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LINK For-Profit Health Care Is a Merciless Sham

This is a couple of years old, but the info is still timely. If you have ever been in the hospital you might know this, but if you might ever end up in the hospital this is crucial information, especially with the elections looming and current administration. I work in hospital billing for a not for profit hospital and the stuff I hear/see every day makes me wanna cry. No one should go bankrupt for health care.

HippieChick58 9 June 27

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The whole concept of allowing market forces to control healthcare is fundamentaly flawed.
From drugs development and sale,, provision of healthcare by doctors and hospitals to care of the elderly should not be controlled by a profit motive


hard to understand how citizens which vote have allowed this for profit travesty to last so long & ruin so many lives.


No shit have worked in medicine most of my adult life when profits are the driving force the patients always suffer I remember when health insurance was not for profit care was much better and you didn't worry about the bill Republican party changed that for their wealthy buddies so they can get richer at our expense

bobwjr Level 10 June 27, 2019

I have seen people walk away from the pharmacy counter because they can't afford the is heartbreaking...especially when it is a child or an elderly person...thank goodness we have a pharmacist who hands out discount cards to see if he can help...


If you consider only the fact that 25-50% of health insurance premiums go to administrative costs and profits, nd that government run health care such as medicare of the VA only use about 3% for administrative costs, then it is pretty obivous that private health insurance is nto more efficient than government provided health care.

I might agree with you if I hadn't had to try and work with patients who had VA coverage. It was a nightmare to do anything with them. After hours of trying to chase down necessary information, I don't recall a single patient that actually got their medicine covered.

@UpsideDownAgain My dad used the VA in Portland Oregon. He got excellent healthcare. However, I am aware that quality varies from one VA to another. My dad would not go to the closer VA in Vancouver, WA.

When I lived in CA, I was aware that the VA in Long Beach was better than most other VAs in the greater Los Angeles area (one of my brothers went there).

Not all VAs re funded or staffed equally. It seems to depend on how much pull the local congressman has to get funding.


We need to get rid of the ambulance chasing culture in the US that has drove up prices. We also need to remove a lot of the restrictions we have on medical care, and institute regulations that give the government a larger say in negotiating health care costs.


Our whole society has been corrupted by greed😠


Any essential service which is commercialized winds up stressing profit over everything else and cuts corners on quality and real service.


I know of two that almost went bankrupt. One guy owned several rental properties. He died from cancer a few years ago. His wife sold all the rentals to pay the bills after he died. Maybe kept one or two. She called me up one day in tears asking if I wanted to buy her house. Things that take a lifetime to get can be gone in just a matter of months. I don't think he lasted a year after being diagnosed. 6 mons in he said he was 180K in the hole. Sad.

BTW we know for profit medical has been a scam since Nixon.

Long before that, it’s just gotten a bit more brazen these days.

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