101 8

What is the one creature, snake, spider, rodent, bat, etc, that creeps you out the most?

When I was around 8 years old I watched an episode of Alfred Hitchcock in black and white on TV. A man was tied up and they showed rats crawling all over him and they were going to eat him. It messed me up and to this day rats are the only creature that really creeps me out.

ebdb 7 Apr 9

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101 comments (51 - 75)

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Crickets. They are roaches that can almost teleport. It broke my heart when my mind attempted to reconcile my love for Jiminy with his cricketness.

Never thought of this .. I love listening to them ..


Humans lol.
And a shark if I'm snorkeling ?


None of fascinated by how animals (including humans) behave.

There are more things in the heaven and Earth, Horatio
then are dreamt of in your philosophy.

Rather than seeing that as limiting, I see it as an affirmation that we need to keep exploring and learning.

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents


Japenese Giant Crabs... they are alien as fuck.


Snakes for me. I'm not sure why, but I think it goes back to childhood when I fell asleep under an old oak only to awake to seeing a snake crawling down it.


Snakes, especially talking ones. Earwigs,


Religious nut cases. Watch out for the God Virus, Ive seen too many fall for this trap.

I have a born again brother. I know how that works. Fortunately he got tired of trying to convert me and we get along very well. We speak on the phone every week.


swimming with sharks bigger than me...


an orange racoon hat on a human, Such as trump

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Trump is human? oh.........


Spiders, especially tarantulas. When I was a boy there was an abandoned house behind mine. It came down because new construction was going to start. It was FULL of tarantulas and they spread as they had no home. We lived in Puerto Rico and the weather is always hot but we had to keep the windows shut or they would come in the house. The situation lasted about 2-3 years and nature took care of them. Some were huge, like a tambourine. The females are much bigger than the males. I have horror stories on insects and arthropods. They had huge fangs

Wow, although they are harmless actually, would still give one the creeps. I had an encounter with a Scorpion .. a relative small one. Walked my German Shepherd and she suddenly stopped with her nose to the ground. The Scorpion was ready to attack he .. so I pulled her away and the the 'beast' came at me. I walked away and it followed me .. it was a bit unnerving, so I took a stick and kept moving it back .. boy was that thing mad. I ended up grabbing the leach and ran away ....but living in Georgia was hell as they must be the insect and roach haven of the world. They were as large as my thumb. It's funny, I can pick up June bugs and love the beautiful green glittering beetles . but these 'tanks' were unholy.



BD66 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Snakes only because I was bitten by a rattlesnake when I was three and I can't remember much about being three, but I remember that day very well. I saw the rattlesnake while playing in my backyard and I decided it would be fun to pick it up. Not a good move at all.

It left you with a 'phobia' understandable !


Donald Trump

Hahahaaaa ..

@gemini31 The real joke is that the American people elected him President.....or maybe it was the Russians???


As I say all the time, humans are the worst.

dkp93 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Two tongued Politician, White Coated Physician, Black Robed Judicrant, Skin headed Guntoter, White Robed Crossburner, Blindeyed Lawenforcer, Songsinging Biblethumper.

Excellent .. why did I not think of this !


Roaches, but just the German ones. Madagascar riachs are cool. I love spiders, snakes and have had pet rats

I hate roaches. I'm not scared of them, I just think they are gross.

Funny, there are no cockroaches in Germany, never seen one there, yet you have German ones here ? Amazing!

@gemini31 weird, hundred. I wonder why they call them that?


I have a snake phobia. I live in SC but I'm originally from Hawaii where we have no snakes!

Lani Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

Spiders. No contest.

I just found this little guy riding in the work truck, he’s in a bush now 🙂

@NothinnXpreVails jumping spiders are so adorable!


Bats scare the crap out of me-not wild about rodents either. My daughter had pet rats.


If I had to pick one, I'd have to say botflies. While interesting, they're creepy as hell. The larvae are parasitic to mammals, including one species that is known to infest humans. They burrow into the skin where they grow, eventually emerge, and drop off ready to pupate (which they do in soil.)


Dudes wearing a witch's hat.



None. I see the beauty in all things -- even rocks. If any creature approaches me, I simply remove it to a different location.

When I see a spider in the bathtub .. (oh yes, the window is open without a screen, to the garden, so they gain access) I take a dish towel and pick it up gentle, so not to hurt, take it outside and bid it farewell ..I can't kill ! My father always said: ' If you like to live, so do other creatures, don't kill"


Actually, no animal, bird, insect, reptile creeps me .. only the homo sapien I detest collectively.

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