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Just who is it again that creates wealth?

HippieChick58 9 Apr 21

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Bingo ~ yeah , let's review what is essential.
My governor in reply to question- " if your employees choose
unemployment to working for you , offer them a LIVING WAGE".
I still get offers of 10-11/hr. ; 50%to rent ; pay utilities ;
what is left ,,,,a trip to disney land 🔄


As Nobel Prize Economist Paul Krugman says, "The job creators are a growing middle class with money to spend."

As well, economists in the 1970s found that the increase in economic productivity found that up to 40 percent of the post WW II boom could not be accounted for by the usual economic measures. They finally concluded that the gain was primarily the product of the GI Bill,. That it the GI Bill resulted in a huge increase in human capital -- the knowledge and skills of the labor force which is need both to produce new technologies, and to successfully implement those technologies. It is human capital which is the driving force in increased productivity and increased income. Productive education means increased productivity, ergo more income and wealth. Republicans just can't get that uidea through their thick heads.

Except you also need consumers, people with the means to buy products and the willingness to do so. And the best consumers tend to be those with middle incomes, the poor can not afford to buy and the rich tend to have all they want, so they just sit on their funds.


When Ben Franklin was asked :

"Which is more important -- Capital, Labor, Management ? "

he answered :

"Which is the most important leg of a three-legged stool ? "

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