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I am curious what some of you think. I had a man approach me in the supermarket yesterday morning... to make a slightly boring story less boring I will get right to the point... he asked for my number and I gave it to him... after I agreed to meet for coffee next time he was in town, he "explained" to me that the only cell phone he had was owned by his employer and that when he called me it would show up as Restricted...Aaaannnddd he can't text on it. He didn't offer his number to me.

Am I being too skeptical when I say I think he may be married?

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Valarina61 4 Mar 26

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72 comments (26 - 50)

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Definitely married. Don’t fall for his lies.


You are too naive. Please keep yourself safe. Of course, he is amrried.


It might be something worse than that-- he could be living with his mother, and that phone could be hers.

Like Howard on Big Bang Theory! Ha ha ha!

OMG that's hilarious!


I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that he's married based on that; it could just be a live in girlfriend.

JimG Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

Most of the people I know with an employer provided phone also has a personal one with the exception of one person who does not have any social media accounts or even a computer.

The others that do not carry a personal cell have no problem giving the number to non business related people so he does not need to hide you from his employer.


He definitely is married. I once met a guy who gave me a lame excuse of why I shouldn't call or text him. I later found out he was married.


Coming from a man, I would think married, cell phone's are cheap. In my opinion, stay away.


Yeah, he's married.


Or he's looking for someone's skin to wear


I admire you for accepting this man's approach and giving him your information. That is really the only way a man can approch a strange woman who he would like so much to introduce himself too.
As to your question, he is married and the rest is entirely up to you.

I would like to add that I was on the opposite end of this type of situation. I am a single man and have introduce myself to many strange woman in different places. The majority who accepted my approach (and there were many) were married. I won't go any further with this.


Married, or a Russian spy that works for Facebook.


Sounds sketchy. Even if he's not married, he's clearly hiding something. Did you get his full name? I usually Google the hell out of people. I also check the MN court system to see what, if any, records he has. If there is anything it's usually just divorce or speeding tickets. BUT, I did find one guy had multiple assault charges. Another guy with a a OFP against him.....but sometimes it's good to find out their side of the story too. That guy had a crazy ex wife who called the police on him without merit. It's also good if they have Facebook so you can see if you have any mutual friends to ask if they're psycho or not.

I've had guys get pissed about that but hey, it's not like the olden days where friends set you up with someone they knew. I'm not going to just go out with some random stranger without finding out as much about them as I can first. I fully expect them to do the same with me.


warning Will Robinson.


He's married.


Something seems out of place, most people with employer phones have their own too. Most plans now a days have unlimited calls & texts, so why would company care.


He's hitched.




If you want to find out if someone is married, find out the county they are in and go to the Clerk of Courts and do a search under their name. See if you can find a marriage certificate. You may also have to do the same under the state. If they are married you can find out.


Sounds dodgy to me


That’s weird. I’d probably stay far away!


I used to pick up on women at supermarkets, I would stand in the cake isle and ask the woman how to bake a cake as it was my son's birthday. This let's her know I'm single and needs a woman's touch. Usually I waited for the one wearing spandex, they usually have an agenda anyway. It worked a couple of times. I am a trained chef, so maybe I lied a little. As for your specific situation, no man in this day and age doesn't have a personal smart phone so he's probably taken-bacon. If he really doesn't have a phone of his own then his sh#$ is weak.


To me it seems pretty evident that he is married. But married or not married seems pretty odd. I for sure wouldn't take him serious. If you just want like a one night stand type thing I guess he would be perfect for that.


I would say if getting his own phone would improve his sex life he should do it, realizing you are only meeting for coffee but it’s even screwing that up. If he calls I think you should say you don’t go out with people you can’t contact and suggest he stop at a Verizon and fix his life. Apologies if that sounds harsh since I don’t know you, but I would not want my daughter trusting this and so I don’t think it’s a great idea for anyone.


I think It'd be reasonable for you to dig up information on him online. Perhaps he has a Facebook account. Whatever you end up finding with solid connection to him will help you make an informed decision, saving both of you from a greater disappoitment of incompatablity later down the line.


I've had company phones in the past. If it was the only one I had, it was only because I had unrestricted access with it. Otherwise, I'd always keep 2 phones, or use one with dual SIM's. Dude is probably married. At the least, he's bad news.

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