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Anyone on here have faith in their government?

Just a simple question.

El-loco 7 Mar 19

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Not one single bit.


Not at all. I think things are going to get and have to get real bad before there is any real change for the better. I hate to say it but that seems to be the case.


The American government? Heck no. I never use the word faith to describe anything though. Faith is a word that means an excuse to believe without good reason.


The U.S. has gone this route of favoring the rich above everythign and anyone before during the "Gilded Age". We recovered from it, which means we can do so again. However it does not mean tht we definitely will recover from where we currently are.

It is also notable that the Gildee Age ended with the Great
Depression. So any recovery may not be all that palatable and is likely to take many years, as in more than a decade.


The government is not one single body. I have faith in the people who believe in American Democracy, and made it their careers to facilitate that as civil servants. I have faith in politicans, because Iknow they are only as capable as their constituents. the voters, Ido not have faith in. With the last election turnout, we have proven the very real effects of an active voting population vs an inactive one. I can't have faith when so many people are willing to sit at home and complain about a guy on the TV screen, and do nothing to involve themselves in even local social issues.

I tend to think there is a lto wrong right now, but I also like to think that things will turn around for the better. We in the U.S. are sort of in the second "Gilded Age". We recovered once, and we can do it again. However, i also realize that just because we recovered once does not mean we will definitely recover again.


My distrust in the government goes back to Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin Lie! Nothing since then has xhanged my view and I worked for the sneaky bastards for almost 20 years as a disaster responder!

BillF Level 7 Mar 20, 2018

Not in the slightest.


Faith is an unfortunately nebulous term. It is said that indigenous people in the arctic regions have dozens of words for 'snow.' Sadly, the English language is lacking in many respects, including the nuance needed to express the subtle variations of 'love' and 'faith,' to name but two examples. Due to excess baggage, I've relegated the term ‘faith’ to religion only, choosing to use terms like ‘confidence’ or, when addressing interpersonal relationships, ‘trust.’ The word faith should, in my opinion, be stricken from the vocabulary of the skeptic and nonbeliever, relegating the term to the willfully credulous. In other words, I reject the question, and would prefer you asked if we had 'confidence' in government.

Quantas idiomas hablas entonces.

@El-loco Zwei?

I agree. 'Faith' implies accepting something without evidence or contrary to the evidence, as in religion.


Never have


Faith that they will lie to accomplish a goal or to slander each other, to never fully disclose the facts.


I have been on a couple of juries and in those cases (both civil I must say) people seemed to really concentrate on facts.

It seems to be very different in criminal cases. Especially n notoriously racist states.


The answer is a big fat hell no! Get rid of the money in politics (start with Citizens United). Then work on the gerrymandering that is in many states. Then after this is done put each Congressman/Congresswoman up for election again.


I have just as much faith in our government as I do in a bearded dude sitting on a cloud waiting for a reason to smite us.


No... it has become corrupt. I believe some politicians are good and try to do what's best but the majority are corrupt and take money from special interests and lobbyists to line their pockets.


First of all, it's not OUR government anymore, you can throw out the word "Democracy"! Itis a government for the rich, by the rich, and favoring the rich. Greedy individuals and corporations who have no morals nor consideration for justice or the "little man" . So No is the answer to yourquestion about faith in OUR" government or THEIR government.

Yeah, The U.S. politicians seem to represent oligarchs a lot more than those they are supposed to and were elected to represent.


I have some hope that certain parts of government will continue to act responsibly. The executive branch is a loss at this time. Congress is a joke. The Supreme court shocks me in a good way now and again. Thats national, on the local level I find that my participation dictates my satisfaction.


No , haven't for years .


I have hope we can turn things around here in America. Faith is not really in my vocabulary

I like to think we will turn things around too. However,I realize that just because we have done so in the past is no guarantee that we will be able to do so again.

I am encouraged by the recent youth protests though.


Not even a teeny tiny bit ...


No friggin way. trump and his cabinet and Republican Congress are all goin down soon.

I just hope they don't take the entire country down with them...


not feeling very confident on the edge of this swamp. THe gators are coming on ground

They've always been coming on ground... It is just lately there are more gators on ground than in the wter.


No! Natha! How can one have faith in something that is corrupt, racist, and incompetent ...

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