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Michael Shermer on Evolution & Creationism, Part 1

nogod4me 8 May 29

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The error and fallacy with these illogical evolutionist is: IF there were an ALL POWERFUL creator, then the all powerful could use it's all powerfulness to instantly "create" an existence that appeared to be like really old with carbon dating appearing as it does by current scientific observation.

Evolution by no means disproves an all powerful creator IF one or 20 exist.

Word Level 8 May 30, 2020

What god would be that stupid, and who would believe in such a stupid god?

It could also stand on its head and stick its finger in its ass, IF it had a head, finger, and ass.

Evolution doesn't exist to disprove a god, and if evolution were proven false it still would not prove a god exists.

Your use of the word "illogical" in front of titles and labels reminds me of marketing schemes. Like store-bought, processed, cookies that have "homemade" on the package designed to fool the ignorant. Yes, it's funny, and devious, but also very disingenuous.

We use evolutionary theory successfully every day in many medical and scientific fields. There is no evidence for gods.

Your argument is simply a childish and moot point. If a god who did not want to be found made it so that any form or sense of its being cannot be found or understood, and removed all evidence of its existence, then seeking after this god would be futile. So, any so-called knowledge that a person may think they have about this god is wrong, and the only way a person could have heard about this god was from someone else who was wrong. Therefore it is a moot point because those who just happen to believe (for no reason) that something is out there has the same results as those who don't believe it exists at all.

It becomes childish when you keep pushing this silly argument.

Only two things we do not know. What happened before the big bang and where and how the first single celled organism appeared. No gods required'
Creationists are akin to flat earthers. Simple minded and totally lacking in imagination

@nogod4me You say, "There is no evidence for gods." Let me point out your use of "s" to note plural, as in more than one. If there is more than one all-powerful at the same time it causes a contradiction if the 2 or more were to oppose each other at the same time. If one is all powerful and punches another all power in the nose. The one being punched in nose should be all powerful to block punch but the one punching should be all powerful to complete the punch. A contradiction for there being more than one all powerful.

You then, as well as the definition of atheism states "... God or gods" which covers the possibility of the mono-singular all powerful but it also covers the lesser powerful definitions of god thingies.

SO THEN, when talking about the existence of god thingies in the plural, as in many at the same time, then we would not consider them to be ALL POWERFUL but would be of something lesser than all powerful.

You could get more definitions about all powerfulness but I will give this for you from wikipedia.
The term omnipotent has been used to connote a number of different positions. These positions include, but are not limited to, the following:

A deity is able to do anything that it chooses to do.[1] (In this version God can do the impossible and something contradictory.[2])
A deity is able to do anything that is in accord with its own nature (thus, for instance, if it is a logical consequence of a deity's nature that what it speaks is truth, then it is not able to lie).[citation needed]
It is part of a deity's nature to be consistent and that it would be inconsistent for said deity to go against its own laws unless there was a reason to do so.[3] []

Not understanding or accepting the evidence is a major factor illogical atheist do not handle well. The reasoning can range from, simply the fact that an illogical atheist is not educated on the facts, to the point of some illogical atheist being dishonest evil wicked people and simply not accepting the truth for what it is because they have no personal integrity. There is evidence that a style of god exist. This style of god that has been accepted to exist is not Harry Potter, Willy Wonka nor specifically proving all powerful knowledge to be known instantly at each end of infinity in every direction. Nonetheless, A style of god has been overwhelmingly approved to exist AND it does not require that ALL styles of gods be proven.
For brevity not all references will be specifically cited: Biblical text has in it's writings that people are accepted to be gods. John 10:34 Jesus answered saying "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? 3 things that shows support for biblical text as written:

  1. Guinness book of world record for most copies of a book of it's kind.
  2. Peer reviewed for at least almost 2000 years.
  3. Christian is now what a person can be called because they accept what it written as to what Jesus character said. There is in fact many people that label themselves as Christian.
    Atheism by definition and premise is in fact incorrect, wrong or illogical.

Many Illogical atheist will suffer cognitive dissonance when trying to deal with the fact that people are accepted to be gods, people exist therefore a style of god exist.

@Moravian,@nogod4me The big band is a myth, how could we know what happened before "our modern scientific creation myth" as stated by astronomer Carl Sagan at 2 minutes and 50 seconds on video.

@nogod4me evolution of lucifer Jesus style god. According to biblical plot and story line jesus character was spoken into existence. These words spoken, as according to what is written, these words [for lack of a better term] accumulated over 1000s of years. The way to scientifically test for a Jesus style God would be to follow a genetic line of people thru certain decendents recording their words as they evolved from a single couple (adam/eve) to some point of the accumulated decendents form masses enought to have a nation such as that now existing called Israel.

@Word You are simply rehashing and repeating the same insane nonsense that you that wrote here: "Cognitive Dissonance "/

I hope you realize that spewing your nonsense is not the same as proving your nonsense. Just because you believe something doesn't make it true. Do you really think you that you have some insight about gods that some other failed believers haven't already thought of?

A god is not defined by reality or existence, believers make the assertion that it is, the god makes no assertion whether it exists or not, it is therefore the believer who must then prove the assertions they make. If someone tells you that a god or Bigfoot hates, or loves something, or even exists, THEY would be responsible to prove those assertions. It is the same with your gods, anyone can proclaim a god exists, or be a certain "style" of god. (That is funny, by the way.)

Don't keep spouting off, show us your god. We understand that you believe, now prove your unsubstantiated beliefs.

Your words are baseless nonsense without proof or substance.

@nogod4me You stated, "Don't keep spouting off, show us your god. "

Your illogical atheist cognitive dissonance thinking is keeping you from understanding.

I DO NOT HAVE a God. God is not my name, but I really do exist. Here is a photo of me for your evaluation that I really do exist. People are accepted to be gods, not just biblically. People are gods, people exist therefore gods exist because people are gods.

I know, you do not understand logic and that what makes atheist illogical.

@nogod4me Notice dictionary picture that is not a BIBLE. It clearly recognizes Daniel Boone and Kit Carson as deity(gods) They are real people and gods, they existed. Gods exist. Get it thru you illogical cognitive dissonance personal Incredulity thick headed stupid thinking.

@nogod4me People are accepted and labeled as gods. Logic says, people are gods people exist, then gods exist because people are gods. Illogical atheist be like, that is too complicated to understand logic, it must not be true.

@Word I hope you are just feigning ignorance. You can't be so ignorant as to apply all nuanced definitions of the word god to mean the one definition of a supreme being. Money can be a god to people, so can cult leaders like Trump, however, they are not supreme beings and are only given power by the people who worship them.

You are simply playing a childish game of word misdirection. A game that children and the simple-minded play.

@nogod4me Michael Jordon, basketball deity. Have you ever seen a fat man fly thru thru the air like mike?

@Word He is still not a supreme being, others have also performed well, conflating two different definitions to mean the same thing is willful ignorance.

He certainly is not a deity as in: "the creator and supreme being ." You have proven my point.

@nogod4me Michael Jordon a supreme being compared to fat man. Creator because Michael Jordon has children that with created in conjunction with activity with childs mother.

Your defination of a God thingie may not exist that does not change the fact that god thingie do in fact exist.

@nogod4me Typical cognition dissonance of illogical atheist is that they will assign a specific definition for a God thingie then say that all things labeled as a God thingie must meet their definition to be a true God thingie.


God defined as a word of open definition and usage, in that any person could give any usage or define it in any way, whether logical, provable, real, surreal or not.

There are some things labeled by this word that have more popularity than others. There are groups of people that give a certain definition to this word that the agree on and follow for that group. There are those that would say there is nothing in existence that this word would properly label.

There are those that do not have evidence for a reason to label anything with this word. There are those that could never know what to label with this word.

A very uncommon word for how it is used comes from Germanic origin of meaning to call or invoke and now in fact exist as a word in English spelt with the letters G, O, and D.

I created Taco God. Taco God is real. Taco God is a person. Any person that has eaten a taco is a Taco God. Tacos are real, people are real and people really eat tacos.

Taco God is not evidence for ANY OTHER GOD but it is in fact A God. And it only takes one God to give evidence that atheism is illogical by defination. Because atheism by defination says: no gods exist. Taco God is proven to exist.

Taco God is backed by peer reviewed text that has been peer reviewed for 1000s of years and the text is the most copied world record holding text of its kind. Taco God is real and really exist. Atheism Illogical.

I created Taco God. Taco God is a person. That person has eaten 1 taco in their life. Have you eaten a taco in you life? You then would be a Taco God. Millions and billions of taco gods exist because a lot of people has eated a taco. Taco God is everywhere, almost omnipresent even. Taco God knows almost everything, nearly omniscient, its just all split up into each individuals own minds relative to their perspective.

3 different references that people are Gods. With out disputing truth or fiction of Jesus character, it is written that Jesus style God argued that people are Gods.

Isaiah 41:23 Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

@Word You are feigning ignorance and using word misdirection again. No, Michael Jordon is not a supreme being in the sense that he is THE creator and THE supreme being, he is a person that others idolize and may want to emulate.

My definition of god does exist, read a dictionary, the definition does not create the substance of a god.

Your childish nonsense is very boring.

@Word Your incessant misuse of word meanings makes you appear ignorant and insane. We use definitions of words in order to understand one another, misconstruing these definitions does not make your point correct, it makes you wrong.

By the way, why do you keep quoting the Bible as if it were an authority? You do seem to be an ignorant believer.

@nogod4me and you are conflating the mono all powerful god attributes requiring that those attributes are within the lesser multi-gods that could not all have all powerfulness together each at the same time

@nogod4me your "defination " exist perhaps, but the reality of your defination of s God may not exist

@nogod4me I'm a believer, maybe.

@Word Sounds like I taught you a new word. I'm not the one misusing the definitions, ...that is all you. It's sad, but you can stop, it doesn't make you appear intelligent, quite the opposite.

@Word Do you actually think that by distracting with nonsense that it will prove your nonsense?

Now you are just getting creepy.

@nogod4me proven that lesser gods exist does not prove that mono all powerful God exist.

It is not require to prove the mono all powerful God exist in order to prove the lesser multi at the same time gods that could not be all powerful at same time.

You are only arguing against proof of the mono. I have proven the lesser. To show atheism by defination and premise wrong only 1 god must be proven and it does not require that the mono all powerful is proven.

@nogod4me I just over loaded you cognitive dissonance with logic so call me child and stupid which shows and proves your illogicalness and lack of understanding logic

@Word Carl Sagan was a polymath but he certainly wasn't an atheist.
Why choose Hindu creationism ?. There are dozens of others in the world and they have one thing in common. Thery are all mythology and have no connection with science.

@nogod4me you claim information I have given is nonsense, then you say I am creepy. Logic, if you knew anything about it, you would point out what you see as nonsense then you would explain how or why you see it as nonsense. Your claim that my information is nonsense with you providing no grounds or reasons makes your claim unfounded and illogical. It may not make you creepy for such nonsense baseless comments but it does make for a nonsensical typical illogical atheist illogical statement and your attempt at rebuttal logically refuted without having to say anything.

@Moravian To Robert Pope, of Windsor, Ontario, Oct. 2, 1996

“I am not an atheist. An atheist is someone who has compelling evidence that there is no Judeo-Christian-Islamic God. I am not that wise, but neither do I consider there to be anything approaching adequate evidence for such a god. Why are you in such a hurry to make up your mind? Why not simply wait until there is compelling evidence?

Does this wait-and-see attitude make Sagan an “agnostic”? That word seems inadequate to me. Yes, he held out the possibility of a God, but believed that possibility to be very small. His position was the strictly scientific one: Knowledge is always provisional and contingent upon further data. []

@Word Just more nonsense and boring crap. You're not worth wasting time with.

The word atheist was first used by John Martiall in the 16th century and simply means without gods.
The onus is on theists to prove that their gods exist not the other way round.
It is interesting that all the god belief, certainly on this site anyway refers to the Judeo/Christian god and goes to show the theological baggage people are stuck with. I have yet to hear of anyone who thinks that there are Greek gods on the top of mount Olympus, or that Thor is still around in Norway.
I sometimes wonder if those same people have read the old testament. I have in detail and there is no doubt in my mind that the polytheist Jews gradually became monotheists and their god was adopted to justify their acquisitive behaviour.

@Moravian in this same discussion with you I have pointed out discussing with nogod4me that the people are the biblical gods. Just scroll up to see the discussion, I assume you were not notified of my comments that tagged nogod4me.

People are the gods that created Jesus character "son of man" a product or offspring of man kind.


Shermer rocks!


tl;dw -- saving it for l8tr

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