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LINK Daily Mail: Leaked cables show UK ambassador saying Trump abandoned Iran deal in act of 'diplomatic vandalism' - CNNPolitics

All Trump cares about is undoing Obama's accomplishments regardless of the effect on world peace or the American people.

Kim Darroch, the former United Kingdom ambassador to the United States, said the Trump administration was "set upon an act of diplomatic vandalism" in its decision to abandon the Iran nuclear deal, the Daily Mail reported Saturday, citing leaked cables.

jerry99 8 July 14

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Darroch only spoke the truth, and was also only relaying what he heard from other diplomats, what was common knowledge in their professional circles. Trump is an egotistical bully/crybaby. He insults others at the drop of a hat but can't stomach it dished back at him. He rails against anyone being the slightest bit "disloyal" to him, but he throws "allies" under the bus all the time. He is hell-bent on surrounding himself with purely yes-men sycophants.
But we all know this already. The concern here is the realization that someone inside British government can so easily torpedo another's career by such leaks of comunications that the vast majority of insiders agree were sensible and accurate observations on the part of Ambassador Darruch.


Yeah, like others are saying, I thought we all knew this... or maybe it was just Americans who saw it right away.

Yeah, we all knew it, but diplomats aren't supposed to get caught saying it in public.

@jerry99 Well... he didn't. He said it to his bosses. And Darroch's comments are mild compared to what Trump says publicly every day about foreign officials and governments, as well as about people here at home.

Trump's legendarily thin skin can't stand a single poke. He can dish it out, but he can't take it.

@Paul4747 and his comments were leaked to the public. Trump is an aberration who does something stupid and nasty every damn day and somehow gets away with it, not any sort of role model.

@jerry99 I didn't mean to imply that he was, please don't take me that way.

The point was that Ambassador Darroch's private (and wholly accurate) comments to his own government were much less abrasive than any of the insults Trump publishes or utters daily about any number of foreign dignitaries or, for that matter, entire nations. (One has only to think of his putdowns of London's Mayor Sadiq Khan, or his remark about "shithole countries".)

And his fans celebrate him as "honest and straightforward". Yet foreign diplomats aren't supposed to return the favor, in Trumpworld.


Well, duh! It is a perfect way to describe what trump's whole raison d'etre as president is about. A small, insecure, racist of a man can not tolerate that an intelligent, well spoken, physically fit black man held the highest office in the land. That the gop choose to use this man to achieve their end is the most disturbing part of the whole circus. trump's whole presidency is an act of vandalism.

Its funny that, although what you said about Obama is true, it's not exacrly relevant. Trumps hate is just plain ole racism. Obama could be a poorly educated, blathering idiot, who exemplified every stereotype of poor health too, and DT would hate him pretty much just as much. I agree that DT is also jealous,and I think that has a great deal to do with why he feels like it's important to make an example of Obama.


I’ve been listening to ‘the reasons’ he left ..on the BBC, but wish he hadn’t. If our friends can’t tell it to us straight … who will..?

Varn Level 8 July 14, 2019

trump is so insecure that he has to disparage others to make himself feel superior. It simply chaps his ass that Obama, a black man, is far more accomplished than he will ever be, and got a lot done for this Country in 8 years.


His hatred racism and jealousy will be the undoing of us all

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2019

We always knew that didn’t we? Trump set out to destroy everything that Obama achieved right from his first day in office...he was very clear that he wanted to reverse all of Obama’s nothing unexpected in Kim Darroch’s dispatches. What’s frightening to me is that his administration is allowing him to do this, have they collectively lost their reason?

He only hires peopld who are even worse than he is. Trump has a racist mean-spirited agenda, but he doesn't have the cognitive function to carry anything out. He allows the worst of the worst, like Stephen Miller, to have access to the power needed to actually plan and implement.

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