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How do you feel about the person you're dating talking about their ex?

This is usually on the top of what people "don't want to hear" about during a date. How do you feel about it personally?

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silvereyes 8 Apr 1

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82 comments (26 - 50)

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I guess it depends on the context. If she's obsessed with her ex — what a dirtbag he was when they were together or what he's up to now or how great he was in bed, said wistfully whenever we're intimate {grumble, grumble} — that's a red flag that something's up and she's not fully present in our relationship. But if she merely says things about him in passing, like "Oh, when X and I went to Paris, we visited the Louvre" or "X could be abusive sometimes, though I didn't recognize the pattern at the time," then I'm fine with it. I figure her past made her who she is, so I can't expect, and shouldn't want, her to ignore or hide her past relationships.


I'm good with it as long as it is not negative. Not that I want them fauning about them either.


No problems within normal boundary.


I am OK with it. At my age everbody has a past!


I went with "Other". The reason is that it depends on the situation, and ALL of those answers have been true for me at some point or another. The way a person talks about their ex, or chooses not to, can reveal a great deal about their relationship skills, and whether they have healed and learned from a previous relationship and what caused them to fail or otherwise come to an end. It could also be educational to listen and learn to avoid mistakes made by their ex. An ending isn't necessarily indicative of failure and could be a sign of maturity.


Knowing about past relationships and how they describe them can give me valuable insight into their personality and character traits. The information is valuable to me in determining the future of our relationship. Better to know than be surprised. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Apr 1, 2018

I enjoy hearing about it, so long as it isn't all subjectively negative. Meaning, if it is just talking bad about them because they are the 'ex', it makes me think,"What are they gonna say about me if this doesn't work out?" If it is about abusive behavior, I don't mind being a sympathetic ear and trading war stories.


Exs are going to come up on conversation as in, "when i went to over there with my ex, ...." or "i realized giving up things i want to do just because my ex wasnt into it is not good for a relationship."

Now if its nothing more than a "my ex bitchfest" yeah, not so much.


If they were discussing all their past relationships, I think that would be a GIANT red flag!


Depends on the situation and for how much really , everyone has a past and to try and deny it is being unreasonable


I voted other. I don't think it is appropriate for a first date but when you get to the point of discussing your relationship histories it is necessary. After that, in small doses is ok.

If someone has shared custody of minor children, then you are getting into a relationship with all of them including the ex and their partner...


As far as I remember its never happened to me but I am getting old and forgetful.


I don't mind hearing about ex's. As as they left their baggage behind, like I have left mind behind. Most part women don't like hearing about mens ex's. Even though they pretend to nod they are OK with it.


Totally depends. Could be 100% okay or not, whether it's talking about them all the time or never, based on what they say and how they say it.

Whatever it ends up being, it's vitally informative. I should have run for the hills after how much and what my ex said about his ex-wife in the first three weeks of our dating. I thought it was okay because of the way he was comparing me (effusively positively) to his ex. I didn't pay enough attention to the fact that he was constantly running down his wife of 20+ years and the mother of his children. sigh Lesson learned...


It kind of depends on what they are saying. If they are bashing them all the time, I'd rather they not. (Also, red flag! If they talk thst way about some one else there is a good chance they will talk to me in the same manner. If they just are just stories or anecdotes I'm good with that.


They would relegate themselves to the sex only zone


It is their past be it good or bad. The input of the past can help you develope ways of not repeating the mistakes that lover in the past had and also be used as a tool to help you do what pleases. It also gives you a window into the other person perspective, provided that you look at it with an open mind.


If the conversation comes around to it. Some people are curious about other's past, especially if they love you.

Gohan Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

It depends on the situation.


well as long as I am the one getting the sex it's ok. I'd rather we talk about him and she bangs me than talk about me and she bangs him.


Not my business.

Marz Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

I hate it to be truly honest here. It sets a person up to be your grief counselor. I do not mind helping out friends that need my advice but I will not coddle this person into thinking I am needed in that respect. People can suck the life out of you with their past ex's and maybe you could write their book for them. What I am trying to get across here is this is how the drama starts and stays there, it sometimes never leaves us and dwelling too much on one person or thing leaves us stuck.


If it's right out of the gate, there just might be an issue. If it's a lot, there just might be an issue. Over time, a little at a time, it really just isn't avoidable. There are going to be happenings that draw it out. And what better way to become informed of matters that may or may not cause a degree of discomfort in a relationship that could potentially be a benefit. If I had a partner that within our relationship never found that draw as mentioned, I'd be about as worried as the one that couldn't get out of the gate without repeated mentions.

"Out Of The Illusion " Group


This is a huge red flag for me. I refuse to date someone who isn't over an ex.


Oh and she's saying his willy is bigger she's straight our the door ....

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