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Early to bed or night owl?

I'm a night owl. I get all my inspiration when everyone is asleep. I'm just curious about you all. Do you go to bed early or stay up late?

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Biblebeltskeptic 6 Sep 16

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Generally, I tend to be a night owl, unless my ever-changing schedules in the service industry dictates otherwise.


I do my best work early in the morning, when everyone is asleep. But at night, I am having my whiskey. Sometimes, I've even earned it.


I come alive at 8 p.m. as a lifelong night owl.

But when I must get up early, I go to bed earlier. What's my secret?

Trazodone puts me to sleep in 30 minutes. Seven or eight hours of solid sleep. With a lover, it seems polite to check. "Okay if I take my Trazodone now?"

I have a prescription for it but I haven't taken it for awhile. Maybe I should try it again.


Varies from night to night

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 16, 2019

Both! When I have no plans for the following day or I get caught up in doing something, I'm a night owl. But when I have plans and especially when I travel, I want to make the most of the day time.


chronic night-owl

skado Level 9 Sep 16, 2019

I am up at 5:00AM when I work and maybe sleep in until 5:30AM when I don't. Need 6 hours of sleep so in bed by 11:00PM latest.


I have been both. Here lately I'm early to bed. Depression is a part of that as well as being tired.


Depends. I'm a recovering cancer patient, so I'm at home all day.
If I sleep all afternoon, I'll probably watch the late shows, but I always get up early to eat breakfast and drink herbal tea mix. I'll watch the early news, but often go back to sleep until the sun starts to rise.


Night, even as a kid.


Definitely night owl. I do need to sleep though.

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