Putting up with religious types is hell on earth.
Sin is an imaginary disease and they sell an imaginary cure.
I live in the real world, no time for such bull shit.
This joke may be more risible than christ but it suffers mightily from the same ignorance that seeks to belittle and chastise others for perceived faults while lauding the inapt.
It is not sin unless you label it sin!!!
Sounds like something Mark Twain would have said. Heaven for the climate and hell for the company,
Lol, this always reminds me that christian heaven is so restrictive that if these realms really existed a this moment in time there must be several million times more good people in hell than in heaven, and at some point hell would be, in a sense, technically "more good" than heaven! LOL!
"Better to laugh with the sinners than die with the saints" -- Billy Joel
Um, so this makes me think climate change global warming. I’ll be dead in 40 years, but still feel the need to try and do what i can for niece and nephews/ other sproglets. I know you were jesting... but am wondering would you agree with Billy on that could too?
A life of sin is so Deliciously fun too!!!