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LINK Kyle Kashuv Deserves Forgiveness, Say Conservatives - The Atlantic

Can a child grow beyond his recent past? Was his views peer pressure oriented? Possible social media pranks? Is the thought pattern embedded in him like the religious doctrine that many people have been subjected to as children? Forgive or forget? What say you?

IAJO163 8 June 18

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Forgiveness isn't automatic. "I screwed up. I'm sorry. You have to forgive me now." isn't how life works. It's nice that you apologized; now show us you meant it.

JimG Level 8 June 23, 2019

Kyle Kashuv said hateful, racist things at the age of 16.

Hatred, religion, ethics, racism are taught, those are not anybody is born with, nor it is self learned.

He is a product of bad bad upbringing. This badness will take a lot of remorse and a corrective behavior over time. He is a bad product. He must bear the consequences of who he is and what he has done. It is not just a lesson for him but for the society in general that Harvard will not tolerate bad human behavior.


fuck conservatives, they are the scum of the earth trying to keep things "as they are or were" fuck them with a saguaro branch!


One of my most oft sayings, "you have a choice of your actions, you do not have a choice of the consequences of your actions."


Harvard is a private entity and doesn’t “owe” this person anything. However, perhaps having to face consequences for his actions will be a type of education he might benefit from.


Forgiveness has to be earned. Is he taking any action against the hate he was a part of? All I see is him acting all entitled to being in one of the most prestigious places on this planet. Sorry but I have no empathy for this shit.

Dietl Level 7 June 18, 2019

It would depend on the context in which he wrote the offensive word. That word is in common usage in some circles, and is not necessarily derogatory.

There are many labels that might be construed as offensive to various groups, but just to write down such a word as a boy should not ruin a man’s life.



Not everyone gets to go to Harvard.
He's not getting jack from me. Whether
it be forgiveness, sympathy, or any other damned thing.


Where are Harvard's rights to not have its' campus sullied by this idiot? How would You like to be known as the "educator" of this POS?


This Kyle Kashuv guy does not deserve forgiveness. Bad parenting and bad ethics have a price. His parents now must have realized what they taught their son... to hate, to discriminate, to treat other human beings badly. This is about human values, human dignity.... it is not a mistake, it is a character flaw. It cannot be corrected in 2 years, It requires a heavy price to pay so that nobody in the family tree, in the community will dare to do it again. If it can be forgiven so easily, we will be making very light of the situation. What he did was not an error. It can only come from a bad mind that is not capable of understanding the consequences of his actions. It hurts real human beings. If anyone he should blame other than himself is blame his parents.

No, bad human beings do not deserve a seat in esteemed institutions. It will be sending a very bad message about what Harvard stands for.

What is astounding about this Kyle Kashuv is his apology is so superficial. He starts arguing about why Harvard should forgive him. He argues that Harvard's founding fathers owned slaves and a man can grow out of his errors. He is not graceful in his remorse. He looks argumentative, looks like a pathetic and selfish asshole.

Harvard has absolutely done the right thing worthy of its reputation.

@LimitedLight Hatred for other human beings, racism is not inborn, not it is developed on own at such as an early age. The value system given during parenting can hold you back from doing bad things. That is called the moral core. It comes from parenting. That is why such meanness, racism, hatred comes out religious Southern American states.

@LimitedLight I have seen as many examples of kids if not more where the behavior is rooted in kids in growing years. It is not self learned.

Parenting has more to do with our value system than we think it has.


Who the hell is this Kyle guy and what did he do?

Nutshell version. Accepted into Harvard. Found video of him making racial slurs two years prior.

@freeofgod Thank you. Forgive the lad.


Or is it that Harvard has clear, publicly available standards of behaviour that they set for prospective students, but as per usual rich white guys think the rules don't apply to them.

"rich white guys think the rules don't apply to them." and to be honest, they do not.

@jlynn37 sad but true, sir.

@LimitedLight erm... since never? That's why I specified?

@LimitedLight he's applying for Harvard without a scholarship. I don't think his parents are hard up.

@LimitedLight you think of he was on a scholarship it wouldn't have been mentioned in the numerous reports on this poor, misunderstood bigoted little fuckstick who's seen the error of his ways now that his shitty behaviour has come back to bite him on the bum?

@LimitedLight are you American? 'Cause the concepts of 'irony' and 'sarcasm' seem to escape you. Or are you being disingenuous for some sort of rhetorical effect? If so, please stop. It just makes you appear dense.

@LimitedLight If you play dumb long enough it becomes reality.

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