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Are Atheist hateful towards spiritual people?

It appears to me that many atheists feel entirely justified bashing religious "people" for their beliefs. I don't respect bad ideas, but I appreciate the people who have ideas. It doesn't matter which view is correct. It matters more that people treat each other with respect and attack the bad ideas without attacking the people who have ideas. Is there a God? I don't believe in God, but I also don't disbelieve. I don't have any means of testing whether there is a God, but we don't know, nobody knows.

paul1967 8 Mar 30

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56 comments (26 - 50)

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It does matter which view is correct.

Allowing false beliefs to dominate social order has led us into the shitpile we're currently all sitting in.

If an adult believes in an absurd fiction, so much so that they're basing legal and political policy upon it, then that belief needs to be shown to be utterly nonsensical and the believer a fool for believing it.

There is no time or space left to coddle this crap and write it off as "just another view" it's not, it's fiction and it's harmful fiction.


No I don't hate people automatically for being religious even Muslims although I dislike Islam strongly. I dislike and hate there ideologies and idiosyncracies


I wouldn't say I'm "hateful", but I'm not patient with believers when they're trying to force their beliefs on me. I have NO interest in what they believe.
I can be hateful, when they're trying to force their beliefs into law that controls everyone.
I don't think they "know better", and I resent being told how to live my life.
I think religious faith is a mental illness. I really do. Yet, you don't see me lobbying to have
them all committed to a mental health facility until they embrace logic and reason.


I have been a lifelong atheist 70 years I have never met anyone who gave me a hard time or seen anyone giving anyone else a hard time - I was born in England and lived all round hte country for 40 years and then was here in Northern Ireland for 30 years -No one ever hassled me or anyone I knew - What country are you in ?


Some people here have been incredibly rude to me for even mentioning spiritual things, like ESP. I'm pretty disillusioned with some atheists now. Many seem very much like alt-right people in wanting to yell "fake news" about anything they haven't personally experienced.


Some are ... some are not.


I agree, and accept everyone and their beliefs so long as they do not force their views on me.


I would say there are many atheists who've been maligned by religious people. As the objects of continued harrassment more than some retribution can be expected until the point is reached where the atheists realize punishing is a waste of time and energy better put to use on living a better life without religion.

SamL Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

As an atheist I have found that religious people bash and judge me for my lack of belief.


I was raised atheist, but also to respect others believes. Being atheist doesn't makes me better than a religious person. We all have the right and mental freedom to believe or not believe. Some people need religion, some people don't. Some people eat meat, some don't. Some people believe in Republicans and some people don't. But we all have feelings, morals and basic needs. In my case, I 'm an atheist facinated by religions. I don't believe on any of them, but my love for history makes apreciate the influence that has in history, cultures, music, foods, etc. It sometimes explains certain macarb or misterious events in history. It is interesting and it serve for some people a purpose in their lives. It served a purpose for many cultures in the pass. Is the oldest weapon used to manipulate masses or establish order. (Depends of the point of view). I love history.


I'm an atheist, have been since 16 or 17 years old. The concept of a god is childish. We can't 'test' for a god. But let's reason: Do you think there's a Neptune ruling the waters, and all of the other gods that the romans had prior to paring it down to one god. Somehow, 1 god seems to be reasonable, but 100 or 200 gods is silly. THERE IS NO GOD. The universe was was our beginning, and after 14 billion years or so - we are a product of evolution. Let's enjoy our evolved state. Fairy Tales are for young kids, but not for adults.


no, i am not hateful towards myself.

if i feel like categorising & am given a choice i'd prefer calling myself a heathen, not an atheist, the wording of the latter too negative for my liking.
being a heathen clarifies to me that it is possible to be of no belief in a supernatural power, yet capable of reverence to nature including her ways of transforming matter to energy & vice versa. that is my spirituality.

what you call 'spiritual' i perceive as 'deluded'. since god-believers have been wreaking havoc on humanity, all life on earth, the entire planet for centuries now - & are seemingly not finished in doing so - i have not much patience left for them, & i exude it. no one is praying for me 🙂


Often, but it is in response to a continual state of seige. Theism is baked into our language and laws. That being the case, atheism is a constant struggle, concious or not, to reassert your identity. The wonder is that we're not grumpier.


In other words, you're agnostic. Welcome to the site! 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Mar 30, 2018

No I'm as Atheistic as you get. I'm agnostic only when I debate religion because the burden of proof is shifted to me and I'm defeating myself taking that position. I just think people need to attack irrational beliefs and not people with those beliefs

@paul1967 Fair enough. However, "I don't believe in God, but I also don't disbelieve. I don't have any means of testing whether there is a God, but we don't know, nobody knows" is as good a definition of an agnostic as any other.

@paul1967, my experience is that people of belief generally identify with their religion to a degree that, should i question or refuse to dignify the content of said religion, it will be taken as personal attack. the onus to stay on topic in this & many other cases is with the recipient of an opposing view point.


No unless they keep on about it

They won't with me. I will leave.

I guess I would too ultimately or they would


...not so far....they have been pretty cool to me...


I have never come across an atheist attacking a religious person qua person. I agree - straw man, provocation.


No I can talk to Jehovah witnesses etc. I don't hate them, I just pity them for wasting their lives on an anachronism.


A lot of religious people feel justified in bashing atheists, too.


I am an Ignostic.
When I hear the term "Spiritual"
I hear "Slippery", by that I mean a person who is using religious and spiritual language to describe all sorts of emotional states of being, which are then equated to being spiritual.
BUT cannot really tell you what a spirit is, or uses such a vague definition as to be the same thing, or an unfalsifiable claim as basis for spirit.
Somehow thinks I will be less skeptical of their claims than of men walking on water and raising the Dead.
I won't be.
I am Ignostic

Ignosticism is an Epistomologic position; it is a set of ideas refuting the importance of determining the existence of God. It claims that knowledge regarding the reality of God is altogether unprofitable.

It is the idea that every theological position assumes too much about the concept of God and other theological concepts; including (but not limited to) concepts of faith, spirituality, heaven, hell, afterlife, damnation, salvation, sin and the soul.

IF you cannot even define what you are talking about, or consider it beyond human understanding, how is it you can claim to know anything about it and keep your intellectual integrity intact?

I am not hostile
I am likely confrontational because what you say will either be confusing, because your conflating a term or I am misunderstandig you, or you will be making some kind of fantastic claim which you oft won't se as fantastic but "spiritual"
like "Sending good energy your way"
Really? How, by electric current?

Confronted by such starkness it might well seem harsh, but to me I always feel like the little kid in the Emperors new clothes, someone has to speak up right?


Just because an individual has a different religious affiliation or disbelieves in God, is not a reason to be in conflict with that person. I expect advocates of Christianity and Judaism to respect my views and I theirs. Perhaps if I was not aware of the facts surrounding the time our earth was established in the solar system, I may have been convinced that God made the earth 5500 years BC. Facts tell us the Earth was parked in our orbit 4.5 BILLION years ago. With that said, the Babylonians of the 6/7th Century were all wrong and the Bible was a good novel written by fantasists.

I think you misspeak
I respect your right to have a differing view
but another persons view does not deserve respect simply because it is held
IF that were so than you would have to say you respect not just Nazi's, BUT the things they say
You RESPECT their view?
NO, you respect their right to have it
There is no obligation to respect it, and there might well be an imperitive to resist it or even openly fight against it. We did that in the Civil war against slavery.


When you start a post with, "It appears to me..." you lose credibility. Thoughts, feelings, beliefs are based on what? Then you go onto stereotype an undefined percentage of a group based on what sample size?

Can you cite examples of personal attacks? How did you determine that most of us are responsible? There are a lot of flaws in your argument including the assumption that most atheists share this habit.

I think religious people are more likely to personally attack a nonbeliever than their views. However, that's based entirely on my perspective, so I'm not sure if it's true overall. I think if you look at the comments

JimG Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

I admit it was a poorly constructed post. To clearify I'm stating a position, which is attack the idea not the person.


I guess I can't say everyone treats spiritual people nice. I know that I do.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

I'm not usually one to bash unless I'm attacked first. I just don't want any "snake oil salesmen" invading my space.


The only time all humanity will have the same belief system is when we are extinct. Until then I think you need to have your own belief system and not bash tose of others.

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