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Did you ever find your calling? Or, are you still looking?

Have you been satisfied with a field of work? Or, are you still looking for the "right thing?"

Ever career change?

I've had two major career paths. A business major who was in Project Coordination & Social Work, then Finance... went to teaching. And, none was my "calling." Perhaps there is no such thing, but I haven't ever had a very fulfilling career that felt like a good fit. You?

silvereyes 8 Mar 21

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Yep. I am working my first real job that I started in 98(was layed off for a few years in the middle) and it is everything I've ever wanted. I am making more than average for my neighborhood and enough to live comfortably, but am still making quite a bit less than median pay for my job title and experience, but I have freedom and I work in a market I find satisfaction in. It is amazing.


Find my calling? Sometimes, I can't even find my phone!

Seriously, in high school, I wanted to be an Electrical Engineer. Later, I moved toward the IT world and gave it a good run. What I have discovered is that I LOVE to build people up and help them find what is best in themselves. What that will lead me to do, I have no idea, but it will be fun and fulfilling. Meanwhile, as a Sound Engineer, I get to do some of that by helping people sound the best they can, whether it is a vocalist or just someone wanting to play some CDs. This'll do, for now.


Only if shout really loud and the sound waves bounce off the walls. lol, Too many interests to settle on one.


Many years ago I went to a career counselor at a local college. I wasn't attending, but it was a college for women, and to new attract students, they were offering a number of summer programs, seminars, and non-credit courses, so I gave it a shot. I was enormously glad I did.

I had been working in business, banking and insurance, but found so much of it boring. Tried to take a class in basic risk management theory and literally fell asleep. The Career counselor provided a series of tests - most of the standard ones that they use - personality, aptitude, interest, etc. As they came back we discussed each one, and guess what? I was in the wrong job! After about 2 months of weekly one-on-one meetings, we came up with a plan to help me get into something more suited for me. Within a year, I was working at the same company but making about 15% more money and was much happier - I actually looked forward to going in.

I did make a few more job changes, but knowing what my skills, talents and job needs were really helped more than I ever would have expected. Hope that helps!


my calling was to stay flexible, so i kept adapting to whatever opportunity or need or desire should arise. all this ended up becoming a curriculum vitae that would confuse even me. call me the wanderer.


I have too many callings. Too many awesome things to do in this world. I could never narrow it down to one. Maybe you're the same.


I rather feel that I have several, which is part of the reason I have not achieved nearly any of them.


Still looking.


I've come to the conclusion that I'll never actually get a job that I'm passionate about, because if I do, I'll lose my passion for it. I've got to keep my work and my hobbies separate, or my hobbies will become as boring as my job.


Yes I did finally. Turns out my calling is retirement. If I had only known!

skado Level 9 Mar 22, 2018

I am very lucky that (1) my calling is something that makes a good living and (2) I found it early in life. The only thing that sucks is the massive student loans which at 55 I am just on the verge of repaying.


I've changed careers more times than I can count. Ok I can actually count that high, but you get my point. I have found my calling after years of searching, but I've always been happy with anything I've done. I think just having the attitude that whatever I'm doing is amazing even if it's washing dishes had kept me satisfied in my jobs. There's always something that's great about every position, even if it doesn't seem that way. Now I'm really happy though traveling about looking at rocks.


Still looking, doubt I will ever find it


I kinda know how your feeling since I finished school well even before than I went from shop assistant cleaner tour guide train driver youth worker fencing removalist land scapper patio installer trades assistant project manager researcher admin receptionist and Im 37yrs I've never been settled I've enjoyed all those titles but never felt I belonged but I have been awakened and enlightened and feel I've tested my destined path but I couldn't find the sign let alone the gate of entry now I know I'm nearly touching the gate in this darkness I'm just waiting for someone to turn the light on for me to find the gate to my path of fulfilment pleasure freedom exploring limitless boundless inhabitant journey


Many are called, but few are chosen. I have had many walks down many paths. No regrets here. I am still walking and still finding more paths to follow. Life truly is a river.


No, still looking.


Still looking


I don't think I have ever found my calling. I'm not sure exactly what a "calling" is but I know many of us are looking for it. What I have found instead is something that I cannot put a name on. I can look backwards in my own life and see why I did something at the time that I did it. I only know this today and would not have known it then. I know it today because I am honest with myself and I make no excuses because I am only revealing what I find to myself and not to others. Much of this is not pleasant. It also reveals actions at a basic level. Down deep we are all influenced by feelings and sayings that are almost tribal. We can learn from this but to do so we must be honest with ourselves. Drop the mask of the myth of self and underneath you find a totally different self and the principals that the self operates on.


Being self employed was my answer to fullfillment, Iwould not change a thing


I’d say I’m in the right calling but it has several pathways that each are enjoyable, medical science/public health/infectious diseases/pathology— all of it is ridiculously enjoyable to me.


Yes. When I was a boy of about 10, my mother took me to a radio station and their morning DJ showed me around. From that moment on, I was hooked. When I was 20, I got my first job in radio. I was a disaster, of course, but I stuck with it. Within 10 years, I was the top rated DJ in my market. It was a time when radio was still important, before Ipods, when cars only had cassette players in them. The record companies treated me very well, I was able to meet, interview, hang with, and insome cases, party with a LOT of famous rockers. It was a fanatasy life for many years. I'm now out of the business but remember that time fondly.


From advertising career to career in music at the age of 25. Definitely found my calling. Gave up money for passion. Still playing. Never looked back. 🙂


No! Unless, my calling is to be retired. I was happy for many years as a software engineer. But memory issues and of course other medical problems changed my perspective. Now I am writing and trying out some new things to see how my creative side can be a new career path. Still working on it. But in all my years, I was never sure that I knew what I wanted to do. I always felt like there was something more that I could have done.


I found “a” calling, but it turned out to be someone else’s and when I tried to return it, they refused to take it back.


Yes low and behold it was retirement

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