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Is it P.U.-OR- Pew???? -Funny Prank Call To a Church Woman

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Childish and a waste of time and energy.


I remember as a small boy dreading the places where the congregation would be asked to stand. To me this was why the seat was called a pew. We also had a toilet seat made by the Church company. Today. I find that religion still stinks, but for many other reasons.

Dwight, you just made me laugh!!!!


PU is smell
PEW is a laser gun.


This is lunacy!


Lmfao that poor old lady


How I wish there was a share button so I could put this on my FB wall. This is funny!

SKH78 Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

Click the "YouTube" at the bottom right of the video. It will take you to the YouTube page and you can share the video from there to your FB. 🙂


Fart story:

My new favorite phrase is "gasping plume." lol

Thanks for the laugh. Too funny. 😀


I'm surprised she stayed on the line as long as she did. lol

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