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"Your next post should be People Who Over Post."

This was a man's comment in response to my post, "People Who Overtalk" two days ago.

"It was a joke... biting a tiny bit," he added. At 47, he should know better.

"Your joke is mean and hurtful," I replied. "Why do you want to embarrass and hurt people, 'biting a tiny bit,' as you put it?"

He lashed out calling me narcissistic and selfish. I blocked him.

Since then, I have hesitated to post anything. Mean jokes sting.

LiterateHiker 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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That guy or anyone really only has as much power to hurt you as you grant them. It would've been easier and so much more empowering to have just told him to piss off and dismiss him as irrelevant.

Trolls are everywhere online. You need to harden your shell a bit when you encounter them.

@Donotbelieve You told him to unfollow you so I looked up your followers and posted this -- "Christ almighty, woman, you have 282 followers! Jesus only had 12. Should I be following you?"

@Donotbelieve Okay, I won't follow you but if it turns out you're the new Messiah or some such shit, I better not get left behind.

@Sgt_Spanky; @Donotbelieve

I wrote him a message:

"Stop insulting me. You are mean. I'm blocking you. Goodbye."

@LiterateHiker I'd have thrown in an "asshole" but that was fine.


I know this is my problem but I get really pissed off with these Johnny-come-lately types who have been here for five minutes and start criticising the protocols of those who have done the graft of attaining level 7 and above.

If it’s on topic fine but something like this is disingenuous,


Gee. I like your posts.


While there's something to say about brevity and conciseness, I think your posts are well written and make clear points. Some people are just jealous of people who are loquacious and go to the point at the same time.


I have commented about online dating men asking about my favorite sex position before we’ve laid eyes on each other and how it bothers me. I was talking several days with a guy on here and he asked me that question, then said he was joking. I blocked him as well!


Please keep posting....I am thrilled with your assertive wisdom experience photos and mentoring us all....bad boys of all ages condemn wise women IN TRANSFERENCE of their inadequacy hiding their rapist desires


Thank you. I feel glad you enjoy my posts. Hugs. Kathleen

@LiterateHiker 68 next March 22


And I'm pissed you have a t shirt and all I got so far is a rash on my butt.


Mean people suck! I don't care how smart he is.
By the way, I'm selfish and narcissistic. Never been able to eat clams and I can't ride a horse.


I mean by that logic he should be saying that to all the frequent posters in the group, which would be all you level 9-ers 😉 😛 I wonder if it was his immature way of flirting with you XD


You have my vote. I like seeing your posts and cool pics. Don't stop.


Thank you.


I haven't blocked anyone. None at all.


It's all good ! I got shit to go do. A life to live.

To that guy that doesn't like certain things people do....Too bad , so sad. Or is it....So sad, too bad?


twill Level 7 Dec 20, 2019
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