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What's something that many people haven't done, but that you have?

Mea 7 Apr 8

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Bragging allowed or keep it humble? ????

Bragging allowed, let's hear it! 🙂

@Mea Ok... Here it goes, things I have accomplish that not many people have: I have lived in three different countries in two different continents. I have had a certain point in time when I had a home (owned property) in each of those three countries. And ironically a hotel reservation went south once in Rome and even having all those properties around the world, I was homeless for few hours. Rome is a tough city if you don't have a reservation. Anyhow, that's another story. Another accomplishment a bit less important ( many people does that ), I speak two languages fluently (profanity and everything) and I can get by with French, Portuguese and Flemish (Dutch). I have had the opportunity to get the best education there is and I made the most out of it up to a masters in Electronics and didn't continue to pursue a PhD because life happens, yes I have been married. My professional carrer took me around the world and I have play soccer with Brazilians in Brasil, I have explored Europe all over the place, seen the most hot georgious women in Hungary and Czech Republic while working in factories in Zalaegerseg and Brno. I have worked with Dutch, French, German, British, Thai, Chinese people. I have travel everywhere, worked hard and party like crazy in my personal time and yet, here is the punch line and the most important thing I have done that not everyone one have done.... I have managed to send everyone away and I am completely alone in the middle of a crowd. I am convinced at this point that I am going to die alone and I have made peace with memories are mine to keep though.


I have been acquainted with two serial killers and lived to tell about it. The first is Ted Bundy. He lived in my neighborhood in Tacoma, WA, was in my class all through junior high and high school. He was our paper boy. Our schools had a High Achievement Program. We were both in it and had classes together. In HA English when we were junior or seniors, I recall he sat next to me on my left. He was one of those tall, lanky boys that leaned back in his desk chair and spread his legs out. It made him look more aloof. He didnt talk much in class. He signed my friend Christine's yearbook just before we graduated, and wrote something really bizarre. Something like we will now eat the monster or it will eat us. She lived across the street from Ted, had even asked him to a tolo once but he said no. He respected her in his own way.

The 2nd serial killer I have known is Andrew Cunanin who killed Versace. As a young mother, I was only a frequent customer in the Rite Aide Drug Store where Andrew had been an Assistant Manager just before going on a cross country killing spree. I remember seeing his name on his badge. He seemed to me to be hyper, moving around quicker than normal. I went to Mass and the priest announced that Andrew's mother had called. She wanted the whole congregation to prayer for her son. And pray that he turn himself in.

Both of these men met their demise in Florida.

That's scary!


I’ve been in the caldera of an active volcano, worked at NASA Johnson space center, found a worm in a Wendy’s hamburger, probably some other stuff, too.

The Wendy's hamburger one is super gross! 😟

@Mea yeah, it was pretty bad. It was at a Wendy’s in Manila. I don’t recommend eating American food overseas, but my buddy was needing something familiar... ugh


Yes, I have been over the Gliedecke bridge (in the movie "Brodge of Spies" with Tom Hanks. It was the dividing line between West erlin and East Germany from 1945 and 1989.I still remember the Russian sentries with submachine guns and the sentry tower with machine guns.

@babsy I was there from 1959 -61 in the Army, then again in 1962-3 as a civilian living on the Germany economy.


Be alone and like it.

Lani Level 5 Apr 8, 2018

Written a book (several, actually) and recorded a Celtic music album. Got a Ph.D. (and a job in academia, which is even rarer.)

Yeah! I got a job in academia. I started as an adjunct and now I'm Associate Professor going up for Full next Fall.


Been stationed on a submarine? It's like Star Trek out there.... 🙂



Accepted that life has no inherent meaning and no external sky monster.


I was born and raised by non-believers. Nothing I did, but, it was my experience. I don't think that was too common in the 1960s.


Served in the Israeli Junior Army at 16 called Gadna


I got lost while climbing Popocapetl in Mexico.


Been a member of a Mennonite church


Read the entire bible and actually thought about what was in it. It's why I'm an atheist and my family is becoming fanatics.


I found a job doing something I really enjoy.


That's a long list but streaking up my high street at midnight was one


Partied with rock stars, was a #1-rated DJ, experienced unconditional love.


Gone deeper than 1000 feet in a submarine.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 8, 2018

I started my own business and sold it 35 years later.


I got to heckle Ryan Seacrest when I was on American Idol!!


Standup comedy.


Got to sit in a bar and pick the brain of an MIT Vala Victorian.


I've been purpously set on fire. I was well-prepared and right by a pond just in case things went sideways.


I hit a semi totalling my car, and did not have any serious injuries.


I gave a baby chimp a horsie ride and drew blood from a tiger when I was in high school.


Caught a shiny Pokémon.

ronak Level 5 Apr 9, 2018
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