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Does anyone have any recommendations on good books on non belief I'm new to this community and I want to learn more.

NoahBurley99 4 Apr 16

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47 comments (26 - 47)

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Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn
You will never forget it

Amen, sister.


from the number of responses you have ready you don't need a recommendation of that sort from me, which is good, because i don't read books on nonbelief. but then i wasn't even seeking validation when i realized, at age 15, there were no gods, and that may be because i had no deeply religious background, and no christian background (what one mostly finds here) at all. if you come from a religious christian background you may indeed need some backup. but my recommendations are not of books on nonbelief. they are of books on seemingly unrelated topics, some of which may offer information that strengthens nonbelief by presenting information or ideas that explain what belief used to explain. some are nonfiction and others are fiction. here, off the top of my tired head, is a random but hopefully helpful list:

the naked ape, by desmond morris
the once and future king, by t h white
cosmos, by carl sagan
mythology, by edith hamilton
the uses of enchantment, by bruno bettelheim
the danny kaye around thw world story book, edited by danye kaye, out of print but sometimes you can find it
surely you're joking mr f, by richard feynman

well that, should keep you busy for a short time anyway!



Thus spoke Zarathustra written by Frederick Nietzsche


Hello and welcome. The Book Of Atheist Spirituality, by Andre Comte-Sponville, despite the title it really has nothing to do with spirituality. And several people have said Richard Dawkins and The God Delusion, but I would go out on a limb and add, Unweaving The Rainbow, by him more fun and more general about wider things.


Study things that predate all known religions is a cool way to get decent personal validation that these are human made gods.


Check out Pot Stories and Humanist Essays by me and Barbara Walker. Barbara is a famous writer from the '80s and author of numerous best sellers. She has four pages 26 books, on Amazon.


Catch Barbara'''s list of Biblical quotes. "Witch mist be stoned". (Deut) A disobedient child should be taken outisde the city walls and stoned." Three pages of realy crazy stuff. All actual quotations from the Bible. Barbaraa says that in the Book that gives us the Ten Commandments God orders the murder of hundreds of inoocent people.


Bart Ehrman's book :Jesus Interrupted.


Check out the work of Richard Dawkins, great stuff. The Greatest Show on Earth is a must read. The Selfish Gene And if you if want to have a higher dose of scientific enlightenment check out Darwin's work. These (digital) books(you can also listen to them using some applications) can give the the best base in my opinion to see that a non-belief is based on scientific research and reasoning. This way you'll have, if you are a nonbeliever or trying to study the matter ( as a 'believer'😉, a great amount of information and evidence that are still the winning arguments.


Never quite understood the appeal of books about not believing in something. Sorry, never read any. I’ve no suggestions.


Yes sir!


Congratulations on coming to your senses about your religion and courageously declaring your new status, decades earlier in your life than I! As a doubting Thomas, prior to leaving my faith completely, my first introduction to agnosticism was by Michael Earl on his website, []. Don't ask me how I stumbled across Reason Works, but I found Mike Earl's readings of his own ideas and, in particular, the speeches of Robert Green Ingersoll, that "Great Agnostic" of the 19th Century, most enlightening. Listen to Ingersoll's "About the Holy Bible," "Individuality" and "The Gods," and you will be amazed that such insightful ideas were so eloquently expressed, more than a century ago. To help reinforce my decision to leave faith, I found the books by former Christians such as Dan Barker's "Godless," Seth Andrews' "De-Converted," and Charles Templeton's "Farewell to God" very affirming.


Good books about what? You do not need books about agnosticism or atheism if you have already truly made those choices to join the community. Get on with fleshing out your life by expanding your horizons. .


Paul Kurtz - Eupraxophy.


Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari is a good one to get a better understanding of human society in general


You can read this book call, geez I have forgotten Dm me for the name



Freespirit64 mentioned Ishmael by Daniel Quinn below. This is an excellent recommendation, and I would add that The Story of B also by Daniel Quinn is also an essential read.


Read the bible as you would a regular book, cover to cover, chapter by chapter and if that doesn't cure you of the god delusion than nothing will. Be warned, it is a horrible read.


In the spirit of what Genessa just said. I would also add, The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (retitled The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion in its second edition) by Sir James George Frazer., A bit old now, and long, but you can skip to the conclusion when you are ready.

And my favourite of all time, The Outline Of History, by H.G. Wells, a wild and wonderful ride, completely out of date in many ways, but very readable.


I will get back with you shortly.


There are many different angles.
AronRa destroys the Creationist part of any religion.
Check out the skeptics annotated bible.
There is Seth, Aron and Matt. A funny and powerful commentary.
Seth started the thinking atheist. Check out the video about Suzy.
Potholer54 is a fantastic at debunking religious bullshit.

Lots of good material.


Go to Amazon, use search.


I’ve just came across this book by Dr. Peter Boghossian
How to Have Impossible Conversations:
A Very Practical Guide

I’ve read he’s first book, "A Manual for Creating Atheists"
And read the book Jesus interrupted, by Bart Ehrman

I’ve been an atheist for over a decade, grew up in an colt. I’m the only one in the family is out spoken.

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