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LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 3

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I am against it for both men and women. Reasons to circumcise a man would have existed if there was very little water around, but that isn't as likely today in our modern world. We have water so just wash the damned thing. I'm glad I never had the procedure done on me. It's mutilation.
With women circumcision is more of a crime. The clitoris is cut out and the vagina sewed up. That's a tiny penis there that they cut out and threw away and is the biggest part of the feeling women have in sex. Well, that's the point. A woman has this procedure done as a young girl because elders don't want her to enjoy sex. They think she is more likely to not be promiscuous and they sew up her vagina for the constricted pleasure of some asshole man. I'm serious here. I think that female circumcision should draw prison time!

There is no way you can compare male circumcision female genital multilation. Circumcision means go around. It is the removal of skin. Female genital multilation is the removal of the entire genital, including the clitoris, for the purpose of permanently causing loss of sensation and even pain. The juxaposition of the two is innacurate and purposely misleading. The only way the two could be similar is if female circumcision only involved removing the hood but leaving the clitoris intact.

@friendlycatlady You are exactly correct.


My oldest son was circumcised. The doctor preformed the procedure right before he was discharged from the hospital (when he was born). I asked about pain relief and was told (while my son screamed in my ear) that infants didn't feel pain. That poor child screamed in pain for over ten hours.

My second son wasn't circumcised. I personally feel that subjecting a child to a medically unnecessary modification procedure is child abuse and should be outlawed just like female circumcision has been.

Totally abusive.. Such a sensitive personal area too. Bizarre. "Welcome to the world let me cut your genitals"

Infants don't feel pain? I was born with a broken shoulder and screamed for 3 months straight


Should be done as painlessly as possible IF medically necessary.

Yup I'm with this. There is just no reason in a culture where soap and water is readily available to do this.
There can be the occasional medical reason - and then yes - with proper anesthetic.


As I was born in the UK I did not have it done (In europe, unless you're Jewish or Muslim, it is not done unless medically necessary). The only downside I've had to it is that in the US I stand out as "weird", and there are some false beliefs about non-mutilated guys like me. The main myth is that it's "unclean". While I agree that it's SLIGHTLY more work to keep clean (I'd say it adds 1 second to my shower routine to pull back my foreskin while soaping), after washing I'm as clean as anyone. I suppose we may as well complain about the underarms of those who don't wash or use deodorant... should we sever their limbs? I have 2 sons, and we didn't do it to either of them. As it turns out, one of my sons did later need it due to his being too tight. We simply had the procedure done with anesthetic, like all procedures should be done in civilized countries! The "argument" that infants feel no pain is not only false, but clearly and scientifically demonstrably false. Ask any parent who has accidentally harmed their child... even when it's 1 day old!


I had to fight HARD to keep it from being done to my sons because their father "wanted them to be the same as him". Wtf kind of idiotic logic?


Infants are people. People have agency. Don't take away choices that they could, reasonably, make for themselves when they get older.


I'm uncircumcised thankfully. My oldest son was circumcised, but my youngest wasn't. I was in a different mindset when my oldest was born. I regret that I did that to him now. I think that it's a disgusting and horrible procedure that should be done away with entirely. There are no medical benefits to it. Keep things clean and you won't have any issues.


Circumcision on any gender is wrong and a violation of human rights. These so called issues that people say are caused by incorrect intact care. It is easy, DO NOT RETRACT THE FORESKIN. As a infant and even to early adolesance the foreskin is fused to the head of the penis like your nail to your finger. The foreskin contains 20,000 nerve endings that are designed for plesure. Ever heard of rippled for her plesure condoms? Yep they are trying to imitate something that the natural whole penis does. Want to learn more check out, doctorsoposingcircumcision, and youtube the elephant in the hospital.


I am circumcised so, I don't know and am curious:: you aren't supposed to clean under the foreskin? I'd think that would be a no brainer as it seems like a nice comfy place for pathogens to move in and happily make a fruitful home eventually causing issue for the human host?

@Gnarloc Only when it naturally separates. Like i said in my comment it is Fused to the head of the penis during infancy and adolescence. Think like your nail, it is fused to your finger bed, nothing can get under under the finger nail unless forced. The age that the foreskin will naturally separate is around age 10 but can go up to 17 in some cases. If your force it back before it naturally separates it causes micro tares that cause infections.

@Terohime A-hah!

Think back 200+ years. Imagine young parents trying to help their children. Knowing that the adult males were 'separated' and thinking this was the norm. Since it is normal, and might be painful for a young adolescent, why not get it over with when young? A baby even (even today we assume the crying baby feels no pain when circumcised, why? They are crying so must not be in any more pain, right?). Hmm, why are they dying at such young ages? It must be because the foreskin is causing them to get sick (when it's the premature separation).... this might well be the root thinking to why it was started in the first place. And it's not exactly a wrong headed solution to the problem, 2000+ years ago. NOW, it's a wrong headed solution.


I knew a man who had been circumcised when he was 25. I asked him about the sensation: was it reduced after being circumcised? He said that in his experience, there was very little difference.

@Terohime I"m sorry, but you need to check an anatomy text. The foreskin is only attached at the edge ovf the corona. If it were fused it would be impossible to clean under it. Failure to clean the head of the penis under the foreskin is related to a higher rate of penile cancer and to a higher rate of infection with HIV


Should. Be banned for religious reasons , medical reasons are ok


I used to be open to the argument that this shouldn't be done involuntarily (I had no choice as it was performed on me as an infant), but I now think that it should be performed unless a parent/guardian really is against it. Although I am personally a very clean and hygienic man, not all my brothers are!! But in all honesty, I changed my opinion based on aesthetics -- Let's face it, the "hose" look is just flat out unattractive (as in, "Ewwwwwwwww!!!) LOL!!

A nice cropped ---- is a wild thing of beauty. Also easier on the nose IME.
After watching a certain "otherwise upstanding respected citizen" relative allow her infant son to suffer what appeared to be 2nd degree burns around his neck due to a yeast infection she spaced out on (to our great horror -whatever maternal hormone required never seemed to kick in for her)

I can only imagine the fate of other infants might be in an even lesser situation...


The reasons behind it are either religious or pseudoscientific.

ie the reasons behind it are bullshit


I've never heard a factual argument for it. It serves no purpose except to adhere to a command by an imaginary being centuries ago.

I have heard fact based arguments. Being in the medical field offers me a lot of insight. Easier to clean and less likely to get a uti or infection. Uncircumcised can get fungle infections easier, and the penis can actually get stuck in or outside the foreskin and require a circumcision. However, I'm not male so I don't think it's my place to decide.

@LadyAlyxandrea granted you're female and may not have much experience, but exactly how difficult do you think it is to clean a penis? Do you honestly believe it's so difficult that a medical procedure is necessary?

@redbai I do not know how difficult it is to clean a penis but I do know many men who find it difficult to wash their hands. Like I said, there are medical reasons too, not just cleanliness. You asked for non religious reasons and I provided a few. I see both sides of the argument and take neither side.

Women get far more UTis and Infections then men do to begin with . What we get are antibiotics not Amputation. Plus false intact care are the number one reason issues arise. The USA along with muslums and some jews are the only ones who routinely circumcise infants. Plus over 100 babies die a year due to circumcision complications.


I was circumcised in my 20s, it was great and I highly recommend it. I was 'done' under general anesthesia. No pain no infection no problems at all. For many men that have a similar to condition to that which I had (excess or restricting foreskin) it's a great problem that, for many reasons they never address.

It's great you had the choice.


I understand the arguments against circumcision. I even agree with them. And I would be outraged if women were the ones having it done. Truly, I understand how people feel about this, I do. I feel the same way in theory.

However, speaking from a personal viewpoint, I much prefer it. I have been with both, and, shallow or however it may sound, an uncircumcised male turns me off.

I'm sorry for all the people I will offend with this post, but I'm only saying how I feel. It is illogical, and probably not PC, but it is what it is.

marga Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

If men later in life decided that they wanted it done, I’d have no issue with it. It’s the fact that it’s done on infants who have no say in the matter for no medical reason. If I had been asked, I would have never consented to it.

@Katrik I understand.


I would say don't do it for religious reasons at all. Wait until the child is old enough to make up their own mind and then they can make the decisions themselves. With regards to non religious people, I would say, it doesn't offer any kind of real health benefit otherwise it would be mandatory for us all. If you need it done for health reasons that crop up over time then fair enough. But I don't want to have it done for the sake of it

Exactly, there is no health benefits to circumcision. All these so called benefits can be treated with less invasive means.


My bro was done as his foreskin was too tight.. Like his wallet lmfao.. Nah he is okay but you gotta haven't you if it's your bro it's the law. So that is cool .. Any other reason than medicine is truly barbarism to me.


I didn't allow it done to my son, and if he wants it done later on in life, it's up to him.

I've read that it's easier to keep a circumsized penis clean, but most other countries and cultures don't do it, and it doesn't hurt them.
Worldwide, 33% of males are circumcised, 70% of whom are Muslim.




Circumcision is a religious practice. Jews and Moslems practice circumcision.

I've never seen an uncircumcised penis and I've only seen it done for religious reasons a handful of times. My parents are atheists and they circumcised my brother. I don't think it's fair to say it's only done for religions.

@LadyAlyxandrea You are correct. But the ORIGIN of the practice is religious. So is it on your "bucket list" to see an uncircumcised penis?

@nicknotes I couldn't care either way


According to "uncircumcised men do have higher rates of infection of certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)—like HIV, herpes, and human papillomavirus (HPV)—than circumcised men, according to research. ... So men with an intact foreskin might be more likely to transmit infections to their partners." That's just one online health-related site - there are a ton of others that say the same thing. And so while the practice may be rooted in religion - that doesn't automatically make it bad. We spay and neuter our pets for their health - our sons don't deserve the same considerations? That being said, I lobbied for my son not to be circumcised - my wife acquiesced - today he's 26 and wishes that I had shut my mouth. And despite the theatrics - does any male circumcised as an infant remember it - of course not - I don't. And so if it doesn't cause long-term harm and if it helps to minimize risk to our sons' health - it's a no-brainer to me.

It's a ridiculous barbaric practice. Men who aren't butchered, which includes me, give women much more pleasure, just ask them,the foreskin of the penis is designed by evolution to stimulate the woman's clitoris, thus giving her a much better ride.

From WbMD:-
Is circumcision necessary?
The use of circumcision for medical or health reasons is an issue that continues to be debated.


This is not thefirst poll on this subject . If there is a valid medical reason , fine. If not ... Parents ,and practitioners of this mutilation should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law .


i can understand if there is a medical issue, ive heard several people mention it being 2 tight, and i saw a poor little foster baby who hadnt been cared for very well, he got so badly infected that they ended up removing the forskin. but outside of that, i don't agree with altering a persons body without their consent. neither of my boys had it done. my youngest is still a baby so hes learning, but my eldest is 15 and was taught how 2 properly care for it. he has never had a problem

Byrd Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

If you want to circumcise, do it, if not, don't. Pretty easy.

Exactly, if you personally want it done go for it. But altering someone elses body is just wrong.

You are perfectly correct ... Why not FGM too!! The ignorance of some people leaves me astounded.

@Terohime I personally like a circumcised man, and will only have a partner who is cut, but that is MY preference.

@AzVixen52 Exactly! That's my preference, too.

@AzVixen52 That is your preference and that is fine, but YOUR sexual preference should never be carved in to a non consenting child. I prefer people with tattoos but i won't go around giving my kids tattoos because that is what i prefer.


I am Jewish culturaly but not religously, I now believe circumcision serves no useful purpose, and is a form of mutilation. It is like Jewsih dietary laws, most made sense for health reasons in the past.
OK, you still have some risk eating shellfish, I was on Cipro from a food borne illness from eating oysters, Trichinosis is no longer the issue it once was, but any undercooked meat is risky... and milk and meat? That one never made sense, bassed on "not cooking a calf in the milk of it's mother..." I've survived eating all sorts of "unknown" foods in Asia, save the oysters, no ill effects.

I would assume it's the same as why we pasteurize milk. There are pathogens in milk that are killed in that process. I am convinced that the rules against certain foods were because they didn't know about disease, but DID know that eating those foods caused people to get sick and die. Thus, it must be the will of yaweh that we do not eat that...and kosher is born.

Short: I agree with you. I always stopped and thought "why did they ban pork?" and always thought of trichinosis and lack of knowing about same (and how to prevent it in a human).


Circumsion is being recommended in some african countries to help slow the spread of aids.

This is science based.

That is false, HIV is a virus that infects people by getting inside their blood cells. To avoid getting HIV, you must prevent the blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk of someone who is infected from entering your body through your mouth, vagina, anus, tip of your penis, or breaks in your skin. Practice safe sex is all that you need to do to prevent Aids.

Science based ? What brilliant scientists have come up with that one ?

There have been many trials. Some concluded circumcision does reduce spread of HIV, and other STIs. Not all surveys agree. If it has we may not know because of the success.

This article has some background:

@Terohime It is true that circumcision is being used in africa to stop the spread of hiv. Men who have more than one sexual experience before cleaning well can spread the virus.


Lets face it. It is a very ancient practice as far as I can tell it may have originated from the Egyptian culture. It was practiced perhaps a 1000 years before the Hebrew religion was made up.
Where I grew up you could line up the men and with a quick inspection of their penises tell them if their parents were Protestant or Catholic.
The root of circumcision is religion. It has also become a cultural rite as a result.
Many children such as my son were simply circumcised to "look like Dad."
There are many arguments that is is medically valid and necessary. This is still driven by religious and cultural norms. There can be medical reasons for it in certain circumstances, but in general, normally it is not necessary. The medical argument is simply an excuse to proprogate the "norm."

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