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Portion of US border wall in Calif. falls over in high winds on Mexico side.



LiterateHiker 9 Jan 29

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If it's Trump's wall, surely it could dodge a draft?

GREAT response!!!


Hey, it was 37 mph. An average day out on the water here.


Funny; but so sad that we have to seriously consider such a thing.

I think he's just delusional; or perhap has untreated syphilis;



I've posted a BBC link to this sorry tale!
I also chortled with glee as I read it!!


Government engineering at its finest. 🙄

Actually theey just laid this section and the cement wasn't dry.


Look out for illegal Mexican whafts of air, rapist air, robber air, there some air that is good Mexican air, but mostly terrorist air!
Now, about this biggest, best beautiful wall ever? Fell over, who knew that could happen?
Gravity, no one knew about that


Looks like Auburn NY prison guard tower and approximate height of wall over 130 years old.. from the outside it looks like it could hold TrumpOLINI BidenS BILLARY Pence et al


LMAO karma

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 29, 2020

Government contracted the lowest bidder. 😆

@bigpawbullets more likely trump buddy using substandard materials to increase profit

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