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LINK Catholic Church Spent Over $2 Million On Lobbying To Block Child Rape Laws (VIDEO)

I think this indicates malicious intent.

snytiger6 9 Nov 1

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Self preservation


Hell threats and heaven bribes ARE MALICIOUS


These are the same gangsters who lobbied against the first marriage laws in Maryland 140 years ago....our hero Matilda Joslyn Gage lectured in favor of state marriage license laws ....DANGERS OF THE HOUR is a classic Atheist speech defeating catholic monopoly of wedding traditions


If you're surprised by this, you haven't been paying attention.


Thanks for posting this story, which tells of atrocious behavior by the Catholic church.


Agree ; money can prevent justice. Insulating those responsible.


Catholic church needs to be shutdown for good, worldwide.

The Satanic church hasn’t done near the damage of the Catholic Church. In fact, I’m not sure what they have ever been guilty of. I’m not saying I agree with them just trying to make a fair argument


Seems the lobbying was to stop a change to the statute of limitations ... from the church point of view it is money well spent .... $ 2 million vs all the compensation claims.


Couldn't be better proof that God does not exist.




Congregation of pervs


Over my years here, I've developed the opinion that ALL religions are evil to some degree. And the Catholic regime is the worst. Apparently, its top management must believe that buggering little kids is necessary for the on-going professional development of their preachers. It's almost as if they believe raping kids is a necessary evil.


This organization should be banned and we must designate the Vatican as a terrorist organization!

zesty Level 7 Nov 1, 2019

A three and one half year old video. Still relevant and interesting, considering Pope Frank's blatant promotion of Islam, which condones and encourages child sexual abuse.

Have you red the Quran to be able to say that Islam encourages child sexual abuse? Because I have and I can tell you it does not.

@Jolanta You have a very "liberal" viewpoint on what constitutes child sexual abuse.

@Jolanta I believe the Quran does keep the Old Testament view of women and children as being Property of the man.

@snytiger6 In the Quran women have way more freedom than women in the bible do.

@K9Kohle789 Yes they are but the people that use Koran are the uneducated ones, he, he. It is forbidden for Muslims to kill anyone, only in self defence is it ok. I doubt very much that Muslims worldwide would legitimize suicide shelling at all.


Well, can you blame them? Those laws are a big obstacle in their holy quest to diddle kids.


I’ll like to see that


Fucking pedos!!


That is just one area, as they have spent much more around the world, and especially in more developed nations.


Ya think?


I'd love to see the catholic church outlawed, worldwide.

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