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What weird food combinations do you enjoy?

Mea 7 Mar 30

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In high school we would eat burritos with tartar sauce.


Dill pickles and vanilla ice-cream.

You getting morning sickness with that ??? Lol

@SimonMorgan1 Nah. Some woman that was pregnant had me try it. It tasted good. I haven't had sex in months. I'm on birth control.

@Sarahroo29 lol fair enough

@SimonMorgan1 Lol.


In Haiti, my American mom used to make desserts by slicing a banana lengthwise, then spreading both halves with hot pepper peanut butter. VERY delicious.


Get bariatric weight loss surgery, and in your post op diet you must follow for the rest of your life attempt to replace carbs with vegetables or fats and proteins. Suddenly all the combinations are “weird”.


I once accidently spread smoked salmon creme cheese on a blueberry muffin. Once I got over the surprise, I liked it.


Hamburgers and fries?


Kettle chips and applesauce. Try it, I'm telling you, it's really tasty.


well let's see ... at this very moment I am eating KFC cole slaw with 4 arby's horsey sauce packets and a crumbled up KFC biscuit inside. It's one of my favorites.


Potato chips and ketchup.


Red kidney beans and mashed potatoes.

Vayton Level 4 July 21, 2018

I don't think this is weird, but uncommon even among my cigar buddy tribe. (My vice in life is a daily cigar. Going on 35 years now. But I digress.)

I like to take a bit of ultra high quality dark chocolate (at least 85% cacao) and dissolve it in my mouth, slowly, and then smoke a full-flavored cigar. The marriage of flavors, the nuance. As good as it gets.


Haha, I dip my french fries in my milk shake.
Have for years.
People look at me like I'm weird, haha.
Ahhh, maybe I am.

Keech Level 5 Apr 2, 2018

I do that as well. It's so good!


I basically no longer eat anything sweet, but when I did, if it was cake or cookies, my beverage of choice would be beer.

I could never eat cake at a birthday party, because I was usually drinking a beer. I can't mix sweets with beer, lol.

@Keech I've had many people look at me side eyed over it, but I always thought it was the best thing to cut through the sweetness. ?


Chili and cinnamon rolls


Chicken salad with raisins and chopped nuts mixed in. Yum.


Kit Kate with dairylea cheese used to them as a child not so much these days lol


have you tried goat cheese with grapes
steak with white wine
fish with red bordeoux
curry with champagne

Rosh Level 7 Mar 31, 2018

I actually can't have grapes as I'm allergic! 😟

@Mea sorry then you can try celery beetroot try anything food wise the opposite of each other ex chocolate and chilies- is tantalizing


I grew up eating peanut butter and miracle whip sandwiches. Haven't eaten them in decades though.


Recently tried pasta, hot sweet & sour sauce, peanuts, stuffing and SLICED BANNANNA'S. It tasted so goddam goood!! ?


salt and pepper on waffles
mix Fage and sour cream with some berries


I used to eat cheese and onion crisps followed by a lion/chocolate bar and repeated when I had the munchies stoned.


Hmmm... Can't say I've ever really thought about it. Now I'm going to be paying closer attention though. How about you, Mea?

@ReBrew2115 I'm actually a pretty picky eater so I don't think I eat very many strange combinations of food. All I can think of is that I like bacon sundaes or peanut butter on hamburgers, lol. Oh, also spaghetti tacos are really good.

@Mea I'm not picky about WHAT I eat, but I am picky about mixing things together. My grandpa used to do that where he would just jumble everything on his plate together. It didn't matter what it was. But I'm also OCD and I don't like it when food on my plate touches other food. I start to panic a little when the juice from a steak starts working its way towards my veggies. ;p


Anything related to Cheetos.


M&M's and Skittles! I'm not kidding, idealy 3-4 M's and 2 Skittles at a time.

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