is southern, politicallly conservative (if not reactionary and racist) bible belt country. Central Florida is more diverse, with a larger Hispanic population, but still largely Republican. South Florida is much more liberal and diverse, and less controlled by religion.

 If you don't mind driving, go by car.  Avoid Atlanta 00 the traffic is horrible.  Be prepared for heavy traffic on the interstates.  

 I would start the job search now, using information from your family and all other sources you can find.  

 Finding friends an be pursued in a lot of ways.  I chatted with neighbors.  I walked several miles through neighborhoods every day and stopped to strike up conversations.  I made friends at the gym.  You can use the internet to identify activities and social groups.  Pursue the activities you lie and you will find friends in each activity.  Stay away from "hot button" issues until you get to know people and alwayws treat those you meet with full dignity and respect -- until they prove they don't deserve it.  

can you edit this? The html is doing strange things.

I suspect you used an odd keystroke in there, such as a greater than or less than sign (I have noticed they do odd things) or a pipe (that is the vertical bar). Edit out any such control characters and see if it clears things up.

Granted, now I can't recreate what I've seen before... :/


If it weren't for the fact that I love my new job I would love to get out of NC. If I could move anywhere in the States, it would be somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, probably Portland. I wouldn't dream of moving somewhere without a new job lined up, though. The fact that you have family in FL can only be a plus. I don't think you can put a value on having a safety net to fall back on if necessary. Unless you can take public transportation everywhere you go in your new city, I wouldn't sell your down. In fact, if you want to take a small break from the road, holler at me when you come through NC. I'd be glad to put you up for the night and show you around my hick town. We can make fun of the local churchies...there are plenty of them. Good luck!

Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.


Do not sell your car. In Florida you will not be able to function without one. Public transportation is not good at all. Not like New York. You will definitely need a car to get to work or to even go to the store. What part of Florida are you moving to?

It would be the Sarasota area. If I were to sell my current car I'd intend to buy another one after the move.


If it's easy for you to buy a car on the other end, sell then buy. Otherwise, and unless you really hate driving, keep the car and use it to get from here to there. Train/plane is easier but more expensive. Car is... well, a road trip. Feel free to take it slow and do some sight seeing while on the road.

Search for a job now. And for that matter, serach for the one you really want now, and maybe, just maybe, let it tell you where to move. Ie: if you find a job you just LOVE the idea of trying out, and it's somewhere other than FL, go for it. You are going to move anyway, why not to a job you really want to try? This way you have a leg up on the move and can start searching for where you want to live. Ie: if it's in FL, you can start searching for APTs (whatever) while living at the folks and working (you know what your pay level is) OR (true in any of the above scenarios) if you have the job waiting for you, you know your income and thus what you can afford by way of rent and thus search for living spaces.

As for friends: if you have that job, you have a natural way to start networking to find friends through said job. You will meet people through work. Let the ones you feel comfortable/friendly with know you are knew in town and ask where the hangouts are. Once you know the places you like to hang out at, you will bump into more people.

How do make it simple? I don't feel this is realistic, but in an idealistic way: sell EVERYTHING, move, and rebuy everything to replace what you got rid of. That said, let's be realistic. Sell what you can, dump what you can't, keep what you need. This is that time to pare down to what you really need, and if you are driving in your car, the fact that you can only fit so much in helps. Certainly keep mementos. Certainly keep clothes. 🙂 Leave the 'fridge behind. Same with the TV, etc. Keep the quilt grandma sewed for you... that sort of thing.

Best of luck!

Sound advice. Thank you very much!

  1. Keep the car 2.Get some job info before you move. 3.You may move and end up not having any job prospects. Best to have a job lined up before the move 4. Making friends will come in through your work at first. If it's very important to you, look for local clubs and things to do 5. Join a Facebook group from the town you are going to. Study it, see what kinds of folks are there. 6. Subscribe to a local news channel social media feed. It will give you an insight. If you can help it, research before you go 7.It's doable. I moved my whole family from MS to FL in a matter of 2 months notice. It's rough, but I'm glad I did it. You must know what is in it for you and keep your eyes on the prize so to speak

I like "eyes on the prize". The prize being never shoveling snow again.


Get rid of everything except the small and valuable. Keep the car. If you can stay with family wait till you get there to look for a job


Hiring a long distance moving company is the easiest way to get your stuff there.

Knowing where you will stay is something you should know, but you seem to have that covered.

If your car can make the drive and still has substantial life left in it drive there. If you drive let someone know when you're leaving, your route, if you'll bet stopping for the night, etc. Stay in contact.

If you can't find a way of getting a job ahaed of time, you'll be stuck with finding one when you get there. Making friends can go along with getting a job.
You'll get to know people when you see them everyday. I've met a lot of people at jobs who became friends. It beats meeting people at church (Barf) or a bar.


I have moved 23 times in my life, 21 of the moves as an adult. Unless your move is paid for by someone else, you have to make some choices. Take only the stuff you cannot replace or absolutely need. If you can drive there, keep the car. To make friend check out meet up groups. For a job, start looking now, start polishing the resume now. Read for resume and job search advice. As to what you should know, you have local area experts that you're moving in with, ask them. Have fun! It is a new adventure.


I just moved from California to Wisconsin. I am broke at the moment, so the idea of selling my car and buying a new one was not an option. I drove.

  1. Find employment before you arrive. This can be difficult, because people don't want to waste their time until they know for sure you are physically here. But I was able to procure a position as a substitute teacher to ease the transition. Unless you have a comfortable savings, I suggest this.

  2. Dump all your belongings. Moving a ton of shit is expensive and cumbersome. I brought what I could fit in my car and ditched the rest. It is refreshing to start new, and you realize you need a lot less than you have.

  3. Making friends is a tough one. I get along just fine with people, but only if I keep it at a surface level. I prefer my own company so I don't have to compromise my thoughts and who I am so frequently. However, it is easy to find common activities. Meetup . Com helps you find local groups of people with similar interests. I am into martial arts, so joining a gym helps. I play video games, so I make friends at the local store. Same thing with comic books. It all depends on what you are into.

Good luck!


Look online and see what jobs are advertised in the area that you plan to move to. When you are ready to make the move, apply and head down. I cannot stress it enough, in Florida a car is a necessity. You will need it to go to interview and to get to work. In the summer time you will appreciate that car when the heat hits you and you don't have to wait for a bus for 25 minutes or it's past 8 pm and it is still 90 degrees and the buses only comes once an hour up till 9 pm and then no more public transportation after that.


Mine may not be practical,

  1. sell everything that does not have special personal meaning.
  2. Roadtrip - preferably not alone
  3. Try meetup or other forums to have some contacts when you get there
  4. Wait till you are settled before job hunting, I always find I get interviews readiily in a new area.

So I would say: keep the vehicle. It’s just freedom of movement. Get familiar with the area, by looking at maps and even pulling youtube videos of what’s going on around there.
Bring only the things necessary.
Apply on line for places there. You never know something may land right on time.
Just like you find this group, I’m sure you’ll find others round that area. There’s more of us skeptics in the south than you would know.
Good luck in your move.


I would suggest getting a job at the location before you move especially if you have a well paid occupation the company should pay for your move. This also decreases the stress of moving. But it slows you down because you have to go through the job application process.

Also moving to where you know people is advisable especially if you are moving without a job. Because you will have a built in network you can leverage to get a job, find housing, recommendations for a new doctor, how to get around town etc.

Myah Level 6 Mar 8, 2018

I would not recommend driving, but that's only because my drive from MN to WA was fraught with unnecessary difficulty after we hit a deer in WY. If I have to move a long distance ever again, I will have my car shipped.

Also, look into PODS, which is a service that moves and stores your things for you.

As to finding friends in a new location, it all depends on the location. I don't even really have any general advice.


Drive cautiously. Don't pick up any hitchhikers. Especially if they are bigfoots.
Then when you get there, walk up to any good looking, sane looking folks and say HI, do you know where I can get a job?


Have lots of money. Keep the car. Do ur best to adjust.


Re: social, at your age I went to visit a friend out of state 1500 miles away, one friend, and wound up staying.
I made new friends through work, then going out to dance clubs and seeing bands. I learned to get over my reticence of hitting shows alone.
Common interests can get the ball rolling too, say, if you're able to take a class somewhere, lowkey, audit something for fun.
I second what others are saying about your car, that is one thing I wished I'd kept but was afraid to drive cross country in it, altho it lasted quite awhile after I gave it to my Mom with minimal problems. (Camry, best car ever at the time)

I came up with one suitcase and over time brought in airline luggage or had mailed to me what was most important.
Being in a new place was so liberating. My social life in my home state SUCKED so it was shocking to have it explode after moving, different culture by region is all I can guess.
Good luck with your decision


I've only moved twice and in the same town but I can say that if you lighten your load and get rid of all the shit you don't need (like others say) is the best advice you can be given. each time I moved I still owned the previous place for a while and my last place still has a ton of my stuff in it. I've been thinking about getting rid of all the things I have and just have what I need and what can be hauled in a truck in one trip. a storage fee will quickly become more than the worth of what you have in the locker and if it's in a locker, you really CAN do without it.


What you should know before you go...
Don't go to Florida.
Drive. You'll need transportation.
Get a job first, or at least interviews.
Make friends the same way you do anywhere else.
Stop for a week in Asheville. You'll find community.


1). There are plenty of jobs in Florida, but most pay significantly less than the Northeast. 2) Cost of living is average for US with no state or city income taxes. 3) Unless you have a unique skill, few employers will hire before the move. 4) Lighten your load when moving. 5) Keep your car 6) It's a big state. Make sure you like the area in which you will be living.

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