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What's your response to "please pray for..." requests?

Quiche 3 Apr 8

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Tots and pears!


I like to show compassion without being insincere, so I just say, "Sending lots of love and warm thoughts your way," when someone is in despair. If the "please pray for..." is, let's say, good weather, or a winning team, or getting that job, or date, or that the car doesn't break down... whatever, I just say, "Good luck." 🙂


I say they are in my thoughts.


I’ll keep you in my thoughts.

And for everyone who knows me, that’s enough for them.


Anymore, I just ignore them.


Ignore them on Facebook


"I'll pray for you" or "Please pray for..." My sayings are "Thanks. I'll take all the good thoughts I can get." or "I keep you in my thoughts". All I can do is to counter with something that says I respect who they are, but to politely say "I'm not religious".


I want to say pray to whom, and then ask why? I will admit I get a little angry, it seems so ... I don't know ... wasteful!


If it is from a Facebook eFriend, I delete. In person I smile and walk away . If the person persists I tell them where to place their faith.


I get aggravated. Especially because I live in the Southern US, and it always seems like a horribly convenient thing to say to avoid talking about gun issues. I'm all for it if we're taking action to mirror those wishes, but it feels like it's often said as a verbal throwing up of the arms, saying, "what can you do?".


I had a friend on FB do this today for a migraine she's had for a week. I did not offer prayers - instead I gave her some really practical solutions. Like "Go to the ER" or "See you Dr".

In the case of someone who can't be offered advice - I'll say "I hope it gets better" or some such - because I'm not saying I'm praying for them - I'd be lying.

If they're dying and want prayers? I tell them I'll have my sister add them to her prayer group. (I have to know someone personally to make this stretch) and I do follow through. My friends know I'm atheist.

Not every on my FB does - but I bet they're going to figure it out soon.


I usually just comment something snarky about something they could actually do that would actually help that takes little effort.


I simply say "warm wishes." It rides the border of caring and passive aggressive.


I ignore all these "can I get an amen" posts on faceache, etc , as I cannot see how this helps the unfortunate person...Amen means "So be it" therefore; " xxx is 4 years old, and has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Can I get a so be it"???


A wry, bitter smile.


I just wont


I make it a habit not to attempt communication with that which does not exist. If you want something prated for then you're going to have to do it.


i got a friend who just had back surgery.. her husband posted that he was in the hospital with her. he didn't ask for 'prayers' but like every person posted that "prayers sent" or "praying now" bullshit. i posted that i'm hoping she gets better soon. but if they ask for prayers i just don't post anything. if she died then i suppose they would all post that she's in a better place or some other bullshit like that


Usually I say that I don't pray or "please don't". Most of them get it with that. But if it's said condescendingly, I snap back with something quite a bit more colorful. ?


On social media I ask if there's anything I can do to help. In real life I smile, or if pressed say I don't believe in that.

Without sounding too much like a jerk, I'm a well-liked and respected person at work and in my social circles, and will say in some situations that I'm an atheist when I don't feel it will lead to confrontations. More of us need to come out of the closet, so-to-speak. Best to start with those of us that can articulately represent atheists/agnostics in a good light.


Sending good thoughts your way.. That even sounds ridiculous.


I ignore them on facebook or lie if asked in person. The people that I actually care enough about to possibly pray for upon request would never ask it of me.


Generally I bite my tongue and say nothing. However, I've wanted to ask what they believe prayer will accomplish? Are they trying to change their god's mind?


I ignore them. My personal thoughts are simple. I'd like them to pray in one hand and $#it in the other and see which one fills first. While some people may actually ask for prayers, it is far more emotional than any practicality.


Ignore generally, but if it's some rightwing politician or similar, I point out that God clearly wants to punish the sufferer for something and who am I to stand in the way of God's judgement.

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