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Do you feel a division happening in this country?

And if yes in which way. What is your take on it?

Lovewins 5 Apr 1

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We have a big division coming that is driven by hatred and a false sense of everything. The basic idea seems to be keep us divided while they steal us blind. If you happen to support the thieves they will make sure you believe it was done by others and not them.
When you take away what we have all gained in the last 75 years and this is all about big business making more money, you are not my friend.


The big divide became visible, when the tea party was formed and allowed to flourish. I do not have much hope that we will overcome it in my life time. The kids will have to manage it.


Of course I do. In multiple ways. The believers are pushing back because they're feeling threatened by those of us who have had enough of them forcing their beliefs on everyone else.
The usual democrat vs. republican division. Those who detest 45 (who aren't necessarily democrats, or liberals) pushing back against those who are supporting him. Those who want sane gun laws, and those who are for the NRA and no restrictions at all. The rich against the poor.
The list is freakin' endless. We're basically eating ourselves alive.
Like I've said before, where's a freakin' asteroid when you really need one?

@irascible Been following that. Latest reports have it re-entering over the South Pacific, and any debris that doesn't burn up in the atmosphere, falling into the Atlantic. It wasn't big enough to do any real damage anyway. Damnit!


Definitely. I started really noticing after Obama was elected when the Tea Party and right-wingers started all the paranoid lies about him. It's just gotten worse since then, and now we have a president who furthers conspiracy theories and nonsense. The internet is one of the worst culprits, because all these like minded people find each other and that's all they'll listen to. Instead of using it to find facts and study a situation, they let these sites tell them what to think.I could go on and on, but I'll spare you.


You know the French Revolution? It's exactly like that but with a tad bit less syphilis

Though there's still a poofy wigged fat imbecile wearing too much face powder in charge



A division happened. It started to happen as far back as Regan, and its been growing ever since. Evangelical Christian conservatives gained power in the white house starting with Regan. They push an extreme right agenda and since they have the backing of the church their followers, do what they're good at doing, and that is following along with anything their church leaders say.


It reminds me of 1930's Germany; too many parallels! Lying press and Lugenpresse, extreme divisions along ethnic lines, etc. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. Sigh.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 1, 2018

agree with you and WizardBill.There is a reason I watch all those history documentaries


You'd have to be brain dead not to notice it.

My take on it? It has been developing over several decades. It began in earnest with Reagan, though it was happening to some small extent before him. It is now in crescendo under the leadership of Cadet Bonespurs and his clusterfuck of a staff that changes more frequently than I change my socks. I don't want to ramble on about it (makes me angry), but we are as close to a fascist state under a full-blown dictator or even worse a theocracy as we have ever been and I can't stress enough how important it is for each and every concerned citizen to get in there to vote these wienies out. Even if we manage that, it will take years to fix what has been done.

@Bobby9 -- I understand quite well what fascist government is, and we are heading in that direction. Extreme narcissism is a condition Trump shares with a fellow named Mussolini. He also shares several other traits and his actions have been consistent with that dictator's. The resemblance is uncanny.

@Bobby9 He is both. He has all the traits of a wanna-be fascist - admiring dictators, wanting to hold a military parade, and trying to control the media are just a few.

@Bobby9 -- It is becoming obvious you are not reading critically, but are reacting to what you think you saw in my posts. I have at no time called him a fascist, nor have I said we have a fascist government. I also know exactly what fascism is and what it is not. I do not watch TV. There are things in Trump's thinking that are definitely not fascistic, but I have begun to wonder how fixed that thinking might be. With the other elements in his thinking, he could easily go one way or another. He seems to be rooted in the notion of capitalism, but some of his actions have made me wonder.

@TerriCity Trump is both narcissist and fascist. He would make a good National Socialist back in Hitler's day.


Just look at who controls the media. The super rich who lust after power such as the Koch brothers own many media outlets and the right wing is buying up TV stations in swing states and forcing them to run stories that are heavily biased. Faux News won a case back in Reagan's time in which it was decided that News programs do NOT have an obligation to present truthful news. Thus, there is no deterrent to the current propaganda mills which are in competition with honest news journalists , who are often sqashed by the rich corporate interests.

The current story about Sinclair controlling new's stations content is exactly what I'm talking about.


Definitely. The US is changing and the old guard, mostly White males, doesn't like it one bit. The have a deep anger, a desperation, that led to electing Trump.


Unfortunately its based on trump's racist policies and rhetoric. Need to fight with diversity.

I actually see diversity as the problem! Too many different cultures, needs and ideas. More and different do not add up to harmony but division. It also takes more resources to manage.


I do believe whatever division that was already there is getting worse.


Of, yes. Fostered by the corrupt Fox propaganda machine and Republican and TEA party demagogues.


When I read or listen to the news, yes. In the news and on facecrook and on message boards, I see "If you are not with us you are against us". "If you voted for or follow ____ then don't talk to me." "Everyone is ." "Nobody cares about"

I have taught my son from an early age that words like everyone, no one, always, never--you get the idea--are usually lies meant to polarize people, because the world doesn't operate in absolutes. It isn't simply black or white. it isn't simply hot or cold. It isn't simply liberal or conservative. All those things mix and there's WAY more truth to be found in the middle than at the extremes where the media keeps pushing us, and so many are playing right into it with their staunch, absolutism.

In my daily life, however, I come across people who have different beliefs and viewpoints from each other, yet remain friends and good neighbors. I observe strangers treating each other with decency and courtesy. I see people holding the door for one another, keeping the elevator open, letting each other into long lines of traffic during rush hour in heavy construction zones near where I live, and being good humans. I see someone drop something and another person chasing them down to return it. These are not isolated incidents in my life, they are things I experience or watch happen every day.

Are we REALLY polarized? I don't think so. There is division, surely, but there is also hope that not everyone is an intolerant asshole. I think Donald Trump is a narcissistic ass-clown, but I have good friends who disagree. We simply choose other topics of conversation and do what we have always done. Just because the media sends a barrage of polarizing bullshit, doesn't mean we have to become assholes who shun each other.

Maybe I am too much of a hippie, but maybe, if we all looked for the good in each other and told the media and anyone else who uses polarizing language, to fuck off, the world would be a better place.


I am 100% against trump and his supporters... no discussion! If you are a trump voter or a "follower".......... then do not talk to me.


There will always be difference but I don’t consider these divisions. I consider these opportunities to have interesting conversations. Unfortunately, the 24-hour news and social media cycle need to fill the air time with something. Conflict sells.


The answer is yes but most importantly, let alone having the country divided because of current polarization. I wish parties in Washington would lead by example and help unite the country towards success. Once the election has passed, we all should be on the same page which is, to be proud of this great country of us !!!!


Oh it's already happened. At least to a degree which I've never seen in my lifetime. The conservative right have become utterly hateful. Although I'm keeping an eye on the left to see if they fill the vacuum after what I predict is going to be a very rough November 2018 for the Republicans. As an Independent, I long for the days when commuincation and compromise were more prevelant in politics (and life).


There is a divide between urban and small town America, and between educated people, whether self educated about the world or those with a college education, and those that don't really pay attention to anything more than sound bites and slogans. The inability for people in the lower and middle classes to move up the financial ladder ain't helping either. I could be wrong. 🙂


There is a MAJOR division between people in this country and has only gotten worse, since trump showed up, to spread his distorted reality! Seems things are either black or white, good or bad...degrees do not matter! Minor flaw same as major flaw, and deserves the same punishment! Humaness, is not acceptable in our society, it seems! But, people with limited mental capacity, gets top billing!


This has been carefully orchistrated for the last 30 years by the conservative right. Rump is the result of their efforts, it's just all coming to a head right now. And they won't do anything about Rump, because they are currently in full control to enact the wet dreams they've had for all that time. It's really distressing!


Yes. It's caused by rigid indoctrination. And people don't understand that they have been programmed to believe all kinds of things that have no merit...


The division has been there. It's being at least drawn out, exposed, and possibly exacerbated by our Cheeto and his minions.

Exploited, is the word I'd use; it's the old "divide and conquer" ploy. But, I also think many media outlets are doing what you've said.


And it began in 2016!!


It's the worst I've seen in my 61 years on Earth. The right gets more extreme right, and the left is more extremely left. I am sick of it. I'm afraid it's going to be the end of us before we're through. I may sound a little over dramatic, but I have friends on both sides and hear how they talk.
The religious right has lost their mind, and some of them really want a theocracy. We've seen how that works.


Yes, the wealth divide is in every country. More and more poeple going from middle class to poor. I know China and India are experiencing an increase in their middle class for now, but that is only while the wealthy are getting set up.In fact the gap between rich and poor in those countries may well be the greatest.

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