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Do you consider religious people delusional?

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Well, we all are delusional in some aspect.
Many religious people want to feel like things will be OK when they die, want to feel like someone much bigger and stronger is looking out for them (the Bible says the opposite, but most people don't read it).

It's like the Christine Baranski quote in Bowfinger, "I think it was a beautiful lie.."

A beautiful lie that will be the downfall of a nation!


I consider them weak.

Weak, but STRONG because they vote!


I respect their freedom to believe in god or gods or some supreme being if that is what they choose to do. However, I do not have to agree with or share their beliefs or spend time listening to their unfounded notions about an afterlife or pie in the sky.

I understand your stance, however, their opinions do affect us ALL...especially the way they vote, so in my opinion, must be taken seriously!


Yes, the ones who trully believe are delusional, disconnected from reality, fantasy wonderland bonkers & certifiable but the ones who don’t actually believe but are in it for profit or control are assholes. ...imho

I agree in believing a lot of the church-goers are just going along with the flock and some have ulterior motives, especially in the political arena.


Technically yes. It's what they do with those delusions that matters though. Do you fly planes into buildings and burn witches with it or do you do charity work with it? Still then it's a delusion even if they're a charitable person but at least there are good people with religious beliefs. There's some cognitive dissonance there because likely they worship a god that is a maniac but I'll take one of those pick and choose christians over one of those hate filled literalists any day.

Not saying they are not GOOD people. Just delusional good people. And those GOOD people are voting for TRUMP. LOL


I don't get living for the next life. Seems they are wasting this one

Agreed! Agnostics are realists. We KNOW there is not a god who will throw us into hell-fire and brimstone if we are bad, We KNOW there is no heaven, and nobody can save us. It's just a fairy tale. Wasting a life is so sad. I'm watching my family act like animals in fear of God's wrath. It's insanity! But they don't know they're insane, and that is sad.


Of course not that’s ridiculous.This is just another example of how non believers think they are superior to believers just because they were unwilling victims of indoctrination and did not come to any conclusions about belief on their own.They just unfortunately could not overcome the brainwashing .


After reading some of the comments, it seems to me that religious belief, much like the bible, is all about what a person chooses get out of it. It reflects what your particular physche and influences such as your family would have you believe. That may be very extreme, like thinking the rapture is imminent or just a comforting myth, like Santa Clause.

So true. There’s much to be comforted by in the familiar ( no matter how ridiculous). And much to fear of what the alternative might mean.


Often, but not necessarily. I know one man, for instance, for whom I have the greatest respect and admiration, yet he is deeply religious. Rather than delusional, I would say, indoctrinated.

no matter what you call it an "indoctrinated deeply religious person" is still delusional.


If they are trying to get something religion can not provide.
Some people think that God is going to give them what they want or if they pray the right way God can be bribed into giving it.
Religion is simply a type of philosophy. It's suppoed to help you improve yourself and your life.
People are lazy, they don't want help, they want magic.


No. I find them misinformed.

Gohan Level 7 Mar 30, 2018

Delusional people can be one's who think there are ghosts out there. If you think there are religious people and ghosts then they are one in the same.


If they don't respect division of church and state.


Depends on why they are religious? I know people who are "religious" because going to church is something that they've always done and it's how they learned to socialize. Being in those circles and socializing with familiar trappings helps them deal with the world. They are happy that the really complicated questions about reality can be put in a book so that they can go on with the daily mistrations of living in our world. It's easy because nothing really complicated has happened, nor have they experienced any hardships in their lives, to make them question what they get from their beliefs. I would say these people are not delusional.

I also know people who are religious because they strongly believe in the reality of their god, and the belief that their god actually interacts with them personally and with others in their lives. That their god does things for them personally based on a belief, prayer or offering of some sort despite the fact that there is no real evidence to support it. To me, that's delusional.

So, I find most religious people to be someplace on a spectrum of the non-delusional to the delusional and their position constantly moves based on what's going on in their lives in the present.

Finally, I find that the delusion, at least AFAIC, to be more related to their belief in a god than their tie to a religious organization.


Certain theists insist that a snake spoke.

Certain atheists agree too, but the snake only said one letter several times
"ssssssssss" 🙂

So, yeah, I would agree that if people of the book. ( all books) believe such theistic stories, then they're delusional in this aspect.

Rock1 Level 4 Mar 30, 2018

YES. Absolutely.


Yes, especially the super devout and ones who take religious texts literally.


Most I have met I wouldn't call delusional. I would say most enjoy the social aspect more than the magical bits... though some are a bit fanatical.


Of course


That would be affirmative.


That would be affirmative.

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