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Have you ever had a frenemy?

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"

Have you ever been successful at this?

silvereyes 8 Mar 25

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Sun Tzu 孫子 The Art of Warfare "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" Although this is attributed to various historical figures I am inclined think that it orginated with Sun Tzu. In a nutshell his philosophy is: "Avoid a war if at all possible, if not, bring it to a speedy conclusion with minimum loss of life, damage to land and property."

The whole point of keeping your enemies closer than your friends is simply to learn their strengths and weakness.


There are a ot of people that I don't like, but would rather work with them rather than a friend and there are friends that I would rather like that to try to work with because we probably wouldn't like each other for long lol.


Successful? No. Not really. The wheels fell off it, in very short order. Thankfully, the mutual friend fell out with her too, not long afterwards. The only reason I entertained her in the first place was because she and the mutual friend were joined at the hip, and I didn't want to lose the mutual friend.


I am nice to my ex so I can see my kids anytime I want. I don't hate her and have accepted she is who she is. However, I don't like her and I don't trust her. I don't know if that counts as a frenemy. It does make me a little two faced, which goes against my core principlas. But doing what is best for my kids and seeing them when I want is a higher priority.


All the time


Yes lots of people who called me friend turned out to to be


Yes lots of people who called me friend turned out to to be


I think it works out of necessity in certain situations such as in politics, war, business, so then in socially necessary situations where a collation is more important than enmity. Perhaps some are able to carry this idea into their personal lives, I don't think I can.

cava Level 7 Mar 25, 2018

Yes many over the years. Some have turned out to be good friends with exceptions I suppose. I knew I could call them and they would come to a knife fight but bitch behind my back come first light. With that I was satisfied to call them friend.


I had one in junior high in Enid. this girl named stacy was my bitter enemy drawing my ire all the time on the bus and at school. then one day she gave me a card and tried to kiss me! I had all the emotional maturity of an infant so I screwedd that good deal all up. She was a stunning beauty too.


My oldest sister! ????


Oh, yes. In my profession, I fougt many battles against her, vigorously. When her control freak tendencies got her in trouble in her job, I was conciliatory. Some time later she showed an interest in dating. I did not repond, as I was already married to a mean-spirited control freak and did not want more of the same.


I have a famenemy Both of my half sisters are so jealous of me they both have taken the high road to taking care of their kids. The third from the youngest is very promiscuous with a different guy almost every week drunk or high on cannabis, I can't remember the last time I had seen her sober. She abandoned 2 of her kids to pursue a brief homosexual encounter. She left her oldest son for my mom to raise. This one did ever thing her infantile brain could come up with to try and get control of my kids. My other sister is a heroin addict and is just ignorant of how to be a human being, she has been in and out of jail. I lost count of how many times. They both are self-destructive and because of the last thing they attempted to do to me, I will never speak to either one of them again.


Yes, but unfortunately they didn't start out that way.


I really don't have the time or patience to allow people like that to remain in my life.
As soon as I identify one, they're gone.
I'm a pretty nice person, but there are some things I have no tolerance for.
Crappy people is one of them.


Almost everyone, if not everyone. Until humans stop acting like animals, they always will be.


Now I have had friends that made me think, who needs enemies.


No. Can't say I have. But I don't try either. I'm nice to pretty much everyone even if I probably shouldn't be.


Several members of my family


Life is too short to put up with that crap.


I used to some years back. He was actually my best friend for many years and the person I thought was the most similar to myself when we joined highschool. But as smart people, we are driven and it became so easy to drive each other apart. Finally one day he cut the friendship.

It's been quite a few years since and we occasionally see each other, but don't do anything more than talk about the weather until we split into two different conversations with other people. A true frenemy is too much effort and it's easier just to interact with other people.

By letting the frenemy in, all you're doing is adding chaos into your life. There are so many more positive ways than to do that. Maybe one day we will be friends again, but we will likely be very different people then


As an adult I don't have any enemies. If I am at a party with a group of people I have some who are friendlier than others. Or on holidays in summer my GF has a huge party which includes an old friend that I dated 9 years ago for 3 months. He has a live in GF now and she freaked out on the 4th of July to keep us away from each other worried his GF would get upset. I don't get into drama so I stayed away from them.


It's really not all the uncommon in the music business. In some bands, egos tend to collide. I once played in a band with a guy, Tom (not his real name,) who was (is) one of the best, most talented guitarists and singers in the area. His problem was that he knew it and expected everyone else to know it too.

Tom came into the band when it was three piece -- myself, the bass player, and the drummer. I was lead guitarist for the band as well as lead singer for most of the material we did. One night, driving home after a gig, I dozed at the wheel about 10 miles from home, doing about 75mph, and went off the road. I clipped what was essentially a concete wall. It was just dumb luck that I didn't hit that wall head-on. Had I done that, I would certainly have been killed. As it was, I was fortunate that the crash resulted in only a single injury -- a broken left hand. The force of the impact had traveled up the steering column and ... snap!!

I continued performing with the band as lead singer while my hand healed, but could not play guitar with my hand in a cast. That's when the band brought Tom in to serve as lead guitarist for about three months, after which I was ready to begin playing again. Then he stayed on a while longer as I worked to get my hand back in shape and regain my previous level of play.

Once I had my skills back, we found ourselves in the enviable position of having two lead guitarists who were also singers, something that nobody else in the area had. So we made it a permanent arrangement, started doing material that few other bands had the instrumentation or vocals to do well, and the band started playing bigger and bigger gigs.

But there was a problem. Tom had the attitude that he was some sort of superstar and was extremely difficult to work with. He would show up at a gig, or a rehearsal for that matter, and twiddle with his guitar, or mingle with the crowd, or fuss with his hair, or just sit somewhere while everyone else in the band was busting ass hauling gear, setting up, tearing down. loading and unloading, doing the sound check, etc. Tom had joined the band as a substitute, but by this time acted as if we all worked for him.

Even worse than that, he was (is) one of these people who are obviously and obnoxiously Christian. God this, Jesus that, The Lord the other thing. Mingling around waiting for the gig to start, on break, at a restaurant after the gig, during idle time at rehearsal, or any time there was dead air (except on stage) it would almost never fail that he would say something related to his faith. Myself being an atheist, it completely rubbed me the wrong way and Tom and I knocked heads a few times.

Enemies? Yeah, pretty much. Friends? Well, we had a working relationship and had to act like we were friends when the band was out in public. Does that count?

After another few months, I would receive an unsolicited job offer in California that I could not turn down, and that was the end of my time with that band, which was probably the most successful band I've been directly involved with. Now I've returned to the area and am involved in a new band. No, Tom is not in it! I absolutely, positively, refuse to ever work with Tom again.

I've heard that a month or two after I left for California, Tom and the bass player got into a fist fight following a gig near Eau Claire, WI. I'm pretty sure I know where it was since we played at a place near Eau Claire several times. I'm also pretty sure I know what started the fight. I'm told the bass player threw the first punch. I wish I could have witnessed that!!

I won't even go and see Tom's latest band. One, I won't pay money to see him perform. Two, I don't want to chance getting into a fist fight!! lol

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