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LINK Tulsa mayor said we are not shooting African Americans as much as we should be

Now,we know why trump is holding the convention there

bobwjr 10 June 11

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35 comments (26 - 35)

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Sorry, Yates is not the mayor, he is a police Major. And NoPlanetB's comment is accurate.


we are not deporting evangelicals and republicans as much as we should


Additionally I went on a very long tangent/discussions on this yesterday, but talking about the numbers he mentioned. I don't want to minimize the poor wording by this elected official. He should be DEMANDED to apologize and reword his statement. I don't think it is inline with speech deemed appropriate of a public official.

Good point, but aren't all politicians full of crap?

@Grecio I didnt read the full article, went by the headline. It was a police officer that said it, a Major. It was a very bad way of expressing an idea using "ought to shoot". As a higher ranking officer he should be reprimanded for expressing the idea in that manner and giving policing a negative tone. He does a disservice to fellow officers everywhere with THAT language. A public correction and clarification of meaning should be expected.

I guess he was being sarcastic.

@Grecio Okay, but isn't law enforcement supposed to adhere to a HIGHER standard? You should be able to feel a high level of trust in the officer and the public (and private professional) behaviour, should you not? For instance I could take that same statement, turn it around, reword it, and convey a confused meaning too, but why would I do that? I don't want to confuse meaning on such a serious topic and I am NOT a well paid police officer with a professional image to represent and a police department to speak on behalf of. Sarcasm in this scenario isn't helping, it's not adding to confidence in the police. I would much prefer sarcasm directed in any other direction, but NOT at SHOOTING PEOPLE.


Another moron mayor that needs to be voted out. How do these dum-dums get elected.

By other dum dums that think just like this dum dum and they all live together in dum dum ville.

@TheMiddleWay and I agree on something.

@TheMiddleWay lol yup major it is. Never clicked the link. Just read the title.


What!? Is that for real? OMG!🤮


Trump must want to create a problem. He must still have confidence that he can dominate over the wishes of the people.


RNC hasn't made it official the site of their convention. Tulsa had submitted an invite and Trump is having a rally there.

barjoe Level 9 June 11, 2020



What total garbage.

Which "what" are you referring to?

@BirdMan1 All of it!

"What total garbage." Maybe you should try debating the issues rather than insulting them with a sound bite. You sound like TRUMP.

@dermot235 I didn't know I was required to adhere to your standards of communication. In terms of African Americans being disproportionately affected by the judicial system, I found the comment offensive, and considering that I believe Trump to be a fascist and racist, the comments uttered by the Tulsa mayor was equally offensive. I see that you have not made similar comments to other individuals on this thread regarding their once sentence comments, which I am completely in support of. Why did you target mine?

@DavidCavalleri You're not required to adhere to anything I say.
"African Americans being disproportionately affected by the judicial system" is just a fact. It's not an opinion that can be found offensive.
I didn't know I was required to reply to every comment on here?
I did not target you but I did comment because I felt that "what total Garbage" comments don't contribute to any debate or have any meaningful contribution to make. That's all. If you find me offensive, it was not my intension

@dermot235 Sometimes a person can make a comment and leave it there. I could go on and on about how racist this country is, based on personal and professional experience. And I find it curious you targeted only my comment. That is troublesome to me.

@DavidCavalleri I explained it already. What do you want me to do. Make up shit.
I wasn't questioning your views on race I was commenting on your use of the phase "Total Garbage". So if you don't want to feel you are being targeted. Debate intelligently and stop using phrases like "Total Garbage"


Great..... This is how it starts.


For the USA, only about 17% are blacks. Statistically speaking, about 17% of all police killings and arrests should be black people.
I am not sure we can look at statistics in order to learn anything about police brutality, or the number of criminals behind bars. Of course, there are more blacks than whites behind bars, but I don't know why? Do black people misbehave more than whites? Do black people, even though we grow-up and live in the same country, have a different culture?
It is clear that our judicial system is corrupt and needs a total overhaul. In fact, our entire government needs an overhaul. The system that our forefathers set-up isn't working very well right now.
There are the few extremely wealthy, and the many, many poor. That doesn't speak well for the capitalistic system. Capitolism is the worst form of government, next to everything else.

Grecio Level 7 July 13, 2020
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