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How do you feel about the person you're dating talking about their ex?

This is usually on the top of what people "don't want to hear" about during a date. How do you feel about it personally?

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silvereyes 8 Apr 1

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I think that the last thing that anyone would want to hear on a first date is someone who talks about their ex-whatever. On a first date it would seem to point to a "baggage issue" and might serve as a red flag.


Small doses.
I don't want to hear it much, and I certainly don't want to be compared to him.
It's pretty rude IMO.


If it's just a reference point then it's ok, but if it turns into an all night ex rememberance affair then it's pretty rude. If someone constantly mentions their ex on a date, they obviously aren't over them, or they are just really inconsiderate and aloof of the situation. Either way, we don't need to keep seeing each other. If her response to every issue I bring up is, "Oh my ex did that!", or "My ex used to do it this way!", or something similar, then it's a huge turn off.


If they were in a long relationship, of course they're going to have their ex in a large majority of their past experiences and important parts of their history. If you're so threatened by that, then maybe you aren't ready for a real relationship. You're not a middle schooler.

HOWEVER that said, keep the past in the past. Pasts are important. We are who we are because of everything in our past. To pretend like you never loved your ex is to deny a part of what has made you who you are. Think on it like an old childhood memory. Don't let that memory dictate today.

Yes, their ex may be an important part of their past life, and an occasional, casual mention is okay, but on a date with someone else, it can be offputting if done too much. That doesn't mean the person he/she is with is threatened by it or not ready for a real relationship--although it can mean that the person talking about the ex is not just means that it can be inappropriate. And rude. And disrespectful to their current date.

@marga if you're in a relationship with someone, not the first or second date. I figured that was clear in my comment

@LadyAlyxandrea Either way...

@marga oh I'm sorry I thought people who you're in a long term relationship with wanted to know stuff and stories from your past or basically anything about you but heaven forbid anything at all have to do with an ex. Nevermind sorry I forgot we ARE middle schoolers

@LadyAlyxandrea There's nothing to get upset about, and no reason to call anyone names (which is pretty middle-schoolish, lol). I was not disagreeing with you, I was just agreeing and adding more to what you said.

Obviously, there's a difference between casual or not-yet-serious dating and a long-term commitment.

@marga I didn't name call. I said WE. A general blanket statement, and I never claimed I was mature. If we agree that in a long committed relationship it's fine but in the beginning of a relationship is different, then all is well


My vote was 'I don't mind at all'. with the caveat - as long as it is not the blame game.


Depends, I would not want to hear about his big manhood and how he used to pound her til the bed broke, but if we are talking within the subject of ex's, it's cool....sometimes people can't stop talking about them, that is a huge turn off.


Not on a first date please.

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