Why do men want to text?
Some people are reluctant to spend phone time. When I go into hermit mode - I am.
But then depending on who I'm speaking with, I've also been known to go for hours !
I never text.
I can talk for hours when they are interesting. Decision made today - will text once and that can be for hours.
In my case, I prefer talking on the phone, it's easier and I don't have to stop what I am doing..
I have difficulty with the voice detached from a face...also volume, fast-talk and accent issues...
(I never thought of this as a man-thing)...
Texting is actually called SMS(ShortMessgaeService)and it's great
for, yes, short messages and replies...
I'm best with face-to-face, next best, chatting...
I had rather talk than text if it is going to be a real conversation. Folks seldom ever sound like what you imagine. It adds so much more to the conversation. I have had too many conversations messaging that just end for what seems like no reason. That doesn't happen on the phone unless someone is pissed and hangs up on you.
I hate talking on the phone and I hate texting as well...
Once I am on the phone, I am fine...but I really have to force myself...