If I were to ake the postings from this Forum as an exampleI would say yes. I
The English armies that rampaged through France, during the Hundred Years War, would have thought themselves 'good Christians'. Yet, in addition to committing rape, pillage, mass murder, and arson,they "God damned" everything. They "God damned" French beer, French wine, French women, etc. So much so, that French soldiers began referring to them as "Goddamns" (which is supposedly the origin of the expression).
On this site when it comes to degradingTrump most definitely.
Degrading Trump? Who can do that better than he to himself?
Som bitch ....agnostic.com has a filter AND WILL NOT LET ME TAG: fuck shit piss cunt motherfucker asshole
Studies have shown that intelligent people tend to swear more than stupid motherfuckers.
@Omnedon the study i saw found that they correlated the cussing to what was the most appropriate word to use in context. they indicated that smarter people tended to use the biggest (widest) vocabulary and most appropriate word to convey their idea. so, if profane fits. i don't recall exactly if they touched on appropriate venue for using profane, but i don't think they were referring to curses for curses sake.
Why do you post questions that show a bias against non-believers?
Are non believers more prone to using profanity?
Are believers better citizens?
Why do so many hate religion? What's to hate?
The questions do not show a bias but your answers sure do.
Exactly. Well said.
There isn't a fucking thing wrong with "profanity".
As a matter of fact...
Ummm, wouldn't that be a completely biased and incomplete sampling of data, given this is an almost totally non-believers site?!?!?
gawdamn right sis
Fucked if I know. Any dickhead who gives a shit about that crap is one of the biggest wankers you could come across, so just piss off with all that shite you’re talkin’.
I think a lot of us have different standards for what we consider profane.
What the fuck is wrong with the word Fuck? One of the most fucking versatile words of the English language, it is noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, and exclamation. Motherfucker! What in the fucking fuck is so fucking wrong with fucking fuck?
I think that we might be less afraid to use profanity than believers are. For my personal experience, most believers I know are "offended" by profanity because they feel they have to be in order to conform with the religious expectation. I do use swear words but when I do use them without apology because I am no longer a child and I am allowed as an adult to curse. Many of the believers I know don't curse and act like children who are not allowed to curse because sky daddy will get mad. It's really that with them, they are still children afraid of making sky daddy mad.
Damn right
@Georgy303 because they're freaks - in a make-belief box marked X. ..like turkey stuffing stitched up! Fucking "hell".
Typically. I like people who are true to themselves and their feelings. I don't like overly foul mouth people either.
I also have known believers that don't curse to be hypocrites and back bitters.
Some studies have concluded that the more intelligent people are more prone to decorate their speech with extra adjectives, adverbs, and exclamations.
And, some studies have concluded that more intelligent people are more likely to be non-believers.
So, maybe a correlation. But, i have been around those who are neither and spew such words because they have few others.
I am a user of "those words", it has Nothing to do with religion or anti-religions.
I worked in a shipyard for 13 years & it is just the way I talk, I do not even hear it
I have a friend who swears constantly. There is a "fuck" in almost every sentence he utters. probably the result of spending most of his working life of fishing boats. I loved his little story about the time they had a Muslim in the crew and in a stormy North sea the guy tried to point himself towards Mecca to say his prayers. My friend's retort was "Your pointing yourself towards fucking Bergen man not fucking Mecca "
I would love to take him to a meeting of prissy churchgoers to see their shocked reaction.
Love it. The problem the prissy people have is they don’t understand vernacular!