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LINK Catholic Bishop Will Spray Holy Water from Helicopter Over City to Defeat Devil | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

A Catholic bishop, full of ideas, will borrow a helicopter and spray his city with holy water on July 14 in order to cleanse it from all the demons.

This is nto a new idea. This kind of thing has been done before.

snytiger6 9 June 29

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44 comments (26 - 44)

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More spectacular, but just as nonsensical as prayer.


Quite right. Every little helps!

Yep, and that's what the little old Lady said when she peed in the sea.


My gast has been flabbered by His Holy Stupidity.


Holy aerial bombardment, Batman! What next? Using a crop duster as a censer to dispense the incense? Using a blimp with loudspeakers to blast out an exorcist's incantations? What the hell century is this anyway?


Water is holey, oxygen bubbles make it holey. Lol
The fucking idiots... i have no clue what holy is...misspelling???? Lol i think there are a lot of airheads involved with these religious nutcakes, i mean look at the drivel leaking out all over, is brain soup the answer??


Well good luck to that.


I don't think it will work. Holy water in bowls inside churches hasn't wiped out demons of lust.

frvl Level 4 June 29, 2020

Say it. Don’t spray it.

Mvtt Level 7 June 29, 2020

Almost makes you want to go to the city and start reprising the role of the Wicked Witch of the West. Bonus points if you make some fog to go with it. Really freak out the believers hahahaha.


Any chance he might fall out of the helicopter?

We can only but HOPE, can't we?


I was raised r.c. and spent many years as one. I never understood the holy water thing or worship of the virgin Mary or many other odd r.c. practices. But still I was very attached to my catholicism. Later I tried nearly all the other denominations. Eventually I gave up and became an atheist because I decided I didn't want to go to heaven because there I wouldn't be able to be myself, it would be hell for me.


Maybe he should put the seat down and sit. He wouldn't spray so much then.

redhog Level 7 June 29, 2020

What's he waiting for??

He has to make sure enough people have time to raise money to support him. It would be totally stupid to just do it and then tell people what you did and that it did not work.


I think he should bless the water in a fire hose and spray em down. That would be more fun


Maybe the evil drug dealers will shoot back. They may even have a spare missile or two lying about.


Hmmmmm, a Catholic Bishop flying over a city in a helicopter? Sounds like defeating evil would be better accomplished with a Stinger missile rather than with Holy Water.


That doesn’t seem very godly. Shouldn’t an angel be wafting it up above the city?

@Dyl1983 👅


Guess he didn't think about the demons hiding indoors when he sprays?

I would settle for your first four words.

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