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I love reading! Anyone else? If so who are your favorite authors and what genre do you prefer?

CollegiateJules 5 Mar 12

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Its not authors but the type of books ie true crime etc

I read a book about Ed Gein a few years back, and it fascinating as well as shocking. I also sometimes enjoy watching true crimes shows on TV.

I've read about him and got a book on him. he was one of the first documented serial killers. he was a grave robber and made soup bowls out of skull caps. I love watching ci too. it fascinates me what us humans are capable of.


I love reading too! These days, when I'm not reading about climate dynamics and atmospheric chemistry, I'm reading manga. I read Attack on Titan and One Punch Man each month. They're sooooo good!

My favorite series is A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin. If only he'd finish writing it.

But my favorite genre is non-fiction, and I've read almost all of Carl Sagan's books.

Marz Level 7 Mar 12, 2018

This question is asked a lot on this I'll just copy/paste from a previous answer.
This is a partial list of my favorites

1.Misha Burnett "Catskinner" novel series (fantasy, sci-fi, horror)

2.Adolfo Kaminsky: A Forger's Life, by Sarah Kaminsky. (biography)

3.Till We Have Faces, by C.S. Lewis, (fiction)

4.Harpo Speaks! by Harpo Marx (autobiography)

5.The Persian Boy, by Mary Renault (historical fiction)

6.The Glass Castle and Half Broke Horses, by Jeannette Walls (autobiography, semi-fictional biography)

7.Old Man's War series, by John Scazi..or ANY John Scalzi book (sci-fi)

8.Stranger in a Strange Land, Doorway into Summer, or most Robert A. Heinlein books (sci-fi)

9.The Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling (she's VERY C.S. Lewis!)

10.Seabiscuit: An American Legend, by Laura Hillenbrand (historical biography)

11.and the funniest one of all!- Winterdance: The Fine Madness of Running the Iditarod, by Gary Paulson (autobiographical)


Did anyone read "Fifty Shades"?

Nope. Did you? (no judgement intended. Am genuinely curious).

yes I did--interesting--not as stupid as I expected. I also saw the first movie--now that was stupid--terrible


Ok, I'll be bold and admit to enjoying romantic fluff... Current faves: Karen Moning, Robin D. Owens, Sky Purington, Maya Banks , G.A. Aiken, Jean Johnson, Bianca d'Arc, Sara Humphrey, Tanya Crosby.

Zster Level 8 Mar 12, 2018

I love reading non-fiction. The best book I have recently read is: David Benatar (2006). Better Never To have Been. Oxford: Clarendon Press.


I love historical fiction. Phillippa Gregory is a favorite. And I like the Outlander series a lot. I've also read a lot of books about JFK's murder and his presidency. I read a lot of nonfiction books, too, especially stuff on prehistoric culture and neuroscience.


I would read all day every day if I could get away with it. (Well, maybe that's not true but I don't get nearly as much time to read as I'd like). I mostly like non-fiction -- books about cosmology, archeology, evolutionary biology. I like biographies if I'm interested in the person. My fiction tastes are kind of all over the place. Loved everything Anne McCaffrey wrote (by herself; some of the collaborations not so much). Love Diana Gabaldon (but no, I don't watch the Outlander series on TV). I don't generally like mysteries but just read all 13 of Louse Penny's books and loved them -- her characters are terrific. My book club gets me to read things I would otherwise not read, which is good for me.


I am a voracious reader. I read both fiction and non-fiction. My favorite books are Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, Snow Falling on Cedars, The Shipping News by E Annie Proulx, I also love anything by Barbara Kingsolver, Debbie Macomber, I loved Mean Streak by Sandra Brown. Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry, Romances by LaVyrle Spencer, especially Hummingbird and The Hellion. Also by Rosamucd Pilcher and a couple of other British authors. I love Sue Grafton, Michael Connelly, and Patricia Cornwell


Ursula K. LeGuin, Nell Irvin Painter, Marilyn Frye, Elmore Leonard, Walter Mosley to name a few.


Little patience here for entertainment fiction but it isn't entirely excluded. My favorites are writers displaying courage and pioneering spirit in non-fiction and they include sociological, scientific and political realms more heavily.

Top ones are:


Wilhelm Reich, M.D. - 'Ether, God and Devil, Cosmic Superimposition', 'Character Analysis', The Function of the Orgasm' and 'The Mass Psychology of Fascism'.

Arthur Koestler - 'Janus'

Eric Fromm - 'The Art of Loving' and 'Anatomy of Human Destructiveness'.

Lewis Thomas - 'Lives of a Cell'

Candace Pert - 'Molecules of Emotion'

James DeMeo, Phd., - 'Saharasia, The 4000 BCE Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World'

Ashley Montagu - 'Touching, the Human Significance of the Skin"


H.L. Mencken - 'Treatise on the Gods' 'In Defense of Women' and other socially critical writings.

George Schuyler - 'Black No More'

Mark Twain - ....anything!

Christopher Hitchens - .... ditto

Political and Historical

Ilan Pappe, Phd. - 'The Ethnic Cleansiing of Palestine'

Miko Peled, - 'The General's Son'

Alice Rothchild, M.D., - 'Condition Critical'

Alison Weir - 'Against Our Better Judgment'

J.M.N. Jeffries (1939) - 'Palestine the Reality'

Rashid Khalidi - 'Brokers of Deceit'

Norman Finkelstein, Phd., - 'The Holocaust Industry' and 'Method and Madness, The Hidden Story of Israel's Assaults on Gaza'

History/Biography/ Fiction

Zora Neale Hurston - Anything!

Myron Sharaf, Phd., - 'Fury on Earth' Biography of Wilhelm Reich,, M.D.

Flavius Josephus - 'Wars of the Jews' and 'Antiquities of the Jews'

Leon Uris - 'Mila 18' fiction

Chaim A. Kaplan - 'The Warsaw Diary of Chaim A. Kaplan'

Max Dimont - 'Jews, God and History'

Ethel Waters - 'His Eye on the Sparrow' autobiography

Sophie Tucker - 'Some of these Days' autobiography

Robert Penn Warren - 'All the King's Men' fiction

Many more but special affection for these.


While I love all genre of books, perhaps my favorite genre is the macabre/horroe/supernatural. 2 favorite authors are Diana Galberon and Deborah Harkness.

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