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Hair Removal

What is your method for dealing with unwanted body hair? And do you get creative?

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MrLink 8 Mar 9

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So I felt compelled to share with you my first Brazilian wax adventure. And yes, it was specifically to please a man...Lol...but we'd been dating for a few months and he was a good guy and knew how to treat me so I thought I'd suprise and treat him, since he'd mentioned something about it in a previous conversation.
I'm normally kinda self conscious over body image, so letting a perfect stranger strip my cooch was the ultimate gesture!

I got it done at a spa, so the ambiance was carefully constructed to promote relaxation; dimly lit, scented candles, faint drumming music, etc. I layed on the same padded tables you lay on when getting a message, though this particular one sported a lovely pair of stirrups that you see on regular exam tables. Seeing those stirrups kinda made me, especially after being pulled into a false sense of security via pleasant music and a soft, plush robe.

I also felt a bit of anxiety over how to or even if I should, talk to my "attendant". She was in her 20's and had apparently done this enough that she acted personable, confident and relaxed, which in turn relaxed me.

The waxing itself was mercifully quick. There is a pot of warm, liquid wax, a little spatula and the fabric strips. The warm wax feels nice...(but weird, cause some stranger is plastering it and you're wondering the whole time if you're clean enough not to smell offensive, even though you've practically sterilized yourself out of anxiety and if said stranger might be comparing your crotch to other's she has seen and where yours't think. Just...don't.

The most akward I felt was when the hair closest to my inner lips was ripped off...though it kinda stung, it wasn't bad cause it was quick, it was just the geography. I was actually worried she'd mess up and spill some on my precious clitoris! But that was a fleeting thought...
The second was when I had to get up on all fours so she could wax all the way up to my anus...when the rip came...that was a bit of a shock! I mean...there was no hair anywhere!

At that point I just had to laugh at myself. I said thank you, got dressed, left a tip and left wondering how anyone could do that for a living.

Oh yeah...I had to give it a day...but I was much more sensitive and the sex was pretty great...he was properly appreciative of my "gesture"...

Wow what an intimate story. Thanks for what I thing your experience. I take you did it just that once and not again?

Lol...too intimate? I was thinking it's an amusing story...good for a laugh at least!
That was a one time thing. I'd do it again with the proper motivation. To hair or not to hair isn't a big issue with me, though I'm not a fan of pubic hair in my mouth....

@Freespirit64 no I didn't mean TOO intimate. Just acknowledging you shared something very personal. I have wondered how those events go down as an interpersonal interaction.
Yes, pubic hair, like all other human hair, becomes very unpleasant the instant becomes unattached from the body. And if its in your mouth, not good!
Going and getting brazilian wax sounds like a big chore, and kind of a big ask. But sounds like you had fun with it. It has its place.

@MrLink. Indeed...


I really hate being skewered on someone's hair that's freshly growing out. I stopped shaving at all in college, after I got out from under my mother's watchful eyes, and I never went back. People should do what they want, but there are good reasons not to shave your pubis. []


Manscaping Public service announcement here...


Got to say, I'm not overly keen on a sharp object going anywhere near my gonads quite frankly!


What?! No one here has used a professional laser hair removal service?


I am surprised that the biggest group among those that voted is the "nothing, not even trimming" crowd. Also, that so many others use an epilator! Those things sound painful.


Electric trim for the beard every 2 months, not had a hair cut in 17 years, it falls out fast enough on its own, not hairy enough anywhere else to be an issue.


If I had money to burn, I'd have somew body hair permanently removed either by laser of electrolosis. That includes facial hair, as I hate shaving my face.


My option isn’t up there. I generally shave after I’ve washed my body in the shower. No shaving cream. As for “down there” it depends. Sometimes all, sometimes just part. I kind of want to try getting waxed but just getting my eyebrows done hurts like hell so not sure I’d be able to handle such a sensitive area.

My guess is that the pro's really know how to do it. Makes a big difference I'm sure.


I just use aan electric shaver oon my head with no attachments and the rest is how it is.


I don't have any hair on legs , chest or back. I had hair on my head but they decided to move to nose , ears and hands.

You naturally have no hair on your legs?

@MrLink Nope, bare, never had any there, it's a family trait.

That’s hilarious when you say it moved to nose, ears and hands. My dad doesn’t really have hair on his legs either. We always said it was because he wears long johns 10 months out of the year (he actually does!) and the hair rubbed off.

@sloryd Same with my sister, never shaved legs , no need to.


I haven't shaved in 17 years. I keep them short with a pair old-fashioned, titanium plated clippers as I'm allergic to metals so I can't vote honestly.


Eyebrow trimmer and tweezers

Eyebrow trimmer.... Is like a battery operated beard/mustache trimmer?

@MrLink yeah

@LadyAlyxandrea well your eyebrows appear very neat and tidy.

@MrLink lmao I try, but they naturally behave. I would like them to darken up a bit, but that's what makeup is for


Turning into a bear. Too bad I'm not gay. If I had the money and time I'd get rid of my body hair.


too personal-need another option.

8 options is the max allowable. What would the other be? Scissor trim and tidy up?

@MrLizard ouchy

this is too much-lol

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