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The Ominous Threat to a Post-Trump America: White Supremacy

By Stephen Hanks.

"Probably the most disturbing scene in the Bob Fosse movie version ofCabaret begins idyllically in a rural German beer garden. As Brian and his bisexual lover Max are having cocktails in the midst of the locals on a sun-drenched afternoon, an apparently non-threatening young Aryan Adonis begins to sing in a soft, lilting tenor:

The sun on the meadow is summery warm . . . The stag in the forest runs free . . . But gather together to greet the storm . . . Tomorrow belongs to me . . .

"As he begins singing the second verse, the camera slowly pans down his body to reveal the brown uniform of the Hitler youth, still in its nascent stage. As the song progresses, the vocal becomes more aggressively strident and the young man raises his right hand in the Nazi salute. Inspired almost to the point of frenzy, the locals stand, join in the singing, and mimic the gesture that would come to identify the most murderous nation on the planet; one hell bent on world domination.

"The “pitchfork and torches” audiences at Donald Trump rallies (both during the 2016 campaign and his Presidency), and most infamously at Charlottesville, Va August 2017, have been the angry American equivalent of German townspeople singing, “Tomorrow Belongs To Me.” Only their version has been “Make America Great Again.” They’ve ecstatically cheered at his racist dog whistles, his demonization of the media, his exhortations to “lock up” his opponents, and his claims that his Impeachment and the CoronaVirus pandemic were both “a hoax.”

"What, in the fanatical minds of his followers, will make America great again? Deport all immigrants. Let everyone have guns. Punish women who have abortions. Suppress voting rights, especially of minorities. Build border walls. Put opponents in jail. Silence the press. Systematically destroy government agencies. Insult, abandon or blackmail our allies. Brandish assault weapons at State capitals. Call out the U.S. military to assault Americans in the Nation’s Capital. Take to armed revolution if the election doesn’t go their supreme leader’s way.

"But perhaps the idea the Trump Kool-Aid Drinkers love best of all: The encouragement of White Nationalists and White Supremacy."


LiterateHiker 9 June 18

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If Republicans manage to win 2020, they'll be wearing party uniforms by 2024...


I'm so tired of repugs. they blow the national debt up. A democrat comes in and balances the budget. Rinse repeat.


I grew up in an area heavily populated with European immigrants. Many of my friends parents, grandparents and other , surving relatives , had little numbers on their arms. The latest batch of right wingers scare me to death.


Perhaps the most incisive part of the essay (emphasis in the original):

"Let us assume that political scientists and pundits are correct when they claim that the majority of Americans vote on economics — primarily “pocketbook issues” like jobs and taxes. Since Jimmy Carter was elected President in 1976 — that’s 44 years, folks — the Democratic Party has been advocating major spending on infrastructure, almost along the lines of FDR-style “New Deal” programs. In the 12 years since the financial crisis — a period when the country desperately needed to create millions of jobs (on top of what emerged through the too small stimulus program) — the Republican Party had first obstructed Obama’s desire for more spending on infrastructure, preventing a jobs boom in the industries where most middle- and working-class folks ply their trades. Then in 2017 they gave corporations and American oligarchs a $1.5 trillion tax cut. Where is the frustrated Trump supporter’s outrage about that? When George W. Bush was President, massive tax cuts for the wealthy and tax loopholes for corporations became law, increasing income disparity and causing more shrinkage of the middle class. Where is the frustrated Trump supporter’s outrage about that? When the Neo-Cons and mainstream Republicans in the Bush administration pushed America into a devastating war in Iraq based on lies and deceit (that many Democrats like Clinton went along with, lest they be branded “traitors” ), the cost was losing the lives of thousands of young people — mainly from working class families — and trillions of dollars that could have been spent on infrastructure, education, health care, and the social safety net. Where is the frustrated Trump’s supporters outrage about that? When it was clear that a pandemic was upon us this past January and February, Donald Trump played golf and claimed the disease would all go away like magic. The upshot at this point? Almost 125,000 dead Americans and climbing, and the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression. Where is the frustrated Trump’s supporters’ outrage about that?"

So, clearly, the pundits are wrong in thinking the majority vote in their own economic self-interest, as I've come to realize over the last several decades. People follow a political party for the same reason they follow a religion or a sports team; for emotional and cultural reasons, because their family or friends follow it, because it appeals to them on a gut level. Complicated explanations of the changing world economic picture don't reach people's guts. Giving them someone to blame does.

If they voted their financial interests, they wouldn't have voted for a single Republican since Regsn first started this nightmare rolling. They vote for an idea that they can harumph around with their illiterate, religious friends , and try to blame the worlds troubles on anything but the actual cause.
During Bush2 , this state was destitute after all the factory closures and home repossessions. Obama managed to kick start things with a number of highway and infrastructure projects that got the area back on its feet . Nothing like actual jobs and money circulating somewhere other than overseas bank accounts to get things going. If these morons voted their personal financial interests, they would remember having to be bailed out after each Republican, buy a Democrat, but they don't. They continue to spread whatever schmaltz is being spread by all their church buddies and ignore the truth they have lived through.


06/19/2020 Could be the day Trump comes out to make his speech in his KKK grand dragon uniform. It could be a really bad shit storm.

Any day now. smh


It is a serious threat. Still, it can be controlled and largely quelled if we take it seriously.


What trump does not realize there is only 3 types of American,, The original aboriginal or indigenous people of the Americas or Immigrants and there descendents or asylum seekers and there descendants ,So he could be one of the first ones deported back to the land where his original ancestors came from,food for thought

It just doesn't work that way in their way of thinking and reasoning.

true but then again the courts may say other wise lol


This Trump fellow fills in so many of the boxes of authoritarian dictator from start to finish. He's been a tickbox exercise through my learning so far.


My feeling remains, ‘those people’ are a definite minority.. What they fear and why they’ve armed themselves to the teeth is the vast majority - as recently evidenced by protesters across our nation and around the world! Yes, we need to recognize them for what & who they are - but what I’ve seen in the streets assures me - they’d be crushed. Even our military would turn on them!

Their fat, lazy, ignorant, arrogant hitler-like narcissistic god is not the result of ‘their work,’ he’s the opportunistic result of an orgy consisting of Industry, foreign intervention, Big money and untethered media Propaganda aimed at just enough of those primed for hate have squeaked through our system… Their days are numbered.

Thanks for the reminder, though ~

Varn Level 8 June 18, 2020
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