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Do you think all religious are equal?

Some Atheists claim that all religions or religious philosophies are the same since they are equally false. I assert that them being equally false is irrelevant. Ideologies and belief systems embed particular values and ideas who have different consequences on human behavior. Consequences on the human behavior is what really matters as this is how it truly affects society. Not all religions are equal because they represent different religious philosophies and set of rules in the same way that godless ideologies such as marxism or capitalism are.

Do you believe that all religions are equal? What do you mean by it? This issue underlines the Christianity vs. Islam debate. Please defend your case here.

Chris90045 5 Sep 29

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70 comments (26 - 50)

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All religious people are equal in their disdain for rational thought and reason. I keep seeing references on this site to "the good people" who practice religion as opposed to the zealots. There are no "good people." In some ways they are worse. They provide cover for and legitimize the zealots who take religious delusions to the extreme. It is dangerous to distinguish one religion from another based on "the particular values and ideas who (sic) have different consequences on human behavior." This has been enough to spark wars and crusades throughout all human history. And I hear the same idea referenced by many christians who worship the same god and read the same scriptures as do their slandered brethren who are muslim. Even christians are at the throats of other christians for no better reason than religious bigotry based on minute philosophical differences. The bloody wars between catholics and protestants come to mind as well as The Troubles in Northern Ireland. Falling into the trap of ranking the religious by the characteristics of their religions on a "good to bad" scale makes you vulnerable to the siren song of politicians itching to wage war. Religion could not be used as a cover for wars of aggression whose true aims are to loot other countries of their resources and wage cultural imperialism in the fight to make the world safe for McDonald' and KFC. If the vast majority of the electorate were atheists or, at least, considered all religious justifications for waging war as spurious there would be one less phony flag to fly while trying to convince a skeptical nation to go to war.


Yes all are based on faith (myths), fear and the position that they are the only correct religion!!! They all play as if they are being nice to each other but when it gets down to the basics they all believe that they have the right path to heaven. Every religion is treated the same in our society except for islam which is questionable. They receive benefits due to their (holy status) and the good that they are perceived to do. Their charity work is great except when they make it mandatory to attend a service first! Regardless of their rules or philosophies they prey on the fear belief of an afterlife. The original religions could have been established to provide a society with
common sense rules but were ruined by priests who soon recognized the power they enjoyed over the society. They controlled the human behavior. Islam isn't any different than voodoo or any other religion the premises remain the same.


I agree with you. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sarah Haider and other well-known Muslims all point to the fact that it is their holy book and adherence to it that causes so many problems within the Muslim communities. All Christians are not alike. The closer they adhere to their holy book the more immoral they become in my opinion. It’s fundies that profess belief in killing gays, in taking away civil rights, women’s rights and that claim they’re being persecuted when anyone argues with them. Some do believe in science, evolution, and human rights. From what I’ve seen moderate Muslims are less tolerant than almost all Christians. I would certainly team up with a Christian or a Muslim for a good cause even though I disagreed with him and would argue with him the next day on philosophy. I see so much us/them ideology right now that I don’t want to get in that same camp as what we see in government. They are all false but not all equally dangerous.

gearl Level 8 Oct 24, 2017

I find them all equally delusional.


I think they are equal in their lack of truth. Most are equal in their lack of equal treatment of women and gays, etc. ALL would subjugate non-believers in a heartbeat if they were allowed.


I think if you follow the golden rule of treating others like you want to be treated, and you try to help a person in distress like in the story of the good Samaritan, then I you'll live an altruistic life. I was heavily indoctrinated as a Catholic school girl, so if I were to salvage anything from the bible, it would be those two teachings. However, for religion to work in the way good people think it should, we also have to completely ignore the majority of stories in the bible. For instance, the story of Issac who was ready to sacrifice his son for god is totally screwed up as is the fact that for some stupid reason Jesus had to die a horrible death to absolve us of our sins.


There is no single answer to the specific question. One may say that they are on an equal footing in that they promote belief in place of thoughtful, critical investigation. That is a valid answer.

In agreement with your posit, one can also say that they are not because of differing dogma, belief systems, actions, etc. This too is a valid answer.

What the question appears to be asking is whether there is a difference between religions that is qualitative. The answer to this would be in the affirmative. What each does to and how each affects society as a whole is readily subject to a qualitative value. On a scale with the least harmful at the bottom and the most dangerous at the top, Jainism would be 0 on the scale and radical Islam would be a 10. Everything else would fall somewhere on the scale between those values. I hasten to point out that all the Abrahamic religions would be crowding the upper end of the scale.


They are all equal inasmuch as they are all untrue ... Some are more dangerous than others at various points in history .


If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, behaves like a duck.. then it must be a duck.


Currently the Islamic religion appears to be the most violent religion , although the Christian religion, some will argue, is just as violent. The nontheistic religions Buddhism, Confucianism, Satanism (TST of Detroit) seem to be the least violent, although the Buddhists of India have been in conflict with Hindus and Muslims.


I would put christians at the bottom of my list.

I don't mind religions such as Islam, Buddhism, etc

I think that ancient cultures and Native American deities are very interesting.

I can identify parts of myself with Wicca and Pagan religions.


All religions are 100% equal. Many religions have killed in the name of their god.and have been horrible to their fellow man just because it's part of their religon


I believe that all religions are incorrect in the same way, in that they espouse an idea for which there is no valid evidence, and attempt to make claims about the world then back them up, instead of using the evidence to then come to conclusions.


As I heard a Methodist once say. " As long as we can agree that the Baptist are more wrong than the Methodists, we can get along."


May be..
I would give a different perspective on this.
An athiest is at a higher level where he/she see all other religion below him. So all are same to him.
how could be one religion better than the other if one descended from the other??


We can say one religion is worser than the other by the virtues of fellow people


yes they are equally crap and fairy tales written by men to dominate woman


All just different fairytales.


Yes. They are all equally man-made.




No, and these big box churches are created to do one thing:
Make lots of money. Also, some are to advance a political agenda.


In one respect they are all very similar. There's something wrong with you, only this will fix it.
I hold that religion is antihuman, it preys on this odd self loathing our species seems burdened with.


I’d have to say that some are more harmful than others are.


Oh no to all religions being "equal"... in terms of... perceived value? Content validity, utility? Smith's magic rocks and his illiterate reading of gold plates... lost... that resulted in Mormonism? Compared w/ the mainstay Abrahamic faiths that have d/evolved to present time? I REALLY prefer (personal preference of course) Buddhism and if you count it as a religion, Taoism, over flavours of superstitious gods, invisible friends... nebulous heavens types. How 'bout this last bit and Viking versions where if you like wine, women and dance, you get your fill forever in Nirvana?! Much better/mas mejor that twinking harps and gazing on some olde guys face. Heck; give me that good ole time animism over the hypocrites of churches, synagogues, worship houses anytime.

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