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Does Uncle Sam Exist?

Do you consider yourself a believer, a non-believer, or agnostic about the existence of Uncle Sam?

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skado 9 July 25

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39 comments (26 - 39)

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Based on a real person Sam Wilson of Troy NY


As a personification of my country..... yes.


He looks like excessively strict Father Sam.

MrDMC Level 7 July 25, 2019

Uncle Sam is a symbol so, in that respect, he exists. He's not a real person so this is kind of sophomoric.


It's rude to point


I guess Uncle Sam is the American brother of Jesus … sorry … half brother: same dad, different mothers.


omg r u seris


Uncle Sam wants you to ROCK!
No, just you. No, not you, her. The one in black. She should rock. The rest of y'all just calm down.


Why ask? Isn't Uncle Sam an imaginary avatar and name for the United States? I don't think anyone thinks it is God.


I pay my taxes to someone, guess who that someone is? You're welcome


Uncle Sam is a factious character being used for US government's Jihad fatwas.

NR92 Level 6 July 26, 2019

please excuse my ignorance, but who is Uncle Sam?

During the American revolution, the soldiers would get supplies marked "US." Some of the soldiers started asking "Who is this "US" guy?"

Popular mythology evolved quickly. It's a case if you don't know, make something up. Does this sound like the history of religion as well?

@WonderWartHog99 War of 1812! Not the Revolution! The United Colonies didn't begin calling themselves the United States, until several years or so AFTER the Revolutionary War ended.

@davknight What happened? Was my artistic license revoked?


Fishing for 9?


He's a propaganda tool.

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