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LINK Deconstructing Men’s Rights Activism

Trigger warning: there is mention of incest and marital rape. Just be aware, otherwise great information, good read.

HippieChick58 9 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Assuming every one of the perceived slights that trigger the outrageous reactions of MRA, is a real issue at heart, how do we address them? For instance there is a disparity in child custody. Not say anything about goid/bad or right/wrong. But men are unable to grasp their rights, or have shitty lawyers, or something. Theres a cultural problem that needs to be addressed here. The MRAs are trying, and doing a terrible job at it. But unless theres an organized campaign to address the custody disparity, thr MRAs will be the sole group to tackle the issue.


Sickening on so many levels, and unbelievably demeaning to Real fathers & husbands!


Any "males' rights activism" is nothing more than the attempt of the privileged to maintain that status.

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