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I have made the point to several religious people that their trying to force their religion into schools and government is not different than Muslim Sharia Law. It's fun to watch them get upset, angry, flustered by having no answer or way to refute what I said.


I hope kids will be allowed to bring The Brick Bible, by Brendan Powell Smith, to share with their classmates. That would actually prove to be highly educational! I have the complete set and found it fascinating to see the stories of the bible depicted in Lego characters. Brilliant!



Another one with no understanding of separation of church & state. Is it time for some kind 9f civics test to be able to run for office?


These books certainly have a lot in common. All great fictional stories. No mention of “On The Origin Of Species”?
(Sorry for my terrible drawing skills).




From the state that gave us Mitch McConman.

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