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Does anyone else find this site hard to get away from? It's like reading a good book and can't wait for the next chapter!

DarwinistOne 7 Mar 20

Enjoy being online again!

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My name is Jnei and I am an Agnosticaholic...

Jnei Level 8 Mar 20, 2018


@Blindbird Your name's Jnei too...? What a coincidence!

@Jnei small world with the grocery stores and names and such.

@Blindbird Hmm. Do you think we might actually be the same person and one of us is just the other's imagined alter ego, like in Fight Club? If so, which is which? I'm kind of hoping I'm the imagined one because imaginary people don't have to pay taxes.

@Jnei there's a short story floating about the internet where a man dies and discovers that he's everyone,living out each life one at a time in training to be God. Maybe like that?
I actually like that a lot because if it were true it'd make all the suffering that goes on a lot more palatable. Alas wishing things were true doesn't make them so.

@Blindbird How do people even come up with ideas like that?!

@Jnei I think it's an extension of the Buddhist idea that we're all one.


I always come here first, before checking email or Facebook or anything else.

I do FB first to "Get it over with" - sounds like vegetables doesn't it?


It can be addictive trust me.


It sure beats a sharp stick in the eye.
And I don't have to hide posts like I do on fb.
No one here is constantly praising "his name", and cajoling me to join their cults.

Sending thoughts and prayers, ... JK!


I love it.


I agree!


I come here first and check my notification list to see what was going while I was sleeping.
Then I bounce in and out all day. Mostly in though.


I have no problem getting away from this site. Staying off is the difficult part for me.

JimG Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

These discussion forums are why I joined, actually. Addictive like Reddit can get.


And you are level 5 already ! Good for you ! 🙂


I sure do! It's new and interesting people keep arriving. I'm pleasantly surprised by how many in my age group are here.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Yep. I have it up all day at work. LOL! It's rather addictive, but not so much because of the site itself, because of the people here. =]


This is my go to site during the day, every day.


Let's just say work really got in the way today, lol




Yes. I was just telling a friend about how addictive it can be.


Thats a great analogy


Better than sex...




I like being on here because i'm sick of hearing all that Jesus Christ bullshit!!! Praying to Jesus is like praying to Popeye the Sailor!!! So freakin studid. Watch the news?? Where's Jesus? What's he doing if he is so big and strong!! what a joke. And don't bend over around a Catholic Priest!!!


a never ending story, !

1 is really well run and the members much more intelligent than FB.


So true...just realised I've been on here for the last FOUR hours!! Best wishes, and goodnight everyone. (9.30pm GMT but I've a few things to complete before I retire for the evening - got an interesting book witing for me beside my bed.


I know! Facebook is so boring!!!

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