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As an Australian, I think the problem in your country USA began with the words "one Nation under God" in the pledge of allegiance. It seems that the separation of state and religion is a battle against the conservatives who take those words literally.

Under god was added 1954 by religious assholes.

@oldFloyd Thanks for that, was not aware.


Their emphasis on separation of church and state is a winning strategy. At 1 time the crazy Baptists were really big on that issue as well because they used to realize that separation actually protected them from government interference.


Wow! The secular movement really is necessary in the racist, white supremacist, religiously intolerant, power mongering America that threatens all of us currently. These are scary times, and we really need to support activism. Each of the speakers had valuable information to reveal about what is going on in their communities as well as nationally from the U.S. congress members on the panel.


As the number of nones keeps increasing this is a good time for this movement.


It's pathetic that so few pols can afford to come out of the closet and publicly admit they are non-religious. I know in my bones that there are probably many more out there that remain in the closet, including Bernie Sanders, who clearly seems atheist or agnostic, but is a secular Jew. Too many bigoted voters out there in most states, like mine, so it won't change anytime soon.


Thanks for sharing it.


Very good

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 23, 2020

If we could get non religious people who believe in liberty, a voluntary society and Capitalism; perhaps we could advance society forward and become civilized.

SCal Level 7 Aug 23, 2020

Capitalism is a big part of the problem,. Democracy and capitalism are not synonymous.


First, the structure of govt is not a direct democracy, it's a Republic. Rightfully so, because democracy is trash, mob rule, 51% enslaving the other 49%.

Second, what part of private property and voluntary interactions are a problem for anyone? That's all Capitalism is.

The problem is cronyism. The US has not enjoyed true Capitalism for more than 100 years. The increasing cronyism and the socialism that stems from it are the true problems. The govt is too big and it spends too much of our capital propping up corporations that are actually just a part of govts apparatus.

It's amazing how many people railing against Capitalism, the solution to our problems, do not know what Capitalism is, and confuse the current crony system with Capitalism.


About time too.


Very worthwhile and inspiring listen, thanks for sharing! Lots of great points made, including this:

"Senator, with all due respect, when you took your oath of office, you put your hand on the bible, and you swore to uphold the constitution. You didn't put your hand on the constitution and swear to uphold the bible." - Jamie Raskin

Very pleased that we have at least these few lawmakers standing up for a more humanistic approach to legislation.


Didn't seem to want to play .


Most Christians that are lawmakers just seem non-religious because it's their job.
The ones that wear it on their sleeve are from the fascist culture warrior cult of alt right stupidity.


Nancy Pelosi is a secular Religious Catholic. She is perfectly fine with people's right to freedom from religion.

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