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I'm curious, what useful thing have you learned about yourself during this difficult time?

For me, dropping into a store to look around was more than about shopping. It was about being around others, and I miss it.

Learned as long as I stay busy, I'm content being alone. It feels good to accomplish something each day. Even a jigsaw puzzle, deep cleaning one area, reading, cooking or sewing.

Learned how to make masks. Made over 25 masks for friends, family and neighbors.

I miss the gym, but refuse to go because gyms are a very high risk for COVID-19. Have been doing push-ups, tricep dips, abdominal exercises, hiking and running.

Betsy, a volunteer from the Unitarian Fellowship, has been calling me each Saturday since February just to see how I am. I appreciate it. Today I'm sewing her a mask.

How about you?

LiterateHiker 9 July 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I am capable of adapting to just about anything, if I have to.


I'm an alcoholic.



I've learned that staying stoned makes this situation more bearable.


I learned I am a true introvert and staying home has not been hard for me. My dogs are my company as are my two sweet grand daughters that I live with now.😘


That I'm far more resilient and self reliant than I could have imagined. And also that I'm still my own best friend.

Deb57 Level 8 July 12, 2020

Patience. Covid 19 has taught me patience better than a
toddler to a 16 year old.


I work as a recycling sorter and I had the surprise to learn that I'm an essential worker. I hope the folks at my union remember that next time they negociate for our salary.


That with every negative there is a positive. Using this time for reinvention.


That I can do what must be done

bobwjr Level 10 July 12, 2020

I've learned that I have even fewer friends than I thought.

Me and you both.


I’ve realized I don’t need restaurants, bars and clubs, sporting events and mass gatherings to live a good life. I’m healthier, happier and richer.....


I learned how awful I look without having gone to a barber for months. I've got "quarantine hair!" Ugh. I do have an appointment with the barber, though, for Tuesday. Looking forward to it. 🙂

It was pretty rough not having my hais done. Never appreciated going to my hais dresser as I did after the salons were finally allowed to open.


First, I have truly embraced being an Athiest.
Which considering all I've been thru, for the last year,, I'm happily at peace with it. I've learned to care for my self better, and live with less.


That while I like being home I am missing social interaction. I also realized I need to have a schedule or the days just drift away and I get slightly depressed. I can make my own coffee at home and enjoy it. I really need to stay away from sugar 🙂


You’re beautiful even with a mask on! Good you’ve been keeping busy. I’m buying a house and moving to it part time and my camper part time. Still volunteering with the Red Cross but we are distancing and doing video meetings


Thank you so much. blush


I was raised for this. And I tend to find little difference in how I lived previously to how I live now with the exception that on the rare occasion that I do venture out that I wear a mask. My mom and I got through five days without power during a blizzard. Definitely a lone wolf.


I like working remotely from home. When things get back to normal, I would be very happy to only have to go into the office 2 or 3 days a week.

AvisG Level 4 July 12, 2020

I learned that too much time on our hands makes me over think life and imagine what is not there.


I am calmer. More focused on my surroundings and how to care for it. I mentioned to my daughter this morning i haven't left the place over 33 days now. I guess the helter skelter of the outside world has turned to a place of serenity...


That nobody, with one or two exceptions, really wants to know how I'm doing.

Side effects of depression; sometimes you feel sorry for yourself. But you don't want to try to get other people to feel sorry for you. Not if you're like me, anyway. Then you feel sorry for yourself, because people don't feel sorry for you. (I know, it doesn't make sense. Depression doesn't.)

How are you doing?

@Paul4747 depression is tough. I have gone through mild bouts and really have to work on getting out, socializing and looking at the positives in my life. Meditation is good and You Tube has lots of choices

@AvisG Thanks for asking, trying to muster up the determination to get back to work tomorrow. Can't sit on the couch forever.


Besides the things everyone else is listing, I learned create a small social contact bubble, to join me for walks, beach days, pool time and live music events, where we can social distance, one on one, watch out for each other and enjoy live person conversations.

I think I now value these few people more than I did before, as they are the ones I like well enough to share my time with, and who don't create too much drama in my life. (I've cut out those who do create drama.)

So, I guess I've learned to value those I choose as friends or who are close to me by way of being the neighbors sharing my condo complex, and whom I never really got to know very well before. These "quarantine friends" and I will likely continue to share a bit of a bond as we helped each other get through this weird time when we are asked not to go out of our small social contact bubble.

Piggy backing on my comment, I've also learned a bit more tolerance regarding my friends, who previously I might have considered just acquaintances.

Two of my girlfriends have such loud voices, it hurts my ears, one of which is really whiny sounding, and complains constantly about everything and everybody. I've learned to calm myself down and just accept the assault on my ears and desire for grace all around, for the greater good of having a friend throughout this time.

Also, nearly all of my girlfriends have been hit on by my ex-boyfriend either over the years or quite recently. While I've never really been jealous of any of them, since I like myself as I am, on a small island where none of us are going anywhere, we all need to just accept these things as they are and make the best of it.

We just shake our heads and smile at what a dog he is to go after my girlfriends, fully knowing they know his story from me confiding in them over the years, haha!


That travel is perhaps the only luxury in life I really can not do without, but that traveling is not about going somewhere exotic and wonderful, just a little country lane only twenty miles from home is wonderful if you have never been down it before.


When I put on a mask I look like a comic book villain. Now I must go out and conquer the world.


I'm more than just fortunate to have a companion. Although, I handle aloneness very well. Even though there's somebody else here, my interaction time is a very small part of the day. I spend much more time reading, doing email, and working on my novel. After all, writers are mostly reclusive anyway.

mischl Level 8 July 12, 2020

That my attitude towards life is totally justified and I don't miss people, just sex


I miss sex, too.

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