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Has the US lost the 'moral high ground' to criticize other countries?

Shouldn't the US look to fix their problems first?

atheist 8 Mar 21

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Nope. We have had our political/military noses up eveyone else's business just about since WWII. We should focus on ourselves and quit trying to police the world and manipulate the world stage to our own ends. If we backed off and minded our own business (which would include a HUGE strategic and military contraction that would probably save hundreds of BILLIONS in defense spending) we would see rapid improvements internally (at least I hope the recovered revenue would have that effect). Then we need to work on our own political system and restore it to its original "form." I know many will disagree, but putting a true Libertarian into the oval office will create a sea-change in that area. Ok, shuttin up now. =]


I think that moral ground was always in our imagination.


trump has destroyed our global credibility. Hopefully we can start impeachment proceedings after November unless he abandons ship first. LOL.

While Trump is immaculately horrendous, he is not totally to blame. Corrupt Politicians from both dominate parties have been slowly destroying America for decades. Trump is only gangrenous cherry on top.

The problem with impeachment is the length of time it takes for the process and with this divided congress I don't see it happening. I see what follows Trump and its just as bad. Pence is someone that will not be able to govern and looks to the "man in the clouds" for his direction in life. I hope that a blue wave happens to at least neuter the SOB in the White House and hopefully in 2020 we have an election that will be fair and somewhat open to more than crazy identity politics happening throughout the media.

@Reignmond read " capone" and you will see the base rot of america starts with the method of choosing judges. you can't elect them you have to appoint them by intelligent people

Sort of true, bit I assert that the downfall of you political system starts with the stupidity and gullibility of the American Voter. If we voted better (back when it still counted), we would have had better politicians. And those better politicians would have appointed better Judges.

That said, an equally strong case could be made that our Political Party System, or Campaign Finance System were incubators for our current state of corruption.


No one has the moral ground to JUDGE.

Depends what you mean by "Judge," If I see something obviously wrong, what is wrong with me pointing it out?


This country is so jacked right now it's going to take a lot to fix it, that's if it can be at all.


The U.S. never had the moral high ground.

@atheist Yes it is.


LOL We never had it!!! LOL

@atheist That was derisive laughter. 😉


You don’t have to be flawless to identify another’s faults. It just makes you look like an ass is all.

Marz Level 7 Mar 21, 2018

you had better read some history NOW


fucking hypocrites


I suppose it depends on whats being criticised and the reasoning..


Most definitely! We are no longer Democratic by any stretch of the imagination. We kill US citizens off US soil for the suspicion of "terrorist activities" without a trial. We sponsor and encourage terrorism and coups in other Nations. Our government does not serve its Citizens. We have lost the 4th Estate. Corruption of our Leaders is rampant and encouraged. We help those who are not our true allies and penalize those who are. Government economic policies are written to subjugate the Middle Class and Poor, and to ensconce the Wealthy Elites. And we are watching other countries attain the American Dream of liberty, security, happiness.

@atheist Ditto!


What high ground ?


The United States never had it worldwide. We did slip on gaining credibility and amicable status with the world. Old neutral countries are now soured by the administration's approach to them.


Weird your comments are sounding just like ours in the U.K Theresa May has completley lost the plot of whatever drama she provides for our delight - we are all over the place. Feeling Mad Sad & Bad be a while before we get Glad

yes england is just as messed up but happened to be a bit more advanced when all this reversal began [1974]

@atheist yes I am sure that it is, but hey whats to do about your orange man, here we have Orange Parades - for William of Orange send Trump over they'd love him here!

@atheist Can we send you May then ? for yours! I took my children to Parliament as they were being deschooled, and it was a good time to see how laws were being made. When we were snaking around waiting to get up stairs to the gallerys, the policeman asked my children if they wanted to see where Guy fawkes got in and hid and was discovered = we did and the Policeman said afterwards to my children "Between you and me he was the only man ever to enter this parliament with honest intentions"

@atheist ,yes I think its an old one!'


From countries to individual people we ALL have problems to work on. Why are you allowed to criticize America when you have your own individual problems to work out?

@atheist I guess you don't see my point

@atheist I'm done arguing.

because I don't kill or hurt or persecute ANYBODY but america does, to billions


This country was founded on being special. That said if it voicing a call out on a wrong, then anybody can do it. I don't know of a country with lilly white hands.

BillF Level 7 Mar 21, 2018

I don't think you lose the right to an opinion just because your leaders are shit. Yeah, America has gone to hell in a handbasket, but I wouldn't call it 'the moral high ground' to call other countries out on their shit too.

That's like saying "you can't call your sister out on her drug problem because you smoke cigarettes"

@atheist not really, because we are aware of our own problems, and fighting to fix them. However just because we have problems doesn't mean we can't acknowledge when other countries are royally fucked too.

@atheist so if your neighbor was raping children and murdering people, you would have no right to say anything to police or do anything about it because you yourself suffer from economical problems and an addiction to caffeine and mcdonalds?

@atheist you can't criticize my argument because you aren't making a very good one either


I think the only high ground we have ever had was arrogance. More like moral audacity.


I've seen the US use the moral high ground to persecute communism, fascism, and socialism. Now Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia are praised for presidents for life and royal families dictating their population, and previous allies, UK and Canada are criticized. The US is no longer leader of the free world but rather chaos of the renegade. It's so hard to be proud to be American anymore. BTW we never had a right to "take the moral high ground." Like police of the pirates and of WMD, we nominated ourselves, and failed.


around the takeover of phillipines 1897


It has never had the moral high ground - it just thinks it has.

I'm not even sure that many Americans know anything of the outside world.


The country has not fully lost the high ground, but the Trump administration has.


Did it ever had the moral high ground?

never in modern times. even acted like weenies during ww2


We lost that after Allende was deposed by the CIA in 73..with H.Kissengers blessings..remember him Hillarys Foreign Policy guru.

@atheist lol

We are Serious who in gods name is Allejende? If you are Referring to Chile's Salvador Allende... said so, most here wouldn't know, unless you explain.

try when mossadec was taken out in 53 or even better when half of turkey was given to italy ww1

@GipsyOfNewSpain sorry, seems I forgot how to spell it..yes college I had friends from Chile, they had family that were arrested that night. They were never seen again...

@Charlene there is a song by Sting about that... "they dance alone", mothers used to dance in front of the palace with pictures of their sons as protest.


Not sure we ever had it as much as we thought we did, but we definitely don't have it now.


yes. The middle east is our mess, Our failure in South America is profound -- oh, How bout Puerto Rico -- denying climate change at the highest level -- I could go on for a page.

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