What is your best childhood memory? ...
I will say one of my best memories is before the toxicity fckd me up and I was able to find simple pleasures in life... so my sister and mother went to visit my grandparents while I was alone with my dad (he fell asleep). So finally it was my chance to do what I saw on cartoons... learn how to fly!! So for those few hours before they came home I kept jumping off of the couch arm and flapping my arms hoping to fly. It didn't work. When they came home, I got a doll that my grandma brought back for me from Europe. I still have that doll and that memory to this day.
I hated 2nd grade, so I'd skip school a lot and read books in a field near the house
Playing in the creek running through bushland near our house. Tadpoles with heads the size of a ten cent piece. Water scorpions. Dragonflies. Sundews and maidenhair ferns lining the banks. Even a little waterfall, for Christ's sake. Brachiopod fossils in the sandstone. River dragons. Birdsong and summer cicadas. The dusty medicinal smell of eucalypts. I liked going with my brother or neighborhood mates, shouting and splashing about, but going by myself to quietly explore... I'm one lucky bugger.