Quite honestly I am surprised they didn't just try to blame parishioners That is usually what they do when god doesn't intervene to protect them or give them desired results. for not having enough faith.
Coughs and sprayers.
Gotta remember that one...bwahahaha
Well I feel sorry if any of the children are infected. The adults, not so much!
@MissKathleen And people who can't read the King's English think this means "little children who are suffering".
But, but, but...THEY WERE COVERED IN JEEBUS BLOOD...say it ain't sooo....its Obama's fault fer sure...
Obama and China and the WHO... and chuck and nancy.
45 makes me puke.
I love how natural selection keeps ignorance in check.
My friend had a saying”ignorance has always been a capital offense against nature”. Aka you can choose either education or evolution. They did not choose wisely.
They never question God in a case like this. They never ask him "Why did thou not shield us in thy divine cloak of protection, Father? We meant but to worship thee."
Xians talk like that when speaking to God.
@SeaGreenEyez Right because questions mean you're thinking and thinking about religion makes God angry.
We live in a universe governed by cause and effect, and so far as we know, this chain has not been broken by a force outside of nature. The faithful who are willing to risk their lives to attend services and ignore the virus believe that either their God will save them, or he will allow them to die, but that either way, their example will serve as a memorial to 'perfect faith.'
They could have seen this coming....
Nahhh! The only thing they see is the coming of their savior now that the end of times is near...
...and they have not even seen that either.
It would be funny if it was not so pathetic.
@Rodatheist I say "could have", I guess I was wrong to impute rational thinking.
I hope some of the sick sue the church. That would be funny.